Hit Recovery Removed - D4

I dont know about it, so far I remember condor games had a justice league fighting game so it could take influence from there.

Also, this OP claims it already at point 5:

Totally agreed here, thats why im totally against what D4 devs said at blizzcon or D4 Q&A that if you get hit, your attack animation will still trigger.

I dont know if thats hard to programm which effect it will else take (mid or non-mid swing) and guess it correctly when a blow will be already in mid swing unless you have super good eyesight and good reflexes.

Either that and for “not so weighted blows” hit recovery could still take place like it always has been in previous diablos.
Lets not forget that since D3 the size of monsters increased abysmally, “cough”, siegebreaker, “cough”, belial, “cough”.

I friggin’ hate the freeze potatoe. That used to be the most overpowered affix in D3. Not so much anymore.

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I also posted another idea to have something in its place rather than just the absence of physics, but I guess since it wasn’t “just copy Diablo 2 in every way” it doesn’t count.

Diablo 4 doesn’t have to do everything that the previous games did. Diablo 2 didn’t even do that.

It also doesn’t need to have enemies the size that they got to in Diablo 3.

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Didn’t even know that hit recovery was in D4.

If they removed it, it was probably because of the obvious: it’s not very fun to play a game where enemy attacks constantly make your character flinch.

What is fun for one is not fun for another, and that is a problem )
D3 has no hit recovery and I can’t say I enjoyed greatly its combat. It was okay, but not really challenging, unlike D2 or, especially, D1, and I like challenging combat. D3 (or PoE) combat is good for those who like super speed god-like runs with whole screen oneshots. I’m not among those.

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If there’s something that D3 is praised for, it’s the fluidity of its combat. No hit recovery is a big part of that.


It’s not really a problem because you’ll never get everyone to agree on anything. There is no consensus on what is fun in any game. Everyone has differening opinions. I might be remembering wrong but wasn’t hit recovery a way to transition the game to real time without remaking the entire combat system? Do we even see it in other games today? It’s possible I just ever paid attention, since I didn’t pay attention to it 20 years ago.

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It was something they played around with. I think the claim that it was in and removed is a bit dubious. It was never mention in they year since it was revealed other than recently to say they tried it and didn’t like it.

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Again praised by whom? I don’t like my character being a ghost. For me D1 and even D2 combat feels much better. Especially D1. I love how every single monster is a threat.


Pretty much everyone? It’s only the D2 zealots asking for this because for them D4 has to be D2.

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But it took hit recovery and shield block from D1 over to D2, just like stat allocation was also carried over to D4 from D1 and D2.
Core mechanics that made the game play similar and not feel like its a totally new game like D3 was to D2 and D1.

Ashava and future World bosses say the opposite.

Nah, its just that D2 didnt run at 60 FPS, thats why D3 is more fluid and plays smoother.
D3 would still be fluid even with hit recovery.

Clearly that isn’t the case since they apparently don’t want it in D4.

And no, D2’s lack of smoothness has nothing to do with FPS, but everything to do with being stunlocked not being fun.

Clearly it is the case proven in this remaster mod/video.

Every casual maybe, who played D3 once, watched cinematics and uninstalled for good.

Uh no. That video doesn’t prove your point. Like, at all.

More FPS doesn’t matter if your character is stunlocked.

what has a stun or stunlock anything to do with fluidity/visuals of frames?
Please make better arguments.
Edit: stop trying to edit your arguments without any counter argument lol, editing like that will not prove you right.

Lol, funny how you guys always try to dismiss these arguments by saying only casuals like it.

The people that want the gameplay to be degraded back to D2 levels are in the minority.

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Because when people talk about the fluidity of the gameplay they’re talking about the gameplay.

No, its not the gameplay. Its the combat fluidity what D3 is so praised for.
And that category falls because D3 had advanced technology and higher FPS than D2.
No need to repeat this.

rolls eyes

Gameplay fluidity INCLUDES combat.

And apparently this does need to be repeated because you’re too stubborn to admit that most people prefer D3’s combat.