Dev plz No Nerf to Rend Barb. Wiz bazooka did 146

While ppl focusing on rend, chant, they usually forget the true king --Bazooka Wiz.

Someone did 146 in China server today. And you can imagine that Bazooka is much more fisher than a no AD small radius rend which only did 140 by one top player. When we take a look at the barb data in ptr, SS, HotA are still behind. Monk, Crus need buff heavily.

Don’t nerf a build when we don’t have enough data for the true potential. We barb don’t want a mortick-story again.

Don’t trust any biased table data. Don’t trust those brainstorm estimations.

Trust your own ptr data. I believe you guys.


BTW, I heard more new content about D3 will be announced. Great jobs!


If devs care about their loyal playerbase they won’t listen to all these nerf cries…

Considering how long barbs have been waiting for these buffs…


I honestly hope, only the new Monk and Sader sets get some adjustments.

Maybe perhaps a little tuning on some of those season abilities. Though, I’m not going to sook about it if they leave this as is. It’s not an advantage to any one class, we will all benefit from it, so by that line of thinking… it’s balanced.


I wouldn’t mind if the new Monk and Crusader sets gets turbo charged with buffs and suddenly most dedicated players could clear 140-144 GRs with them while all other average players could easily clear 110-120 GRs…

I wonder if anyone would have a problem with that too, cause apparently barbs aren’t allowed to clear a GR140 even with over 10500 paragon :roll_eyes: