List of Major Problems on PTR so far

This evening I beat GR125 with Multishot and was like wow, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Earlier today I made a CC3 Hammerdin @ 31k str, GR120 was pretty easy, but i’d be a stretch to clear higher than GR125 at my paragon.

Meanwhile, my LoD Blessed Shield consistently solos GR125, every attempt is a win.

What should i expect to clear with the PTR WW/Rend? Do you think 7 or 10 more GRs than Multishot?

I am sorry, it is surely my fault not to read the reason for your “NO”; I mean the info that supports "…roughly doing 80% more damage… Could you be kind and clear it up?

so many BA DUM TISSS!

So many dunks.

Me likey.

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Just a little FYI. Pretty sure Lexyu or someone tested barb in a 4man and they crashed due to lag around 130gr.

The new ww barb is basically solo only. I think I saw a video of FIlthy Casual testing group speeds with 2 ww barbs, barb support and monk support. I doubt it can be done in 2 minutes like rat runs, but it could be some off meta fun.

Wow, MissCheetah is using programming code " != ":

in coding language it means " not equal ".

I’m very impressed MissCheetah!

I know you are not a coder, but you used a programmers agrument! Nice!

Probably because this is the PTR feedback thread where they’re asking for player feedback and the barb updates were in the PTR.

Also, I don’t see too many “save wizards” threads or “save necros” threads. It’s as if people realized those builds were OP or broken.

At this point I really don’t care if barb is nerfed or not. I’m sure the changes will be a vast improvement either way. What’s discouraging is how some people that believe they represent the entirety of the “barb community” are abusive and toxic to anybody with a different opinion than there’s.

  1. Not everybody who wants lamentation brought down from 200% to 100% hates barbs (and that change is the one that is most often mentioned/recommended). In fact, I main barb on my switch.
  2. I think, from what I’ve actually read, most people’s concern with the ww rend build isn’t the top end power. It’s the fact that it is a one glove fits all build - a universal soldier, so to speak. Every other class other than barb (if ptr changes go through) and the now nerfed vrytodos typically use at least two different builds for farming, neph rifts, bounties, and then gr pushing. Not just one build that’s the best at everything.
  3. Low end power - at the opposite of the top spot is the bottom spot on the ladder. In 7 days of testing and a smaller talent pool than non -ptr season play the barb’s leaderboards lowest spot was 110, no augments and low paragon. Obviously the seasonal buff helped this, but even so, in season with an unnerfed barb and a nerfed seasonal theme that level will still almost certainly be higher than 110 to get on the leaderboards once augmenting and practice come into play. The barb benefited from the seasonal buff but that buff was also available to the monks and crusaders that were being tested and they still performed horribly (and the crusader set was an AoE skill that made manipulating the 15 kill streak bonus rudimentary) - so it definitely was not the seasonal buff doing ALL the work. For comparison, necro leader board in season right now with a buff that is highly beneficial to the necros mobility is gr 100 at the 1k leaderboard spot. In essence - some people feel that it simply starts off too strong compared to other classes.

Again, I really don’t see anybody saying “roflstomp the barb into the ground” like some peoples reactions would seem to indicate. Many of the pro-ptr barb advocates’ needlessly caustic responses and attacks (calling anybody that disagrees with them a troll, telling anybody that disagrees with them in a feedback thread to stop posting, etc) are just fueling the fire and making people fight harder against the ptr-barb rollout if anything, definitely not helping.

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Also, there has not been exact balance between all sets/classes during D3’s history.

Recently, the last few seasons.

It is always at stake

You are your own fun police

Incorrect, pre 2.0 barb and original wastes barb stood out.

I’m stoked for barb buffs, just don’t go all caps claiming to speak for all barbs

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Original Wastes Barbarian didn’t really stand out. It required a lot of fishing and was extremely tedious to play on single target. Pre 2.0 Barb was like 5.5 years ago… come on man…


Please take a lot of this feedback with a grain of salt. I played the PTR steadily throughout the week and I found this to be one of the best upcoming seasons yet. I am not a fan of the Barb, and have never played the class in the past for two reasons, 1) it was never a top tier build and 2) the toon’s are horrible in that you have a choice of an old man or a fat woman. I tried the barb this PTR and found it to be a fun build that now can compete with the top tier builds making it viable. Yes, a player reached GR140, but he was also at Paragon Level 10548. Most of us that play legit will never reach that. Although I am not a Barb player, I find that this buff is a plus for the build and nerfing it would be a mistake as it will then again be placed as a sub par build as it ALWAYS has been previously.
I also like the power of the angels! I do find it very difficult to get the timing right with the RG, and that is what will make the season challenging and fun.

Bottom Line:
PLEASE do not nerf anything! People that i have talked to are looking forward to this season with a high enthusiasm as it is fun the way it is. Nerfing everything (especially a build that has never been a top tier) is not the way to go.
I could never understand those the intention of those people requesting nerfs. I think they are just lonely people that want to be heard. Keep the season as it was designed. You did an excellent job and I will look forward to playing. Thank you!


Six pack abs, defined quads, good biceps, waist narrower than bust / hips. The female barbarian is not fat, she’s a gym hottie…


People who ask for other classes nerfs = trash.

Change my mind.


Well, I did not read every post here, but let me give my thinking about this:

I don’t see the point into Nerfing Barbs, or any nerf.

Even if I don’t play barb, I don’t care. The only thing I worry about is about fun. Can I push in GR with my class? Can I group for 4 man in GR?

Nerf only takes out some viable builds out of the META, when the game lacks a lot diversity about viable builds.
It’s never a viable answer if you take this option in mind. I want to be able to do 4 man push with any class and set, with build variability. Nerfing only breaks this.

I am just a little sad, as a DH/Wiz/Nec player, to have nothing new. Not even a little tweak around a less played set, or a tweak on some legendaries, which does’nt take many time if you think about it…
(Like Up tornado blade, electrocute for LoN etc…)

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:balance_scale: I been hearing all this talk about how D3 needs to be balanced. Well, there was a time long long ago in the deepest chambers of Sanctuary, when all Classes and all Builds were perfectly balanced… it lasted for about a half an hour after launch and Diablo III has been perfectly and totally unbalanced ever since. :balance_scale::crazy_face:

I see no reason to ask for a nerf to Barbarians, they’re squishy power houses with WW build. Any nerf would arrive in 2-3 seasons after Barbarian Set reveal, if you hope to see any. PTR closed without any changes, take a hint.

As far as “balance” argument goes, it’s ridiculous. What balance? New Barbarian Set haven’t revealed yet and we don’t know what sorta hybrid spec await other Barbarian builds. Additionally people haven’t tested Seismic enough. Worried that WW-Rend can be the best? Yeah, it can be, so what?
When next Barbarian Set revealed, HotA, Frenzy and Seismic can see some buffs or even traditional Sets may have more alternative hybrid playstyle with new crafted Sets as well. You can have more diversity, until that time let Barbarians enjoy their new toy.

The only argument you can have here the effort-coordination requirement and looking at the plvl gaps of given examples, whole argument is just hot air. Any 5k plvl Rend Barb won’t be able to push as far as a bazooka Wiz at same plvl unless they meticulously fish for it.
If a 10k plvl Barb cleared GR140 yet next day got topped by GR146 by a Wiz, that’s a clear indication that Wizard still can deal double damage compared to a Barbarian. You’re most welcome.


For anyone who reads the entirety of my post #91 in this thread, I talked about the top GR clear where I compared the current live era (combining America/Europe/Asia) versus the PTR barb non-season top clear.

Importantly that was point #1. That post also had point #2.

  1. There is 3X the number of players who cleared GR 126 with barbs on the PTR than the current America era leaderboards for demon hunters.
  2. There is 4X the number of players who cleared GR 126 with barbs on the PTR than the current America era necromancer leaderboard.
  3. There is 7X the numbers of players who cleared GR 126 with barbs on the PTR than the current America era necromancer leaderboard.
  4. The only class the exceeds PTR barbs in GR 126 comparison to the current era are wizards that are being nerfed.
  5. This is not about a single player, even though that player does provide additional insights.
  6. I have asked for any occasion where a PTR buff has gone live, where the era leaderboard di not exceed the top PTR clear by at least 3 GRs. No one has been able to provide a counter example, because none exist.

If you follow and believe Prokahn’s post he claimed that both demon hunters and wizard are outliers, then the next logical conclusion seems obvious to me.

Ok. I will try to change your mind. Here, you are claiming because people who disagree with you on the issue of class balance are personally trash. This is clearly not true and frankly insulting.

Some people do not like broccoli. Are those people trash?
Some people do not like an elected politician. Are those people trash?
Some people do not like the color orange. Are those people trash?

People’s thoughts on nerfs/buffs does not mean that they are trash personally irrespective of their view. You seem to dislike my posts. You are entitled to your opinion. However, I have tried to maintain a respectful tone and do not resort to name-calling.

Honestly, if the name-calling, all caps posts, and divisive comments could be minimized, the discussion would be much better.

Come on…

This clearly states changes are on its way. What those will be remains to be seen.


And they should make changes. Irrespective of the controversy with the magnitude of the barb buff, I think that people are more unanimous in the opinions that the two new 6 piece sets and supporting legendaries are underwhelming. The crusader and monk items/bonuses need an update.

They are, if it’s completely based on the petty thought of protecting one class prowess in clearing the higher GR in the leaderboards. In other words, it’s all about class competition. There is no logic or math involved, just sheer opinions based on dog sh!t regarded as data.

These are matters of taste and opinions, not valid example when we talk about facts.

Facts: Barb is underpowered for years now and it deserves a good and solid dps build, such as other classes. If WW Rend clears 145 next patch and in 2.6.8 a new Monk build clears 148 you won’t see me asking for nerfs just because my class it’s not the strongest anymore. Because a fact is: I’m not entitled to ruin others people fun. Only douches do that.

I rather be assertive and direct. People can be poisonous, toxic and destructive even when using formal and polite words. I despise this fake attitude. Not sure if it’s your case, though. I don’t even know you.

I disagree with your current posts. If you stop posting this “balance” nonsense and see how much of stupid is trying to nerfs other classes builds based on how they will compare to yours, or based on a “higher moral duty” to strive for balance, then it might change.


In the past, the developers have stated that they would prefer to have all classes top builds within 3 greater rifts. I think that this is a worthwhile endeavor. To achieve this goal, I think that you buff the weak classes and nerf the overpowered class. The developers are nerfing two classes this time around. It appears to me that they have decided to use both buffs and nerfs to reach their idea of balance. I support them on this issue.

The second thing that is worth mentioning is that no one has disputed the facts that I have presented. Is the information that I presented about the top 130 and 125 clears on the era leaderboard correct at the time of posting? Is the top GR clears inaccurate at the time of posting? I even clearly state the facts and note if a class is being nerfed or in the case of PTR barbs what the estimate is. You can disagree on that estimate but estimates are not facts. I would think through the rationale for the estimate and based on past experience with PTRs vs. live for additional guidance.

The two classes that I play most historically are demon hunters and witch doctors. More recently, demon hunters and necromancer are my main classes. I am not advocating for balance because I want wizards to be #1 and overpowered. In fact, I have repeatedly called for a nerf to wizards, including in the last PTR and in general discussion.