[Main Thread] Windows 19041 - Freezing for 5-10 seconds

Blizzard please fix!


Something that might help people that can’t get the .dll working is make sure you’re putting it in the x64 folder in the main diablo folder if you are using the 64 bit version. I was a little blind and didn’t notice it! Hope this helps anyone coming here trying to figure out why it’s not working possibly!

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Like all others in this thread, I have been experiencing this 5-10 sec freezing issue when playing Diablo 3 since June of 2020 in Season 21 and Season 22. Almost every 1-3 minutes or so (it happened intermittently at random) without fail, the game client would freeze for a few seconds and I’ve been putting up with this for over a year… and I think I may have found something that ‘mitigates’ it completely, so I wanted to share in case this holds true after hours more of testing…

All I did was set the Sound Channels to Lowest (16) and made sure to close any Edge (Chromium) or Chrome browsers, as well as any sound applications like Spotify when playing the game… after doing this and a dozen GR70’s over a 20 minute testing period, the game hasn’t frozen a single time for me… I actually got mixed test results when trying to listen to music to Spotify in the background when playing (as I usually always do this when I play) and wonder if that may be a possible root cause somehow… so I just closed Spotify to be safe (and instead played Spotify on my PC speakers from my phone via casting / Airplay tech :slight_smile:)

I’m cautiously optimistic this may have resolved it, but I don’t want to count my eggs before they hatch - I still need to play for several more hours to make sure this ‘holds’ true… I will update this post if I find it freezing again after a certain period of time playing & testing.

I saw @ SilverFox mention setting the CPU affinity and @Lynki’s suggestion to turn the in game Sound Channels to the lowest setting to reduce lag**

Personally, I tested setting the affinity to CPUs 0 and 1 and didn’t notice any freezing… but I didn’t like the idea of throttling my CPU or limiting it to just a few cores/threads if the game can use more [that could result in higher FPS?)]… regardless, I wanted to try some other things suggested earlier in this thread besides setting the CPU affinity and besides modifying the fmod dll as many have suggested… just to see if I can play with sound and not throttle my CPU - to have my cake and eat it too!

**While the lag not the same as this long-standing 5-10 seconds freezing bug (some people were reporting doing this to help with the Firebirds Mirror Image lag also), I decided to give it a try since the main root cause of the freezing bug seems to be related to integrated Realtek sound cards in and the in game sound (and/or sound card drivers, Windows updates to sound - or any number of root causes related related to in-game sound).

[edit] after hours more of testing, I started to see freezing again. The only work around that works (outside of replacing the DLL every time) is setting the CPU affinity to cores 0 and 1…

I tried the lower sound channels, and it did help a little. Still getting freezes, just way less frequently. The sound quality gets really bad sometimes though.

I refuse to play without sound using the other .dll, and I also refuse to not have other sound programs in the background, since I’m assuming discord falls under that category. And I also like to veg out to some music while I play D3 sometimes when I’m playing by myself. If I can’t use that stuff while I play D3, then I just won’t play D3 before I play without those.

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This is still happening 7 months later. In doing research, the file version that the game uses is 0.43.xx. The current file version for fmodex64 is 0.45.xx. Not sure if that would make a difference, but it is worth pointing out. I did not have a chance to get a debug file because I noticed that the D3 folder was in my PFx64 folder and not x86. I’ve reinstalled to the x86 folder and will retry after dinner.

Has there been any update in the 7 months since this post? A suggestion would be to update the fmodex.dll files to their current versions. It could also be a product of a recent HDMI audio driver update from AMD that went from 21.2.3 to 21.3.2. That is when my crash started happening. I will update if there is another crash.

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Well I have to say Good Bye to my beloved Wizard because of that annoying bug. Thx Blizzard.

2021.04.06 05:44:25.826806000	FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms
2021.04.06 05:44:28.996575100	FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms
2021.04.06 05:44:32.168774600	FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms
2021.04.06 05:44:32.344562800	>>> COPKA BnetGuild::RequestGuildNewsList_TryRequestNow guildId=225648 wasNewNewsAvailable=0 isUserInitiated=0 waitedMs=0
2021.04.06 05:44:32.345297400	SendGuildMessage hero:COPKA id:150 attribute { name: "Version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name: "CustomMessageId" value { int_value: 150 } } attribute { name: "CustomMessage" value { message_value: "\010\360\342\r\020\230\306\205\364\360\374\365\247\t" } } attribute { name: "CustomMessageDestination" value { uint_value: 1 } } attribute { name: "GuildShard" value { int_value: 8 } } count:22
2021.04.06 05:44:35.815626200	FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms
2021.04.06 05:44:38.990035700	FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms

Imgur - /a/NZXjjla

I came here too because i’m having issues in multiplayer specifically public greater rifts. every 5 secs or so i get a lock up for a couple secs. its not very playable for me and I dont recall having this issues before last windows update.

