I logged in this afternoon to get my 5 bounties out of the way. After I got them all I logged out switch to private and went back in checked out loot. Decided to kill bosses I need but couldn’t access the seasonal button in the upper right. Logged out tried to access couldn’t. Click on achievement says game data is missing in a bunch of spots. Restarted same thing. Logged completely out of battle net. Nothing switched regions cause saw some it may help. So I did logged in perfectly on European. Logged out went back to the America’s logged in still nothing. Scanned and repaired nothing, no updates, am reinstalling now. Any thoughts?
I think you should check out the stickied threads at the top of the forum. For example…
Player List of Known Issues
The very first item on the list is…
Which takes you to the solution…
Yeah I finally found it. Didn’t work the first time but tried it again and it did. Weird stuff. Thanks for responding.
Can’t login either. Blizzard PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP