Where are the DH players?

That’s as good as segue into my idea about the hatred dump thing I posted earlier. I mentioned this in the thread suggesting my idea about the new set…

But I thought that the hatred dump idea would fit right in with a set with a Angel of Hope theme.

I mean, the new sets have had angelic themes and if you dump all your hatred (and possibly discipline too) then you might be left with something resembling hope or faith.

I hadn’t thought of that when I made the proposal but it did come to me a day or two later.

It was a cool thought so I thought I’d share it again.

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That is a cool concept, how long would that buff last again?

Well, I would figure, since it would it require you to use the blood vengeance passive for the bonus to Hatred, even if you don’t use Seethe, the health globe generated by the destruction of mobs would pretty much fill your hatred, so getting spike traps and caltrops out again would come pretty quickly but even at that, the damage resistance could last maybe 5 or 10 seconds after your spike traps were set off.

I don’t really know though. If FoK got every rune, you’d also have Bladed Armor for a bit which would help.

Dh sets
Shadow: funny, needs more damage to be a rgk
Nat: funny, needs help with the stacks for keep the bonus to be a trash killer
Marauder: funny, needs a loot of help
UE: extremely funny, maybe the bonus can be apply in more skills like chakram and elemental arrow
LoD: More power for fan of knives and maybe spikes or caltrops
Zdh support: maybe a way to pull or regen hp of team, support builds is the best way for low level people to join in teams, make at least 1 build for every class

Rebuilt passives like
Steady aim
Night stalker

Maybe a when you pick a globe you obtain +xxx% of damage or cd

Sorry bad english

If Blizzard reads this thread how about fixing the shadow DH acquiring a decent holy point shot that always has some increased impale damage with the 2.6.8 patch release? Too late for the ptr. Also consider some other simple enhancements that could help DH be more competitive. Thanks in advance.

I like my DH community friends and family <3. Can’t give up because of you.

You said it well:

@Rage Barb player

No that was shot at DH’s who are fighting for BALANCE. I don’t expect from you, Free, Meteorblade and other main Barb players on this topic to not be biased when it come to Barbs performance.

You did WAY more on defending Barb than you did on asking for DH buffs. You wanted your main to be OP and DH was not important for you.

You never asked for any nerfs… You never asked for any balance. I did not see you propose anything for DH and I don’t expect you to do so as main Barb player. All I saw is you attacking people who are asking for balance.

I for example was asking for balance. That means Buffs and Nerfs. You are offended by existence of players who ask for balance.

When Lamentation was 200%:

When I was speaking about how DH’s absence from META groups is hurting the class it was viewed as attack on Barbs… Even if discussion was on general forum about general topic. Whole topic was infested with so many Barb main players.

Can you please stop helping DH community the way you did so far???
If you really wanted DH to do better (and I know that you really don’t care that much) YOU failed as much as anyone else here.

You are calling out other people to do something that YOU never did. You did not help DH community at all.

I did more for your Barb main than you did for DH.

When barbs got what they asked for on PTR:

When Lamentation was temporarily nerfed to 0%.

I asked for FAIR. I guess that was the problem.


Really no need to write about what I asked for DH class. Spike trap? People who really care about DH and participated in DH sub forum know what I asked for.

It is enough to link this:

I called it… I knew we are going to be last.

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Another part of the idea about the Fan of Knives/Spike Trap/Caltrops set was to give us an item, possibly Archfiend Arrows, with the affix, “Spike Traps gains the Scatter Rune”.

Getting three spike out at the same time, if the bonus to defense from having them out is say 15% per trap would be a 45% damage resistance as soon as the traps were deployed and with Bladed Armor still active it would be a 62% damage resistance. And with enough cooldown reduction you would have all the traps out possibly before Bladed Armor expired.

Like I said, I’m not a math wizard, so all these figures could be wrong. But I think we’d be able to survive the seconds until we got all five (I’d like it more if it six) spike traps deployed but I could be completely and totally wrong about that.

After many proposals where made for Spike Trap:

I’m thinking it wouldn’t be anymore complicated than S2/M2 FoK build we had a few years ago, especially if FoK is part of the set.

That build was basically tied to Sharpshooter for the 100% Crit Chance, which meant other than when you were fighting the RG, you wouldn’t be attacking with anything. You’d instead be gathering mobs to kill all at the same time on the Lightning cycle of CoE with Fan of Knives. When it came to the RG, then you’d use bola to build Bane of the Stricken stacks and then kill her with a single Fan of Knives as well. In addition, it would also use the same defensive tactics that LoD Rapid Fire uses. Instead of vaulting out of danger you would use Smoke Screen and Shadow Power to evade damage and/or quickly get from pack to pack.

I’m pretty confident that if a player can play LoD Rapid Fire, they’d be able to play this set.

Could be wrong about that though.

I defended Barbs against one particular person who had a very clear agenda, despite what he liked to say. If you disagree with the way I went about that, that’s ok. I don’t think less of those who disagree with me. Can you say the same?

There’s a few large assumptions in that one sentence. Don’t do that.

You’re right here about the proposal, but then I also didn’t propose anything for Barbs. But I did lend a voice of support to those Barbs who did make the proposals.

I would absolutely do the same for DH’s. (Or any other class that so needed).

Again, I took issue with one person who wasn’t calling for balance, he maintained a sustained campaign that was a clear agenda to do nothing but get Barbs nerfed.

When Lamentation got dropped to 0%, he basically disappeared from the forums. When it went back to 150% his campaign started again. Despite continued calls for him to help weaker classes, he did nothing of the sort.

Now he’s been publicly slapped down by a blue, he’s gone from 50 posts a day to basically having disappeared again. And still not a single post in support of weaker classes.

Show me the posts calling for DH buffs, I will absolutely support it.

Show me the posts calling for DH nerfs, I will absolutely tell them they’re wrong. Same as I did for Barbs.

Look, I don’t want to argue with you. I want your game to be better and fun as well. I want you to have a group spot, if you want one. I want you to be able to push high GRs solo, if you want to.

I’m not a theory crafter, I don’t know if it’s legendary changes, or set changes that need to be made to make DH’s better. There are people with much more DH knowledge than me that would be better off making a proposal.

Show me that proposal, and I will absolutely stand with DH’s and fight to make the game better for them.

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No one stopped you from visiting DH forums… but yet you posted more on Barb forums.

And I understand you. There are only few of us stubborn enough to no quit on class that is performing like crap for too long now.

I am still really pissed at Blizzard. I asked for permanent ban cause I don’t see point of posting anything on forums anymore. If you get neglected and ignored for so long… you start to question yourself are you an idiot if you don’t give up.

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And also on the general forums, because those were the boards where most of the Barb debates were happening.

I applaud you for your dedication to the one class. I’ve seen people call you nuts and take shots at you for limiting yourself to one class. I have no issue with it, you like what you like, and you want it to be better.

Fly your flag. :+1:t2:

Hey I get it. Barbs were the neglected whipping boys for so long, I think that what caused so much of the rage when they finally got buffed, only to have it taken away again.

I’m not joking, I want you to have fun in the game you play.

I hope you don’t get banned, and you get to see the day those buffs come in for DH’s.

I asked for it… they failed with that also.

On positive note: last to get patch stays in meta longest?

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Lol yay for positive steps


I’ve not played group meta’s, mostly as my play time is so sporadic.

I am told that zBarb is very boring to play though.

No. zBarb is arguably the most important person in party. You need to know so much. Really challenging to play. It is actually the only challenging build to play in 4 mans. There is always place for good zBarb in any 4 man group. If you have good Wiz and zBarb rest is really easy to find.

Sounds interesting, I did look into it once, but yeah, lack of group availability made it not worth pursuing.

Is that the Bazooka wiz that needs macros to be played well?

Yes. It is really hard to play without macros… the hardest. That is why almost everyone is using macro/scripts. With macro it is really easy. no brainer… you are just moving around… and whole skill rotation is performed by script. You stay at spot prepared by Barb, where zMonk is healing you… and point with mouse where you want damage to be done.

One with the best gear and biggest paragon gets the party. Skill does not matter so much. Most decisions are made by zBarb.

Ok, that sounds really boring :joy: