I was against Ploot. I changed my mind

Just about anyone putting out D2 content is against it. Those are your core players. If they wanna appeal to the new players that are playing D2R just because it’s coming out then it’s a surefire way to lose respect of the core player base. Blizz is great at doing this though, so I’m sure if you keep crying about it they’ll implement it and Blizz can seep more down the abyss than they already are.

Just as delusional as the other claim saying that “the majority will be against it”.
Both claims are made up. I just made it a bit easier for you when making up my claim.

The message is simple: dont make up claims, provide reasons for it!

Not really. I’d rather have a fair game.
Again you are making up a baseless claim.
One that you would call “a bit delusional”.

Really? Show us these polls. Because as far as i know there are only 4 big polls and they all say the exact opposite. I like statistics and i would love to see what polls you are referring to. Especially since you used plural. So there must be many. At least two.

Two links please, my friend.
Otherwise you just made another baseless claim. And we both know now what we can call that, right?

The top streamers who mostly play solo and mods?
Yeah, they surely know alot about the public 8pub.

Why? You are making a claim, but you are not listing any reasons. Do we really have to play this petty game with every sentence of yours?

Yup. With QoL improvements such as Ploot.

That was my original suggestion.
But it doesnt work.

If you take absolute damage, you will have a big problem with some skill/effects, mainly Static Field.
It would basically give static field sorceresses the majority of most boss loots.
You might argue that it is fair, because they dealt more damage. But it is also very, very easy for them. So i dont really know if it really would be.

If you just need to “tag” enemies with a certain amount of damage, you would greatly overpower ranged heroes like multishot amazon or frozen orb sorx. They could just “tag” the entire screen while a melee barb needs to walk everywhere.

Both of these effects would tip the class-balance in public games quite significantly, i think. That is why i stepped away from my original (more competitive) suggestion and think now that plain 1/8 chance on loot is the best way to implement it.


Well you could easily program it to evenly split out loot still amongst those who contributed. For example, maybe they can set it to doing 5%ish of the monsters HP to be included.

This still does cause some issues though. Immune monsters = you get no loot. Maybe some dude is stacked with gear and kills baal before you even see him.

I guess bosses could have no requirement.

I think overall the best way would be to just evenly split the loot and allow the host to kick non-contributing players or a vote kick system. Like I wouldn’t mind a Paladin just chilling with max lvl Conviction and a Barbarian sitting there giving high level BO. I can make quick work of the game from there, take some loot homies.

How about YOU tell ME why Ploot will positivity impact the game. Cause it’s not happening on launch. You aren’t getting your ploot. And I highly, highly doubt they will implement something that will impact the game as it would after launch. So you can keep posting on here all day arguing with people but your efforts are futile. You can keep dreaming or go back to D3 or wait for Diablo 4. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but it’s not happening bro.

And show me these ‘four big polls’, I would like to see them.

This ‘unfair’ game you speak of survived 20 years and it’s not changing, no matter how vocal you want to get on here.

We are very aware that it may never happen. Doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it or hope that it does happen. Some people thought that D2R would have never happened. The more people discuss something and the more support you gather, the higher the chances of it happening become.

You are just trying to shut it down so it doesn’t happen. You are just not being honest about your motives.


I literally just wrote why that would not work:

Yeah, this might be a problem, but when you are not damaging an immune enemy, you are not contributing much.

But i also brings up another problem.
Auras, curses, shouts and other modifiers are not accounted for by the damage rule.
It just creates too many edge cases where things are obviously not fair.

I dont agree. In this case the host can grief players.
Whenever you make a suggestion, you need to think “how can i break this system”. If there is an obvious answer, then you either need to adjust for it or to go with a different suggestion.

For plain-1/8-ploot there have not yet been any system-breakers.

Yes, but in the damage-rule they wouldnt get any loot. It is quite complicated to account for these bonuses.

Imagine an enchant sorx who enchants everyone. Who contributed for the monster? The sorx or the barb who has no real damage items?

  • accessibility
  • more friendly for new players
  • allows more cooperative experience
  • fair distribution of loot
  • allows more players to participate in the economy
  • makes pickit obsolete in ploot games
  • many more…

Chances are we will get it though.

You might wanna check twitter, mate.

Some people have to dream to make up for others lack of imagination.

You are neither the first nor the last to do that. Yet you are also not right about it. :wink:

First you show me your polls. 2 polls at least. Both against ploot. I am waiting.

It’s not an unfair game. The loot allocation in FFA is unfair. The vocal group is the abysmal group of old players who are too scared of change to even consider a beneficial system that improves the game for everyone.

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Chances are you really won’t though.

We don’t want to make the game ‘friendly for new players’, I want it exactly the same for the most part. This is what many of us fell in love with as a kid, just the way it was. You wanna make things all fluffy and nice, and easy access like D3. Well Diablo 2 is not all fluffy and nice. It’s a dark, ****ed up game that is in legendary regard and is considered one of the best games ever. You do not mess with perfection. People have played cooperative all these years, just the way it was.

Yup and people like me will steal everything that drops with zero worries if it upsets you. I am very good at grabbing the best items and if I don’t know you I don’t care if you get nothing even if you did most of the work.

Nope. This is yet another made-up argument.
If you want to have a discussion, have some honesty.
I will even help you. Have a read:

And they will. With ploot.

To many purists cry that “this isn’t Diablo II anymore” but when confronted by the fact you can download and play the pure Diablo II game without any changes they have nothing to say… If you want Diablo II pure go play it no one is stopping you. If Diablo II in a pure state was so in demand the majority of people would play that instead.

And I absolutely HATE that system in the quote you just posted.

We’re never going to come to an agreement. I don’t want a discussion TBH, I want you ploot guys to stop messing with Diablo 2.

So like I said, keep dreaming.

Then i have good news for you: You dont have to play it.
Plain and simple. Just stick with FFA loot. Win-Win.

We are not messing with anything. Just carefully improving.

Yes, i will dream a bit more to make up for your lack of imagination as well.
You will be standing on the shoulders of giants soon.


It’s a remaster. It’s supposed to be damn near PURE with updated graphics. Extra stash space is acceptable. Auto gold pick up pushing it. NO MORE! If you want a fluffy and friendly game go play Diablo 3.

You keep bringing up this imagination thing, it only highlights your lack of understanding of a remaster. I don’t want to imagine anything other than Diablo 2 with updated graphics, as most of us do. Thank god you aren’t a dev.

We simply do not have this now. Many significant game changes have already occurred that have broken that “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved” promise.

No TCP/IP, mods, ladder gutted, no WSG, no ebug, and so on. D2R is no longer just D2 with tons of lipstick. That ship has sailed.

I think we should all be more worried about the removal of the RD hammer, and how 4 Pindleskin runs per minute will corrupt the economy with tons of L84 loot…

They already do, and at least some part of the ploot campaign is to ensure that leechers are guaranteed loot, regardless of their contribution to the group.

It’s hilarious, really.

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Actually, there are pLoot designs that won’t allocate loot at all if you didn’t get a hit on the monster that drops said loot. This would stop leeching altogether, and isn’t computationally-intensive to implement.

It’s hilarious that you can’t or won’t see this.

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What is hilarious is that you didn’t read my post, or address its content. That there are different variations of ploot doesn’t address the fact that “at least some” of the campaign are hoping for what I described.

This is apparent in both D2 and D3. It’s hilarious that some are so desperate to deny the reality that is the modern arpg.

Strawman, much?

What I’ve seen of “modern” (whatever that is) APRG’s would strengthen the argument for alternate/optional loot drop systems, not weaken it.

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