How to solve the Griftcap problem:

Absolutely. We need more reasons for infinite power creep because grinding for a decade isn’t enough. It needs to be a twenty year grind at least. The bots are getting bored with nothing to do.

If you need video game prestige to validate your life you need to re-evaluate your goals. Are you people voluntary shut-ins or what?

Do you like to laugh? Read this “joke” now and burst out laughing.

Posted by Grimiku

“”"There is some confusion that comes up from time to time about the role that Greater Rifts are intended to play, and I’d like to take a moment to help try and clear that up.

For the most part, Greater Rifts are intended to act like a yardstick (or meter stick, if we’re waxing Metric) by which players can measure the power growth of their hero, as opposed to something that is meant to be completed in its entirety. Part of the confusion about the intended role of Greater Rifts might come from the fact that, during the public test phase of patch 2.1.0, there was a temporary cap in place (for testing purposes), and some players were able to reach that limit while the PTR was running. However, we never intended to allow players to reach the maximum level of what Greater Rifts offer once the system went live. In fact, for all intents and purposes, the number of Greater Rift levels currently has no limit.""""""""

What do you have to say about this? Are you going to tell me that uhh duhh “is not the game’s orignal design”?

The only thing wrong here is you and everyone who wants to keep this cap. There is no logical reason to keep it. And originally GR’s were supposed to be INFINITE, and that’s the proof. If you still think this is a mistake, just email Blizzard.

They stated this in the patch notes when GRs were first introduced. However, this was long time ago, before the Challenge Rift mode appeared.

Now, if they want to make D3 more competitive and improve certain aspects of it, the cap is serving more good than bad.

In fact, the introduction of Challenge Rifts corroborates what I said.

The only way to make GR’s “more competitive” as you describe it is to remove paragons, match all gems, items and add a cap to GR. What we have? A: Challenge Rifts …

This just demonstrates that for devs, the ORIGINAL design of GR’s MUST STILL be maintained.

So yes, the limit, if possible, by desing, should be removed.

To say that keeping the 150 limit will make you “more competitive” is pure illusion.

I already wrote you in post 18 from this thread what are the available options to strengthen the D3 competition.

Try to understand the difference between efficiency when racing through the game and skill when pushing. These are two separate concepts. Once you understand these you will see that the GR150 cap is better to stay for the efficiency competition.

Could you give us a real example of how this limit is better today?

Today it’s all one big mess, with or without a GR cap. But they are walking in the right direction.

In fact, I would like you to tell me what has really changed with the limit.
I wish it were straight to the point.
Because one thing is “improve”, another thing is solve … I can not see this improvement that says.
Even if there is this improvement, you still haven’t solved the problem, it still exists, and you still have a problem with it: Many players are dissatisfied with this limit.
What I mean: Currently we still have their “imbalance”, but now, we don’t have the original Gr’s model either.
We have nothing.

The steps they have to do now are these:

  1. Put a paragon LB in both Season and NS
  2. Uncap GR level at NS only and cap the gems at 150
  3. Add paragon and SSF filters in all LBs
  4. Fix Challenge Rifts with tier progression and snapshots through voting
  5. Add time-based Leagues so botters/account sharers are countered

The above steps guarantee the highest competitive diversity for D3 with minimum effort from a programming pov. If modding was allowed in D3 we would have these already included.

I’m sorry, but that won’t solve the “” problem “” (which I still don’t see). Even if you limit the gems, we still have the paragon, even if you limit the paragon, we still have the perfect equipment.
That is, NOTHING will change … who plays a lot, will still have greater paragon, gems, caldesann, skill …

The point is that some want to change the logic of this game, want purely solo / casual players to be as efficient as 4p, as efficient as dedicated players, this is completely meaningless, nor in real life is it possible, it wouldn’t even be fair.

There is a constant that will never change: Whoever is dedicated to the game will always be part of the top of LB and that’s just fair. This is the goal of GR’s. There’s nothing wrong. At this point / context, the current GR model is perfectly competitive.

Keeping the cap will only bring the false illusion that non-dedicated players can compete with the dedicated player.

The point of limiting gems is to not force those people who play the 150 capped mode, be it Season or NS, to go to the other with the removed GR cap.

Not if you sort the ladder by paragon level reached. Then the difference will be visually a lot more prominent than say 30s in the GR150 clear time.

If you sort by paragon level, then keeping the cap will be useless, wouldn’t you agree?

See, I did not completely disagree with your posts, the rating by Paragon, is something interesting.

My point is just about keeping the CAP in the current GR’s model, it won’t solve anything.

No, keeping the cap moves the focus from pushing to speed running. You need a reachable cap to have a proper efficiency-only competition.

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I don’t know if I understand your point, but look:

With CAP: Players who want the top will make farm paragon speeds, make bountyes for items, and at the end of a season push to rank 1.

Without CAP: Players who want the top will make farm paragon speeds, make bountyes for items, and after a season push to rank 1.

Nothing will change … Items and paragon will still make a difference and non-dedicated players will still stay below LB. Everything will remain “unreachable” for these.

And as I said, what you suggest is at odds with the current GR’s model, the ideal would be to create another separate GR’s model from the current one.

… Or kill the current model completely and displease 99% of dedicated players.

With GR level CAP: Competition focus is on farming paragon, not pushing.

Without GR level CAP: Competition focus is both on pushing and farming paragon.

Paragon farm requires no effort?
Sorry, but at this point you are wrong, there is no doubt about it.

We already have the cap. Even so, most competitors only care about push and LB rank 1.

Paragon farming based on speed running serves for an efficiency competition. You simply have no idea how big the difference between the most efficient players and the rest is.

The players who care about pushing only stop playing early in the Season after they push and rank high, because they don’t enjoy the paragon farming or don’t have time for it.

The others who play until the end of the Season may have a goal to reach LB rank 1, but nevertheless the paragon farming is something they have to go through to achieve that goal. And if these same players have a pure paragon LB, most of them won’t push at all.

Still it takes effort.

Of course I do … But what does this have to do with what I said?

You overdo it by saying “most”, in fact very few players compete for paragon.

It’s okay to have LB for paragons, speeds or how many pets you have.

The main point here is that there is no logical reason to keep the cap. As I explained by talking to you and others, nothing will change by keeping the cap. So if these are all the arguments they can show, yes, the cap should be removed.

It has everything to do. You are missing the difference between efficiency from speed farming and skill from pushing.

All who play until the end of Season compete for paragon. Those who enjoy pushing only do it without the paragon farm.

As I told you once they add a pure paragon LB those who enjoy the efficiency competition will start looking at it as their “main LB” to compete on.

You say you have “everything to do” but do not explain how, sorry, but I have read and reread what you said, still does not make sense to me.
And yes, I know the difference between push ability and speed.

Are you sure you are a serious player?

I’ve been playing D3 for a long time, I’ve been through a lot of clans, I’ve been playing with top 10 solo and 4P multiplayer, and I’ve also talked to some on other servers. What you say is far from the truth …
A very small parcel competes for paragon, they do not even compete in the existing LB.

I’m sorry Skelos, what you say reflects something that doesn’t exist in D3. There is no deep grounding in their claims, they appear to be mere assumptions.

I don’t want to dwell on matters outside the point.

I have already presented my points and it is more than evident the true purpose of the GR’s model. You are clearly trying to misrepresent it to something closer than you like, but it will not completely solve the game for many players.

Thanks for your help, but my vote continues: The limit MUST be removed.