A Barb Response to the Lamentation Nerf

Seismic Slam is not Whirlwind Rend.

You’re talking about two different things.

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I know that SS and ww/rend are different. I was simply commenting on the ability to clear 138 as a barb.

Personally, I am waiting for darkpatator to push barbarian to see what GR he can clear.

Just to flag for anyone reading thinking this guy’s making a point - all he did is post dissect and remove this passage from the context of the overall post made.

This is the very definition of ‘chit posting’ - i.e., playing an internet forum and not a game. Your post added nothing to this discussion, per the rest of Ulma’s post.


But clearing a 138 with Slam is not the same as clearing 138 with a bugged interaction between Fjord and Whirlwind, which is not intended. The true number for Whirlwind is much lower.

The full context of what you quoted, which you edited out, is:

It’s unfortunate to see you’re still lying to users here just like you did during the PTR.


Lol, she has Type 2 Diabetes :rofl:

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2.6.7 “Balance”

How OP (sarcasm) Barb are and were in Seasons…

Check it out…


Rend feels really underwhelming now on live.
In NS I expect only few 130+ clears by some dudes with extreme paragon - so kind of pointless to push with this.

For Speedfarming (Bounties, Keys, Gems) I can do better with my Multi DH, WoL Monk, Singularity Necro, Vyr Wiz.

I hope the Dev’s use this chance to revert/rework the nerf considering the amount of positive feedback.

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Exactly, cause personally all you care about is trying to undermine the barbarian under the pretext of balance. All you personally care about is trying to keep the barbs from moving up in power.

You are a troll, you are biased. Your personal agenda is either to piss people off, in this case barbs, because that gives you some kind of internet thrill or you have something against the class or players on this forum that play that class. Whatever it is…it is clearly an agenda.

Quite frankly I’m sick of this nonsense.


This would explain why players are noticing a 10+ tier drop in power from the PTR variant.

If Ambo’s or something is not acting as intended, that could easily lead to a loss of damage and drop in power.

I will test the build some myself this weekend and give my opinion/results when I can.


Please do–and if possible, record video.

Note that even if the items are bugged, this isn’t going to magically “fix” Rend. It’s still going to suck compared to the PTR, and it still needs a serious booster shot to be a viable, worthwhile build for most players.

I’m glad Pro-Slam is topping the charts, but I definitely want to see Rend be competitive with it and LOD HOTA.

Right now, Rend is about as good as Fire EQ, maybe slightly worse at lower Paragon.



Without a Rend multiplier outside of Wastes, the build is way behind most others.

However, if something else isn’t even working properly with the build. Then the build really is dead on arrival. Hyperbole be damned.

No multiplier and the mechanics aren’t working as intended?

Sounds about right for a Barbarian build.


Indeed it does.

Again, I haven’t had the time to do a thorough test, but I feel that my hard-cast Rends stack properly and deal the correct amount of damage while my Ambo Rends neither stack nor deal sufficient damage. I could be wrong.

If you can help shed some light on this, please do.



Y’all, we’re already at 265 Likes! I’m in awe of this support!

Keep it coming!


Still some hope. We may get a buff yet everyone! Keep the faith Barbs! Your War Crys may finally pay off!



Might we see a multiplier return?

I sure hope so!

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I agree 100%. Nothing but truth in this post and hits the nail on the head. #Facts

Why this guy hasn’t been forum banned for chit posting, trolling, and intentionally attempting to derail threads with false and intentionally misconstrued incorrect data.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!!!

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The WW Rend build is defiantly not running on all cylinders, it should be doing better than what it is, even without the Lamentation Buff. Ambo’s is a likely culprit and a good place to start looking. :eyes: :peace_symbol:

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I will be surprised if someone finds something not right with WWrend build. IMO it is working as intended. A 10 grift nerf from PTR build at the top end and a small side grade/small buff at the low end. Similar to how crimson/echoing fury/FOT gave a small buff at the low end. Not much has change at the top end. In fact I think if you want to clear a 133 you will need to run core zodiac. There are too many stat conflicts on the wwrend build. On the ptr we could load up on stats that would make rend damage great because ww was relegated as a support skill. Now ww and rend damage are close so the build can never be optimized and you can’t sway one way or the other. This is why people are seeing at least 10 grifts nerf from ptr.