I cant belive i have to explain this, people dont mf alone becuase they dont "want to share"

first off, the majority most certainly do not want “personal loot”.

second… this isnt an mmo. and i wouldn’t touch “WoW” with a 29.5 foot pole

third. implementing something like this… would be a complete mess.

and if u dont think that it would be… then you’re kidding yourself,

there is a reason why not one single online mod for diablo 2 has this.

two reasons actually, the first one one… we don’t want it… and the 2nd is… it would be nigh impossible to implement.

path of exile has a system built from the ground up for this…
path of exile didn’t have to start from a 21 year old system and not “break” it.

thats the entire point of this thread… showing you cant just “do what poe does”

if this was diablo 4 then yeah it would be fairly easy to implement, but trying to shove it into an old geame without breaking it and not changing the balance of drops AT ALL.

poe can just say “8 player games drop 8x the loot”

or if they want to to me more complex they can build a system around it

D2:r has to keep EVERYTHING the same and make sure any SMALL chance doesn’t ALTER ow the game is played.

even IF diablo 2 had 8x oot for 8 players and they could just do a simple fix…

your STILL changing how runs are done, how players interact… those ALONE would make this too big of a change to implement.

but to even consider messing it the current system.

you would need to remake the entire system and by doing so you would either not give people what they want ( as my first post described), or you would DRASTICALLY alter the drop rates.

and personally yeah I’m fine with “buffed” drop rate… i play path of diablo where /players 8 loot is always on… regardless of how many players are in the game.

this is a no win senario, becuase diablo 2 fundemtnally drops less loot in part ( per person) than you do playing alone.

and personal loot CANNOT function with THAT system

the BEST you could hope for is “timed” loot where u get 2-5 second dibs.

but even that would be a fiasco and ruin the balance of how games are currently made.

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Nonsense statement, given the survey we’ve seen. Point to evidence please.


7/8 player games do generate more runes for a player farming chests in Hell.

This kind of thing needs to be eliminated…

Chest farming should be limited to for example the chest in ancient tunnels…
Where you fight and kill everything and get a decent chest.

The Kurast chest farming is lame assuming that is what you are referencing

Boy do I dis agree with you on that.

Chest farming is awesome, and takes time.

Also, in a pub game full with 7 or 8 players running all the bosses and side quests, one guy can run all the chest runs and pick up lots of gear is he/she is willing to farm for hours.

Just another facet of this amazing game called Diablo II!


The results of the survey showed a majority in favor of personal loot. Do you have another source of data to support your claims? How can you be so certain that most people share your opinion?


This is not what I mean…this is legit…actually playing.
I mean chest farming as in just running chest generally, not killing nothing ext and just hitting up chests like a pirate.

I thought I made that clear last post sorry.
Know what I mean now?

But if that is what you mean then ya we completely disagree and I think it should be eliminated

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I’ll add my voice to the growing chorus.

What evidence do you have for what the majority wants?

Does the majority/plurality want FFA only?
Does the majority/plurality want personal loot only?
Does the majority/plurality want the choice of either FFA or personal loot?


So you want to take away all those chests that are usually run right by by most players, except for the ones that know from time to time gg items pop from a simple chest, etc?

Again, I disagree.
Why do people want to take away the subtle gifts a game offers?

I see nothing wrong with hitting chests as I run through from place A to place b.

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Disagree. It takes over 3000 full LK runs (2 firepits) to farm runes just for enigma…it’s fine as is.

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the results of the" survey" also shows that 7% of people think its a “good idea” to have a larger inventory without making charms not work in it… aka just making a BIGGER inventory that u just fill with “only charm” making a MASSIVE power boost.

