List of Major Problems on PTR so far

Correct. Also, they are nerfing two high-performing builds so I think we can assume that they are trying to bring the underperforming classes up and top performing classes down.

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Maybe? But that’s an assumption, I think it is a logical assumption, but we just don’t know what Blizzard’s stance is on balance. So, all this debate seems moot to me.

They could also be nerfing at least one of those builds due to some other reason we don’t know about, so…

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It’s not rocket science no matter how much you try to make it out to be. GRs are exactly the same design-wise no matter the level. It’s very simple math to gauge a speccs average performance level once you have an active leaderboard as data. PTR clears however are different but we rarely see a clear on PTR that doesn’t get beaten (severely) in the era/season that follows. I guess you barbs actually have experienced the opposite with mortics xd.

And they did mention that their goal was to have builds within 3 gr (1:00:24). One of them did atleast.

That guy on the left (John Yang) was probably the only decent dev on the team and he’s not here anymore.
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I really do think we should get another season of Chantodos as is with the Squirt bug fixed and see how it compares with the Barb buff. Then it should be adjusted either or, or both accordingly in the next patch.


That’s simplistic view. Have you ever watched high GR clears? Builds that can group up mobs and use area damage can greatly increase the base DPS of their build. Being able to pull all the elites on the map to conduit while wearing FoT can greatly increase the potential of a build. GR maybe linear in health/damage, but the mechanics of a GR are anything but linear. All high clears involve a good conduit…that’s just the way it is.


Take your word for it. I’ve just never seen anything in a blue post. That seems like a reasonable goal. But does it really matter for the majority? Balancing at the top end, like I said previously, is silly…

That video is over 4 years old and in no way represents the current design vista of Diablo III – that much is apparent from the last two years of patches.

None of the arguments about “balance” amount to anything more than enforcing a singular and highly subjective view on what cross-class balance should look like without taking into account fairness and fun, particularly as it applies to Barbs and their history of neglect.

There’s a major difference between asking for buffs and nerfs.

Asking for buffs elevates an experience for players who want to enjoy a particular build or play style. If applied across the board, particularly over time, more players have at their disposal more satisfying options for playing the game.

Asking for nerfs in order to accomplish this in the name of “balance” is the opposite. It seeks to diminish the feelings of fun, enjoyment, and engagement some feel in order to satisfy the arbitrary (or otherwise) standards of a select group of players. Simply put, it takes the fun away from those who, in this case, have long been stuck in the landfill.

Those of you who want “balance” should be focused on your own favorite classes, focused on getting certain builds or items buffed so that you can enjoy what Barbs have fought for so long and hard to enjoy: relevancy.

All this nonsense about “balance,” it’s dead, empty rhetoric from FUN POLICE who feel empowered to tell others how and why to have fun with a 7-year old game.

Lay it to rest, pilgrim.


I thought that I saw most of the diablo videos that the D3 developers did. I missed this one. Thanks for the time stamp. At that time, they did say 3 greater rifts difference is their goal for balancing.

Sure, but with enough data you can assess the average performance of a specc along with the top-end performance. This is one of the benefits of having a leaderboard and also one of the big reasons outlined by Blizzard for introducing one (prior to S1 launch along with GR).


Yes I’m fully aware that those devs have probably all abandoned ship but clearly these new devs are interested in balance aswell given the blue reply in this very thread. Idc much for hyperbole and pathetic tears though.

You measure barbarian power based on a player with over 10500 paragon who cleared a GR 140 while Wizards with just over 7000 paragons could clear a GR140?

Here’s a video of a 7430 paragon Wizard (not DARKAPATOR) clearing GR140:

Here’s a video of DARKAPATOR clearing a GR140 with 9262 paragon…

Here’s the infamous GR140 clear with WW Rend od DARKAPATOR with exactly 10573 paragon:

As you can see a Wizard with just 7430 cleared a GR140 solo, while WW Rend barb needed over 10500 (10573) paragon to do the same thing and you’re telling me barb is OP?

You serious?

If anything barb can at least be equal with Wizards even after the chantodo’s nerf


I absolutely agree. But I’m almost 100% positive they aren’t just looking at the top 10 clears for each build. There are a lot people presenting data that is likely not representative of Blizzard’s internal data or what they are using to determine buffs and nerfs.

Mah dude, I’m loving your style. Keep on keepin’ on.


How about instead of whining about Barbarians’ new toy and crying to have it taken away - we try this instead:

  1. Let Barbarians have their new toy
  2. We watch the Barbarians play with their new toy and see how much fun they can have
  3. After seeing how much fun the Barbarians can have, we ask for similar toys for other classes

How does that sound for everyone?


Ah yes John Yang, the man that saved DH. Never forget!

Yah we don’t know the intents of the classic teams ‘balance’ but obviously if they’re nerfing builds they are concerned about it.

I could see them not touching Barb though because here’s the thing: Chants got nerfed but still has more burst damage and toughness. They might say Rend/WW gets to stay and sure it might preform a few GR’s higher than Chants for the highest and riskiest of pushers, but overall Chants will be much better for consistent gem leveling high speeds due to not dying and they might consider that balanced, who knows.

We will wait and see.


Are you completely insane man?

That’s not how they think equality works :rofl::rofl::rofl:


True, for them equal means Wizards on the top with at least 2-4 GR ahead of rest of the classes…

Anyone who dares to overthrown Wizards as top DPS build in game is breaking the balance of the universe so he must be nerfed to prevent the worlds end otherwise zombie apocalypse may happen or we share the fate of the dinosaurs…


Pretty much this…and yet they still think Barbs are the ones crying :rofl:


I disagree. I’d leave Lamentation alone. 200% is a reasonable legendary power. I’d scrap Dust Devils, or maybe lower that 500% multiplier on Rend a bit.

You’re comparing live (not nerfed) with PTR Barb. Live will take a hit of 3 GR’s at minimum, while we already know Dark said he could push much higher than the PTR clear (143 low estimate). Give the Wiz 10k paragon and that’s still quite a gap.

If I’m being honest WW/Rend shouldn’t be anywhere near that, that kind of power should be for your hard hitting builds that were designed for solo like HoTA and GS.

Your WW/Rend build is your speed build, why on Earth should it also be the highest solo push build in the game?

That was the exact problem with Chants, and exactly why it got nerfed.


So what if barbs will rule as the strongest DPS build for a change even if they’re 2-4 GRs ahead of others, good for them…

Let them have their glory they deserved it after all that time and effort put into convincing devs to finally buff barbs…

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