How to solve the Griftcap problem:

Its pointless to talk about increasing the cap. Its capped because its a HARD LIMIT on monster health. And thats not an easy fix to make since its a 64bit signed number. They would have to fundamentally overhaul the GR system if you are to increase it.
and Saying do a stat squish is bad as those things have never worked well in the past for any game and players don’t like to see all of a sudden doing no damage again.

Its doubtful to see any major fundamental changes as the game is with the classic games department. Its a holding spot until the next game.

And talking about blue posts from years ago about GR’s being infinite is also pointless. They did not foresee all the powercreep that has happened since they made those claims. Remember that 100’s were the limit a long time ago. You didn’t have solo builds clearing what 4man’s cleared back then or having people with 10000 paragon points running around (or about 50k extra main stat)


Absolutely no need for that to happen in both Season and NS. The biggest competitive diversity would be achieved when there is a limit in one mode and no such in the other, as I already wrote you (step 2 from below):