Message from the guy who cleared 140 on PTR


Barb-only players also have to deal with other players that farm tons of paragon in other classes.

Monk-only players also have to deal with other monk players that farm paragon in other classes

WD only players also have to deal with other WD players that go farm paragon in other classes.

So I don’t understand this complaint of yours about the meta.

This paragon issue is not exclusive to DH.


No. Because they have meta group 5 seconds after logging in. They are not missing on any exp if they are willing to play.

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Like I said this problem isn’t exclusive to DH.

Plenty of Barb-only players dont enjoy having to make a zdps character, and they also “miss out on paragon”.

So like I said before if you feel that you need paragon to compete with other players then unfortunately you have to make an xp farmer to do it.

Whether you have to roll a zdps barb, znec, rat dps necro, whatever. The class isnt actually relevant.

It is your own personal choice to play DH and nothing else.


Paragon farming is endgame. All classes should be included in endgame don’t you think?

If some classes are out of the endgame for years it rises a question why they even exist.


Ask Blizzard what they think the end game is or should be, not me.

My point is that your problem with paragon systems and the XP farming meta is not tied to classes, but to forced roles that have appeared as the way the xp meta has come about.

So if DH has no spot in the xp meta then that’s simple coincidence and has no relevance at all with inter class balance.


If you followed Blizzcon and D4 news you could see that Devs put big emphasis on the idea of “changing meta after each season”.

If some class is out of meta for 2 seasons in a row that’s maybe ok. But if some class is out of meta for 17 seasons in a row that is a disaster. That is not coincidence that is a disaster.

There are much bigger problems with this game than F…ing Rend nerf.

Frankly I don’t think the developers or anyone at Blizzard understands “the meta” well enough to make meaningful changes.

My broader point is that if the best way to farm paragon is 3 necros and a Barb then that’s pure coincidence.

Plenty of Barbs absolutely hate Zbarb and refuse to make one, as a result they are low paragon and can’t compete with p8000 Barbs who farm Xp on other classes or with a Zbarb.

I agree with you that it sucks and Blizzard isn’t versed enough to fix these issues but that’s what it is.

Ideally everyone should participate in any meta both as dps or zdps, but Blizzard makes yo-yo balance changes to most of their games and there is never any balance which is why there’s never any variety.


If they nerf rend or not it does not change anyone’s ability to compete Vs other barbs on solo LBs. But it could potentially change meta. And that is my point whole this time.

That is why forum’s are burning now.

Barbs are in meta right now with build some don’t like to play. Other classes are not in meta with any kind of build.

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You mean if Barb Rend is able to dps for xp runs instead of Rathma Necros?

That wouldn’t change anything honestly, it just means Rend Barbs now dps on xp runs instead of playing a Zbarb.

As for the 4player push meta Rend will never compete with Wizard dps or Rgk builds.

To make DH be able to farm xp they’d need a zdps or a Dps build.

The two problems aren’t mutually exclusive, you should advocate for DH solutions.


For me it could. I could kill boss in that kind of runs.

If Crusader is new RGK… After unconfirmed buffs, DH will be compleatly out of any efficient 4 man GRs.

We should look at thing from a broader perspective.

That is why we should advocate for bigger party size in D4.

Yeah but this is a game from 2012 they aren’t going start expanding the game like that now. Certainly not to 6 or 8 players.

As for RGK yes, Crusader RGK makes DH completely irrelevant in 150s.

But again your problem is with Blizzard not doing anything about DH.

This really has nothing to do with Barb or Rend.

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So you should be advocating for lamentation to stay at 200% because then DH can do exp meta with rend barb. Therefore the nerf to rend does matter for you as a DH.

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I am not shortsighted or selfish. I want balance for all.

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Priorities? Everyone was pissed with Diablo Immortal even if they are not going to play it.

Huh? What’s this have to do with Diablo Immortal?

Nothing at all.

As the above poster said if you want DH to recieve changes, advocate for those changes.

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And rend buff is a step toward balace for all. With 3 exp metas only sader and wd would be left to bring into the xp runs

That is ok. I was up for barb buffs and more damage options. Buff on PTR was too much btw.

That was an example of people getting pissed because something they want was not priority for Blizzard.

If class is out of meta/endgame for 17 seasons and they don’t do anything to fix it I think their priorities are bad.

Unfortunately they only seem to focus on solo balance not group meta. Thats why rats has been king since season 11.

Lol considering DHs pushed very hard to nerf rend barb in PTR, I overjoyed to see crusader to be buffed to demolish DHs out of meta.


Also, this is an ARPG. Why it is so difficult to understand? Not an MMORPG. ZDPs has no place in this game.

For this you have to buff the classes’ damage potential to similar levels. But this MMORPG generation does not get this.