Message from the guy who cleared 140 on PTR

This kind of decisions need to be made eatly in development and stick to during games life span.

I have read only about 20% of posts in this topic and I don’t like the general trend.

(I’m sorry for my bad English and hope you’ll understand what I want to say)

Darkpatator did nothing wrong - he just played the game.
For example, in some countries people often say to a girl “It’s your blame you’ve been harassed because your clothes are too sexual”… It sounds wrong, don’t it?
If you think that the reaction for his 140 clearing was inadequate then blame those who produced that “inadequate reaction”.

As to the nerf itself… I don’t think it’s so bad.
Yes, it’s bad when you reason from “barb vs others” point of view. But it’s good when you reason from “barb vs barb” point of view. The last time I checked S18 EU leaderboard there were 7 different builds on the first page and 4 players who did 125+ used 4 different builds. Compare it with other classes that have just one build on the first page. Do you really want one-build-ladder for barbs?


People around here will take any excuse to go feral. It’s not just the barbarian players.

I’m pretty excited to run a barbarian this season. If anything, I’m more upset that I feel compelled to play crusader for the new set than I am upset that barbarian won’t meet some arbitrary end-game quota.

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Damn yes!
Couldnt agree more

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The problem is the developers consider top clears when they balance. This is of course wrong approach. We have stated this to them couple of times. Unfortunately, it is falling on deaf ears. Darkpatator did not do anything wrong, but the people designing this game has the wrong balance concept. That is why most barb players are afraid to even complete a GR in a PTR. Whenever, we gave proper and complete feedback, the outcome has always been a nerf. So people like to keep quiet now.

Their balancing concept is ruining every possible experience.

Do you suggest giving no feedback to new patches (don’t play ptr) or do you suggest giving fake feedback to new patches (play on ptr but don’t finish GR)?

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The argument you’ve been spewing on the forums, however, has an inherent flaw. The 99% of players you’re talking about pandering to don’t even play the whole season long, which means the higher echelon of rifts isn’t even a thought for them. Even in a much more realistic percentage of, say, 80% of players, this holds true.

This may be short-sighted of me, because I don’t understand the insistent chase of an arbitrary, garbage pseudo-infinite endgame progression, but what IS the importance of this loss? I understand the math, and I understand a frustration in being behind Wizards (which has been an issue for more than just Barbarians in the past) but why are you guys at death-threat levels?

I stopped caring long ago. Just a glimmer of hope. But they are mocking the players and it is frustrating. only 1 % is above 125. I have been explaining this for 3 years. Only Don Vu really listened the community. S12 was a dream come true. But same old same old again.

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I can’t imagine what seems like mockery is intentional. The only developer I can recall having an ego enough to do something like that had the initials JW.

I’m not going to pretend Diablo 3 is in some ascendant state of perfection, but I also don’t think Blizzard wants to abandon their Diablo 3 fans. Especially now, on the heels of a Diablo 4 announcement.

Who’s to say whether its intentional or not? All we receive are highly curated and vague messages fromdevs regarding their intentions.

Not that intention matters. Everytime there’s something positive on the horizon for Barb, it get snuffed out. Maybe given back later when its mostly useless with a message of ‘well, maybe next time we wont screw you over’.


The point is more to let tension die down a bit instead of being so up in arms every time something doesn’t go your way. This forum (as a whole, not marking every individual) has a habit of going absolutely ballistic at the drop of a hat. We could really do without all that. I imagine it’d be a lot easier to take constructive feedback more seriously that way, too.

And I know that someone’s going to say ‘we don’t go feral until we’re ignored’ but that is just verifiably false.

When something actually does go barbs way, people might actually chill.

But its been literally years of exclusively zdps in groups and weak builds relying on jank/bugged mechanics to compensate for solo pushes.


LoL, Barb community is hilarious. Guy pushes 140(with little effort) and the build is obviously OP and not good for multiplayer competitive play. Barbs did t only compete against Barbs, they compete against everyone in multiplayer scoreboards. S18 sucked because if you didn’t have the OP Wiz you couldn’t compete. I would want all classes to have the same power to give players option, and NOT any class being better then anyone else. I am glad they nerfed the WIZ back to reality and am equally glad they didn’t allow OP Barb to go live with proposed changes. If you think WW Barb isn’t the best Barb build and doesn’t put it on par with the nerfed WIZ and nerfed Necro then IMO you are wrong. Maybe my assumption is wrong that things are more equal, I guess we will find out in a couple months.


Eh, he had at least double dmg compared to normal seasonal character (around 7k paragon levels, which means 35k strenght if it scales without diminishing returns, while with full primals and maxed out Caldessans despair on all of them with 3k paragon you can have 37007 str due to d3planner). His dmg was also 3 times higher due to 200% lamentation multi. This puts seasonal barb to around GR132 (as reference, highest GR for s18 barb WORLD was 130 on EU server, check diablo3ladder ), while WD (has no change, so a good referential material) cleared 6 GR higher in s18. Think about it and let that sink in.

On the other hand, I see why it needs to be nerfed based on mechanical skill required, as you just hold one button through all rift/grift/bounty while having a good speed. Still, Lamentation should have stayed at 50% increased dmg of Rend putting Barb at gr135 ,imo.

Not true.

Actually, it’s a gross mischaracterization of us. When we rally and “go ballistic,” there’s a reason for it. Many reasons, actually, not the least is the total ignoring of the most liked and replied thread in General Discussion failing to make an impact on the development team.

Who is “we?” For whom do you speak?

You’re welcome to your opinion, but I doubt it’s going to find much traction here. The Barb community has been given slap in the Saffron Wrap after slap in the Saffron Wrap over the years, and we’re more than fed up. You really don’t get it because you’re really not a part of the community. But you feel entitled to come and tell us all our shortcomings?


I’ll be making a post about that later today. You’ll know then.

Uh uh. No.

Wizards, Necros, WDs, and DHs are all at 140 or higher. Wizards will still be there post nerf. Necros I’m less sure about, but that’s their problem. 140 is the new solo standard for top non-Season clears.

With Lamentation at 200%, Barbs would be there. With 150% or 100%, Barbs might have been very close.

With Lamentation at 0%?

Well, you see where I’m going. Anyway, with regards to Dark, let me put it this way. If you’re as experienced as him, and have been playing Barb at such a high level for such a long time, and know so much about the game, and know the history of Barbs and PTRs and nerfs anytime we’re powerful, and you still claim that you didn’t know that pushing in PTR could get the build nerfed, you’re either lying or absolutely ignorant.

He knew what he was doing and didn’t care. He was streaming and having fun and trying to entertain his audience. He likely didn’t think about it too deeply. Maybe he even believed he couldn’t clear it. But he did. And he recorded it.

He 100% knew what he was doing, and he 100% knew the potential consequences.

He didn’t nerf the belt, but his clear definitely factored into their justification for doing so.


And does a guy who uses traps with 10k of paragon say so? Go fxxk you man!

Are you aware this is the 4th time this has been done to Barbs? I can’t imagine you would be having said what you said. No class has had the rug pulled out from under them nearly as much, or often, as barbarian. This round of complaints, and the near 2k response thread that came with it, is due to 5 years of being treated like this. It’s beyond justified.

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It was a PTR build, it was for testing, and never an official test note, you lost nothing. Get over it, Barbs will still be super viable in S19.

How do you define “super viable”?

Because I got news for ya…

define super viable? cause zdps ain’t it.