I was against Ploot. I changed my mind

Do you know what strawman means? Apply it here - I’ll wait.

What I’ve seen of “modern” (apparently unclear) arpgs* would strengthen the argument that at least some of the ploot group are hoping for ploot to be able to leech in pub games.

Since most of the ploot advocates want loot roll qualification to hinge on proximity and participation, leeching would be somewhat impossible.

FFA, on the other hand, only requires you to be standing in the right spot to get loot.

Seems if anyone here wants to leech, it’s FFA people.


Here we go again, randoms speaking on behalf of ‘most of’ a part of the player base.

Got any data to back up that claim?

Ya Farther up in the thread. Why don’t you go read it?

Feel free to show me that over 50% of the people on these boards want something different than what I claim.

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Ahh, here we see the delusion fully manifest. The ploot discussion is far beyond these boards - so no, you can’t speak on behalf of the people you hope to.

Hence why your posts on the subject are being given the overall consideration that is warranted. Enjoy!

So once again, you have nothing.

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Hate to break it to ya, but the majority of the Diablo 1 and 2 community moved over to Path of Exile years ago. I don’t think a single person who played that game would oppose Ploot at all so ya FFA loot is probably in the slim minority.

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Look at the denial in this post.

How does this reality check feel? Most of which ploot advocates? Do you speak for DBrunski as well now?

I do every time you post.


In your version of ploot, does Baal drop 4-8 items total or 4-8 items per player? Please edit your OP with that point of clarity.

Now for my 2 cents on what ‘most’ ploot favorable people are asking for:
Imagine doing 100 Baal runs, and on average Baal drops 6 items. Thats 600 items total approximately, now divide that by 8 to get your 75 items. So of those 100 runs you did, 25% of them dropped NOTHING for you. In the other 75% of games, only 1 item dropped. And the likelihood of that item being worthless is probably 95% (potion, bolts, random rare with bad rolls). You’ll feel like Baal never drops anything. You’ll probably come to this same forum and complain that loot drops are trash after spending several hours farming baal runs with 8 people, and getting ~71 worthless items and maybe 4 items that aren’t completely useless (maybe a unique, or decent small charm).

Now the alternative ploot implementation:
If ploot is implemented, I say screw everything economy related and give everyone their own Baal loot drops 4-8 pieces. Everyone is happy. Except of course the people who understand the impact to the games economy if ~8x loot dropped per Baal kill. I guess people will just finish their characters sooner (good for the shortened ladder), and good uniques will decrease in value compared to High Runes. This is because items like Arachnid Mesh and Night’s Wing will be way more common from Baal and HR volume won’t increase much.

What we are getting:
You do 100 Baal runs, 4-8 items drop every kill, and you spam click to hope to get that Unique Shako, you always have a chance at it (assuming no bots/pick-it scripts), and you don’t come to this forum complaining there is no loot because you do see it dropping.

I know this hurts - it’ll be okay, once you recognize your part in it all.

I just feel bad for you. Being like you are has got to hurt.

“Majority” is a tough one for you to understand, apparently. You’re not in a position to feel bad for anyone.

It’s probably why you’re so angry.

edit - fixed

I don’t want you making another 100 posts because of the word your or you’re.

You’re.* And yes, you are - but it’s understandable given your situation.

EDIT: I see you’re having your inevitable meltdown - it’s okay. Take a deep breath.

lol nerd rage. XDXDXD

I don’t think any of us (especially me!) should be calling the Grammar Police any time soon. They’d carry us all away… :smiley:

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No need to imagine anything. Just read what the devs are saying themselves:

From there we’ll see what the community wants. We don’t really make a boxed product anymore, where we give it to you and we’re done with it. It’s a live game, a live service. We’ll continue to have that relationship between us and the community as they start playing it.

GamesBeat: Is new content on the table, like an Act VI? Is that a possibility?

Gallerani: I will never deny it. It’s not on the table right now. But it’s not off the table either. Like I said, we’re focused on getting that authentic, nostalgic experience right. Even smaller things, like retuning how the blizzard works, or maybe making a build that’s not a Hammerdin, new runewords, new items, those are all really exciting things, but we want to make sure we stick the landing first. As long as the community says, “Yeah, you did good,” then we can have the next discussion.


If you know how ninja-looting works, you will quickly notice that a leecher has far higher chances to get loot in a FFA game than in a ploot game.
Very dishonest argument from your side. But then again, we are used to it already from the wanna-be philosopher.

It’s not a fact. It is a made-up assumption that you have absolutely no grounds to claim.

Slow down before assuming anything:

Is factually correct, and easily visible in D3 and in D2. Pretending otherwise is your prerogative, but you’re simply mistaken.

A leecher has far higher chances to get loot in a ploot game as the loot is guaranteed. Again - this is a simple truism.