List of Major Problems on PTR so far

That means they are roughly doing 80% more damage the other classes, plus a guaranteed spot in rat runs and the meta. That’s not balance. That’s the barbs being the best at everything



Riddle me this. How do you accomplish #3 IF barbs turn out to be OP? It would mean that next season some other class will have to be OP instead, and we are not getting one step closer to giving all players similar toys but rather we’re rotating the same OP toy between the classes.

How is that different from the same garbage design that has plagued this game for years? The same bs that relegated barbs to support role (albeit atleast a CONSISTENT spot in the 4man/3man/2man meta). It’s not different.
The difference between me and you is that I don’t want to keep promoting this stupid rotation whereas you do because “HEY IT’S MY TURN”, like a little kid.


The problem is WW/Rend, much like Chants, is way too all purpose. It’s not only the strongest solo, it will be the strongest speed group meta, the strongest neph rift / bounty…see the problem here?

If it was a HoTA / Stomp build doing this, that would be a different story, cuz those suck for speed, I might be even incline to say that’s okay. But not this build that is just better than everything else at literally everything


Oh I get it, only Wizards are allowed in META as main DPS not barbs right? :roll_eyes:

Maybe instead of worrying about barbs suddenly becoming the strongest DPS class in game you do something for the class you’re playing, maybe start a community buff for other classes like Free did instead of crying for nerfs for barbs out of jealousy…

I don’t remember seeing you posting anything like that about chantodo’s vyr’s build before the PTR barb buffs…

Suddenly everyone looses their mind because barbs got a META build and of course:


For S18 current high Wiz clear is GR 143 @ 5450 Para in EU.

And a Wiz GR 146 in China with Bazooka, but I can’t pull if Season or Era or Para from diablo3ladder.

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This is the important part of the discussion. He thinks it can go that high. But he doesn’t know, and he didn’t do it. Neither did anyone else.

In fact, from all reports, no one else got higher than 138.

So much angst over what one person THINKS something can do.


Then you missed all my PTR posts, I did in fact say that time and time again yet it went live as is.

If this happens for Barbs, don’t go whining all your builds besides Rend/WW are irrelevant either because I’ll refer you back to this post.

Seriously you Barbs shouldn’t be wanting this imbalance amongst your skill/builds. It may seem fun right now but trust me It’s really not fun in the long run running one skill/build because it blows everything else out of the water.

Take it from the class that has the single most useless amount of items/skills in the game, bar none.


There is a basic logic issue here. HotA and SS are weak. In other words, they still need buff.

What I can tell u is, rend is not so universal. If you buff charge to 140, you will see who is the top speed. If hota can do 140, it will also crush rend at level 110. Rend has its own best farming level. Rend pushing and speed farm are completely different. For push you need rage flip to gather density.

I did a lot of research on barb speed farm build.

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And if you’ve seen any wizard post ever you would know all of us want Bazooka nerfed but we certainly aren’t going to push for it in a patch that nerfs Chants too to get kicked straight outta the meta like WD.


You can Go search 凯恩之角 英雄榜。:slight_smile:

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Yes for push you need rage flip, not for speed, especially speed groups. Hell you can run Bul Kathos and Hurricane for most speeds. Unless Hota got omegabuffed and Rend got super nerfed, no chance for it to beat Rend in speeds.

I did too, and played em on PTR as well.

If they do end up nerfing Rend, I really do hope HoTA / SS gets further buffed, that would be a nice balance out actually. They’re saying new Hota/ SS can do about 129ish.

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TBH because they further cemented the LoN changes with LoD I don’t think they will be able to squeeze that toothpaste back in the tube.

While many find LoN/LoD fun there is no way things will ever be truly balanced because of it without making a lot of people unhappy.

Things will have to buffed up set wise for all, not nerfed to even come close.

No. Ik HotA just need 7 level buff. With this buff, IK HotA has better performance at 110.
After 7levl biff Ik HotA can do 137-138. Level 110 4min.

You can check the data we posted.

Barbs are strong. Barbs are happy. Noone else is happy.

Season buff is strong. Barbs are angry. Noone else is angry.

Whats going on here is wizards are upset they got nerfed. And because they’re upset, they need everyone else to be upset. Let’s take a step back.

You’re upset if things are weak. Youre upset if things are strong. You need to take a breather, realize this isn’t your baby and let Blizzard do their work.

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Funny, cause I don’t play barb at all. I’m a DH only player, but I understand unlike some people that barbs deserve all these buffs and even if WW Rend stands out amongst other barbs sets, so what? The other sets still might be capable of doing GR130+ with high enough paragon and items… If not devs may buff them a little too…

I would rather worry about making other than just Vyr’s sets better, cause right now I only see Vyr’s capable of doing 130+GRs…

Think about making your class stronger, don’t worry about any other getting long deserved buffs…


Fair enough DH and I’m not saying they don’t, I’m very glad they finally got some dps power! I am rolling barb next season because it’s been forever since I’ve played mine for those same reasons. I am saying it’s not very logical to leave it how it is when they just corrected pretty much the same thing for another class in the same go.

I’ve worried about that long enough, left plenty of ideas by now it’s a broken record, Wizards just have to wait their turn for their new sets and item rebalance, period and simple enough.

Meanwhile it just doesn’t make sense to siphon the power from Vyrs to WW/Rend to make barbs ‘happy’. That’s not balance my friend.

PTR Barb -140 done (144-146 estimated)

You cant be serious right? That 140 GR was made by player with over 10000 paragon, i dont think its relevant comparison.


I’m sorry why do you care if only the most dedicated players with over 10000 paragon can clear a 140 GR at all?

Can you do the same? Honestly if a build is capable of doing GR140 with


than how the hell is it OP at all? Do you even “listen” to what you’re saying?

How many people will be able to even clear a GR139 with WW Rend if you’ll need over 9000 paragon for it…

Most will be happy to clear 110-120 in seasons, some might clear GR130 and if you nerf this build you’ll be lucky to clear a GR100 with it…

It’s not what barbs fought for and honestly all other classes like Monks, Crusaders, WDs, DHs should also have at least one or two builds capable of clearing a 140 GR with HALF of the paragon that is needed now

Let us come closer to solo GR150, stop holding us back by keeping us constatly in GR100-120 GRs for average players and 120-140 GRs range for most dedicated ones…

We should advance with each patch otherwise the game gets boring if you’re stuck in one place for way too long time…


No, they don’t get it.

It also doesn’t fit their version of equality.


Breaking the balance…” So, from your perspective it is not broken now, before Chantodo’s nerfing goes live.

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