Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

How would it not?

Forcing a bot to go to a private game will absolutely cause drop rates for said bot to decrease.

8 bots can’t farm a game as efficiently as 8 separate bots farming 8 public games.

The botting is also more difficult when you get 8 bots running private games together, much easier to be detected.

It sounds like you are forming your own conclusions and your opinion is just as valid as anyone else who has played and loved this game, myself and mrllama included.

I’m a optimist realistic :wink:

I would agree but that almost only counts for baal runs, almost all other bot runs will be done solo with or without personal loot, it’s just how the math adds up. Baal bots with pickit were just a treat, drop rates are meh compared to what the bot could be doing. They just won’t run those bots.

a single meph bot running 2-3 min games will come out with 1/5th to 1/3 of an inventory of decent items. No need to run any public games to change any economy chances. Other popular runs are having a bot join public games and hit up the kurast chests or some other simple action, again personal does not change this action.

Controls and protections do.

I agree with you that botting will not be eliminated by personal loot being an option.

I believe they should do all those things you mentioned, in addition to adding personal loot as an option, because it will lessen the impact.

Not once have I said bots can’t run LK, of course they can.

Here’s another great post explaining why/how changes are bad. This goes over why Personal-loot changes literally make things worse for everyone involved in an objective way:


That post you linked makes the mistake of equating access to loot as acquiring loot. Also, the numbers in the OP in that thread you linked neglects to account for monster hp increasing to 450% in 8 player game and that the party can do 8X the damage.

When this is taken into account, you can see how the table changes.


ofc they want ffa loot, they plan to make $$ selling items online: PL will ruin their profits. we can’t have that! /s


A different take.


Uch, I’d hate playing Dbrunski’s D2R. It’d be so different from D2. Isn’t D2R primarily supposed to feel and play like D2?

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Did you play 1.09? The game was super different then and was still Diablo 2.

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Ridiculous points abound in this forum… so any change is justified because the product has changed in some way in the past? Ugh.

MrLlama’s point is so important to remember. The game will cease being Diablo 2 with all these little buffs. They change too much, which is the point, itty BittyRaptor.


People usually resort to name calling when they know they’ve lost the argument.

Certainly not the case here. Hey I can do this too - people usually focus on some tangential issue when they “know they’ve lost the argument.” What a great discussion. But sorry to hurt you, I’ll amend my light poke.

Anyway, enough of this. The important point is MrLlama’s warning about all these changes. They’ll really mess with what makes D2 D2.

I think the reason these mods are popular is D2 has some BOTS.

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Dbrunski’s just want what he is playing, and thats it mods. so he should just keep playing thos imo


I disagree. A charm inventory makes more choices. A person with a full inventory of +1 skill charms would make the game easier. Why? Because you stacked the hell out of those charms and overpower pretty much everything.

A horadric cube like charm inventory would be limited, as it would force you to choose the charms you use more wisely. It would actually make the choices harder. You can’t just abuse the fact you can use your entire inventory for an absurd boost.

People with charm inventories can still keep charms in their inventory to switch out on the fly, rather then go to town. Just like the amazon keeps a few quivers for more arrows. Just like people keep books for Town Portal and Identify.

You can also see the things they can do with that, just look at Last Epoch as an example. They made a similar charm inventory, to what D3 was thinking about adding.

Last Epoch : Idol Inventory

Now we’re talking balance changes, which I hope they would do a separate realm for.

With proper mod support you can get your mod the way you want it with all the changes.
I am sure PD2 will make their mod there too.

Literally the playerbase will decide what they want to play. It’s pointless to fight in this forum. Just let them release 1.14d and mod support.

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You can’t mess up the game experience by adding content, because if you don’t like it, just play the old content. It’s that easy. Makes perfect sense to me.