So I use the “CPU” workaround and sound channel to 16.
I am a hardcore player. Haven’t freezed yet and played >10 hours.
Even did high push GRs (including a 3P GR130).
So it seems working for me [fingers crossed].
I only had 1 D3 crash in a T16 rift but this is not “freeze lag related”.

Note: if I do encounter freeze lags I will update this message.

Still having issues after replacing file via provided link. I was able to replace the fmodex64.dll in the (x64) folder, but the one at the root directory of D3 (fmodex.dll) I don’t have a replacement for. I assumed it wouldn’t use this file, that it would default to the x64 version, but upon trying to delete this file while in game, it said that the game was currently using it (the 32 bit version). Do I have to replace both versions?

I don’t understand why after at least a year this still hasn’t been fixed. We shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to play this game like this.


This still happens, and it’s unacceptable for a AAA game that’s been out for this much time,to leave a well known bug (a full year) to go rampant and ignore your customer’s request for an official fix.

Actually DO BETTER. Don’t just SAY you’ll do better “for the press” and then leave your products to rot, just like you did with War3 Refunded and HoTS.


If the bat doenst work for you, then your folders are not in c:\

This is how it works for me (u need the drive in the first line):

cd F:\Diablo III\x64
copy /Y “F:\Diablo III\x64\fmodex64.dll.new” “F:\Diablo III\x64\fmodex64.dll”
cd F:\Battle.net
Battle.net.exe --exec=“launch D3”

Posting here to +1 that replacing the file worked for me, and removed all of the freezing/stuttering I was experiencing. Thanks for everyone that helped to figure that out.

I was really looking forward to trying out the new follower system this season, but it’s absolutely embarrassing that an issue like this still exists, and that the only way to play the game reliably is through a community-created batch file, and with no sound.

Actually cringe, Blizzard.


Hey all,

the fxmod file on google drive posted on top is still correct? I am asking because it is almost two years old.

Another questions regarding the bat file. Should I double click it or should it be only in the diablo 3 folder with the correct values entered? I am really new in these stuff…

I wouldn’t download a .dll from another users gdrive. Either a .bat file or powershell script should be able to perform a copy and replace of the .dll file on your own machine. I’ll see if I can share my script here later.

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Shame on you Blizzard. This problem has been there for almost a year and you still haven’t fixed it?


This issue is happening for me, none of the other tips worked… but the .bat file does, thankyou! Some tips for others:

  1. I made the .bat file in a text editor like notepad, then renamed it in a dos prompt, im sure there are other methods if you look online.
  2. IMPORTANT: The .bat file needs to be in the x64 folder with those 2 files (otherwise nothing happens). I then made a shortcut to it on my desktop.
  3. The best way is to now open the Battlet Net Client and if prompted you need to ‘Update’ D3 as it will detect any previous file changes (there is no other option), then run the .bat file, and it will copy the file (the client wont re-check) & the .bat will launch the game.

Cool this has been an issue for over a year and it just killed my HC character… Glad to know blizz still cares about their games.


Dead hc hero.
60 ms 37 ms 37 ms pr01.eqfr5.blizzardonline. net []
8 3144 ms 1488 ms 879 ms ae1-br01-eqfr5.as57976. net []

Dead server D3

And after that they write that we have problems ??? Maybe all the same crooked handles from blizzard engineers. Which cannot configure the network.

So here are my steps for the fmodex64.dll replacement (all on your own machine, with your own scripts):

  1. Disabled automatic updates to D3 in bnet settings, download section.
  2. Copied “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64\fmodex64.dll” to a different (user chosen) location. This location will store the old backup of fmodex64.dll and a copy from our other game (either Hearthstone or Starcraft2).
  3. Copy the file from Hearthstone or Starcraft2 into the same folder. My Starcraft2 .dll was found: “C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support64\fmodex64_4_44_23.dll”.
  4. Now create the powershell script file by creating a .txt and renaming the extension to .ps1.
  5. Edit the .ps1 file with a test editor, replacing with your chosen location. As shown, the script deletes the old file if it exists, and copies the hearthstone or starcraft2 .dll file from our user chosen location:

Remove-Item -Path “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64\fmodex64.dll”
Copy-Item “<user chosen location>\fmodex64_4_44_23.dll” -Destination “C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64\fmodex64.dll”

  1. Open battle.net app.
  2. Run this script by selecting “Run with Powershell”
  3. Run/open D3.

This allows you to run without this freezing issue, but as mentioned from many commenters above, removes in game sound.

We typically have to run the script every time before starting D3 because the battle.net app likes to replace the .dll file on occasion.