31% of americans think that the planet isnt warming.

i don’t value the opinion of someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.

if you are a brain sugreon i will take your medical advice on the topic of the brain

i am going to trust the astrophysicist on question i have in about space.

bring me a survey of people who have played diablo 2 for over 2 years… how have played every class who, understand how the game functions… how have made thier own builds.

or at the very least bring me a survey of people who are willing to accept they dont know everything about something and are willing to accept new data.

i KNOW FOR A FACT that “personal loot” will destroy d2 if its implemented.
becuase they would NEED to completly rework the core loot system to add it.
if you even played d3 within the past 3 years… i dont want your opinion… your voice means nothing to me… becuase it means you are willing to accept “balance” like that.

and i am ALL FOR CHANGE, there are TONS of changes i want… but i will NOT accept somthing that will fundementally break the game.

if you want to allow “personal loot” they way i decribed it in my op… yeah you can have that… it would be hot garbage. it woudl waste blizzard time and effort…

but if you want that mess go ahead and have it… because i know no one is going to use it.

if you timed loot… ok maybe that will work if u want to turn that on in your game… i wont ever turn it on in my own games but if u want it fine…

but people dont WANT what i describe in my OP
and i know its not what they want because IT WOULD BE TERRIBLE.

they want some “d3” style BS loot rains down system thats not D2… and i will do everything in my power to stop that from happening.


One thing worth noting, these drop calculations are mainly for normal monsters which have the lowest chances of dropping the best gear. Champion monsters, unique monsters, and superunique monsters have a fixed number of drops without a nodrop chance. Bosses are affected by the number of players, but the nodrop chance is lower and they can drop up to 6 items.


People were all asked if they wanted it, they were never informed of the costs to do so. It’s like asking if you want free ice cream, sure we all do. Yes most do want pLoot but the definition of that is different for each person answering. Most probably thought they wanted personal loot at 100% of the regular drops. Yes I want all the current drops for me, why not.

If you asked people if they wanted personal loot but it was reduced by 1/8’th all the time, not many people would say yes. Even now most are thinking their individual drops in solo games wouldn’t be effected. If we lower your drops in group games so you get 1/x of the total drops, why should not get 1/x of the drops in solo games? wouldn’t that just ensure everyone solo’ed more?


thank you for rephrasing what I’m trying to get across in a way that probably makes better sense to the general population XD

Insert gif of Inigo Montoya going
“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”

Could you point me to a few posts where this “most” think solo games would have more or less drops based on whether that solo game was FFA or personal loot? I keep seeing everywhere the pro-FFA crowd saying you want personal loot player solo. I can not recall any post that claimed personal loot solo game would get more drops than an FFA solo game.

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I would need to put together comments from too many threads, but I’ll just ask you. How do you envision drops in solo games if we have implemented pLoot? Would you get the same number of drops you get now in FFA games when you solo? So currently you get 2-4 drops when you solo a boss. If you got 0-1 drops from that same boss in a group game with pLoot shouldn’t you get that same 0-1 drops by going solo? Why should it jump back up to 2-4?

If you have always been thinking you will be getting 0-1 drops in a solo game, great my apologies. You don’t seem to be thinking what I get the feeling many people are thinking.

Yes. In all games for a certain player number X and total drops Y in D2 FFA, then a personal loot game will have roughly Y/X drops per each player, yielding an identical Y total drops.

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This is just asking for the best of both worlds. When solo’ing I get full drops of 2-4 but when grouped I get 0-1…ok off to solo MF again. No real improvement and honestly I would not keep that system if I were the Dev. If you are going to be getting 0-1 drops when grouped why should we have that go up when solo’ing? Shouldn’t the drops be the same in group or out of group?

If this is constant for group games but X is the number of players in your party or your area, then people will just group games and each player farms a different act. Max drops for each player.

How long until we figure out the exact number of players that result in the max drops each for the group? Let’s call that 4 just because I’m not doing the math right now. So now we get groups of 4 MF’ing together because the system had a blatant exploitable spot in it and we the player will always exploit it.

Unless you’re currently taking an unfair proportion of loot now the amount of drops you are receiving will not change.


You forgot to add that the player who had less loot because of that unfair player. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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