Hit Recovery Removed - D4

Up until this pt, this game looked very D3, whatever, that sucks, still D4 is worth playing and trying to have fun with it even if it’s inspired by D3 way more than D2. Still worth being excited about up to this point.

This though, this is totally insane.
According to Llama’s D4 Q&A Video, don’t know how to link in here, youtube it, Diablo 4 is removing hit recovery. About 5 min in the video.

What does this do / mean?
When you get hit you have “Flinch” and “Stun”.
Flinch does not interrupt your control of your character.
Stun is where you lose control over your character, like hit recovery in D2.
Apparently there’s “some” monsters that will have stun but that’s it.
There is no block recovery either.

I am not whining. This is constructive, on pt, criticism.
So, please keep the D3 sided “D2’s nostalgia” posts away, lets come together in 2021 and be on the same page respect-wise if point-wise there’s a disagreement.

This is really bad you guys.
MANY factors contribute to “combat” ok.
It’s not just “how does it look and feel” because “feeling smooth” is a stance.
Like, “feeling threatened” is the opposite stance.

As in if you can “smoothly” run through a monster pack, to some that’s great that’s what they want, to us older folk / D2 folk, that’s a misfire at the design phase. People like us want to be worried about running into a monster pack, because of things like hit recovery, among at least 20 other big variables that go into “is combat good?”.

Things like:
Do I care if I get hit?
Am I worried about running into a mob pack?
Can I get put in hit recovery? (See how quickly this comes to mind?)
How much faster hit recovery do I want?
Is faster hit recovery a better tradeoff than X, Y, or Z on another item?
Do block chance and faster block matter?
Resistances both mine and enemies?
How fast does my char move / run? Does it cost mana, or a free cooldown?
How does this change combat if movement is based off cooldown skills?
Doesn’t that make combat less risky than running fast into mobs?
How costly are my damage skills? How do I sustain them?
How fast can I attack?
What are my weapon and skill attack ranges?
Does my weapon have a replenishing quantity and how will I sustain that?
How tight is the map? Are there small doors with monsters than can open them?
How far can I see ahead / is there fog of war?
How informative is the minimap, is it telling me where to go, or leaving it to ME?
Do enemies have variable on death effects, frost nova, and are they threatening?
How zoomed in is the camera? Does it allow me to plan my path or not?
Does AI deal physical / melee attacks to me, or am I fighting affixes only?

Another 20:
What’s the risk to dying? Is there corspe fetch / exp loss and such?
Am I vulnerable after I respawn, or do I just click on a banner and that’s it?
Where do i respawn too? How do i get back to action?
Does it take communication to get back to action, or a non interactive way?
Does the game have mounts, are those mounts immune to monster packs?
Are there curses? Will I get hit with Decrepify Weaken Maiden AD?
Does each new difficulty lower my resistances so I am vulnerable?
How common are buff auras, like BO sticks? Should they be that cheap?
How fast do enemies move? How fast do their projectiles move?
Is there stamina and is it effective early levels ONLY, to set the vibe right away?
Is there faster block to gear for? If not, that’s one less tradeoff to factor in?
How long do my skill animations take and such?
Are skills fueled by cooldowns and rotations, or mana?
How long are my skill cooldowns, and are (>1 second) long cooldowns fun?
If mana, how do you get mana? Is a generator a fun way to play or lame?
Aren’t health potions great when they replenish over time, slowly?
Is my item eth and can it run out of durability and do I care if it does?
Is my AoE skill so powerful I just clear the screen w/o caring? (like many of D2’s endgame meta builds, and f/e D3’s UE when it reigned).
How common are shrines and does each new shrine effect cancel the last?
Do you want shrine hunting to be a thing if they stack, or not be a thing because they overlap?
Things like this, there’s more, I’m out of energy to think of more and type.

If I don’t get put in hit recovery upon engaging an enemy, do any of these things matter? Seriously. Unless their affixes are spell-like and that’s all I fight / dodge / kite. This is why hit recovery is king for “is combat good?”.

Without that, there’s no risk to jumping in the action w/o caring.
I would like to learn how this is not the case, because I can’t see it.

Why is D4 going this low risk approach to combat?
Why did the devs say “faster hit recovery did not feel right?”
Like, how? I am not trying to be dramatic, they should be making videos on Youtube TALKING TO THE WORLD about these gigantic thoughts they have regarding deving D4, the fact devs are not being transparent on their own initiative is absolutely redic!

Think about the (negative, simplifying) effect this has on pvp?!
I’d only pvp if it’s low level, bc simple is more strategic (than tele all over) pvp. So I’m in D4 gearing up / planning a pvp char, should I value faster hit recovery on this item, or is the next breakpoint of IAS better? Is overloaded resistance better than hit recovery? Is overloaded health better than faster hit recovery? This is what ANY diablo player BUT the brand new to the genre people will think about. It is NOT just this “1 percent” of playerbase, its like 90 percent. in the age of Youtube, it takes 2 seconds to learn this what affixes are valuable.

None of these self-questions (when valuing a new item that dropped) matter because faster hit recovery isn’t a part of pvp, because it’s not in the game! You are taking out a MAJOR affix from the gear-valuation part of Diablo, which is THE CORE of Diablo 2! Like D4 devs!! What are you doing!

In D2 world, mostly, the mattering affixes:

  • skills, sockets, faster cast/ias, resistance, lowered resist, faster hit recovery, mana after kill mana/health, can’t be frozen, things like this. They just chucked one of the top 5 id say affixes from Diablo 2 out of the game. No reason, just a DL slip to Llama and didn’t even elaborate to him by the way.

If D4’s devs would make dev opinion videos they’d be accountable for their decisions, and have to stand up for them, instead of just telling a streamer something and then doing it to the game. Llamas awesome, yet why does just he get to know this, and not us non-streamers in the world? Sorry for sounding negative, I am being constructive, and am disappointed D4’s devs are not talking to us about these things forwardly on video, just streamers.

Maybe on the forums here we can come together and voice our opinion that we are being rejected for not being streamers? Blizz is not making videos talking depth like “faster hit didn’t feel right, this is why we removed it”. Why? “Flinch” doesn’t affect your control we know that, so it’s not hit recovery, and only “some” monsters have “stun”. This is just outright redic, tell a streamer that, and do it to the game, and we just take it? This is the opposite of being transparent Blizz…regardless if your choice is a good one or bad for the game. Without Llama telling us that, how would we know your stance on hit recovery? I thought in 2019 you promised change…and this is not the change we are hoping for.

So, what do you guys all think about D4 choosing “no” for hit recovery, replacing it with “stun” and only having “some” monsters have that ability? How are we supposed to be threatened by monster packs now? If you reply please put your Diablo political bias aside, it’s 2021, new year, lets be adults about it.

EDIT Please include an example if you click reply. Since humans are so reversely wired i almost feel like writing “don’t include examples” bc when told not to do something we all are tempted to do that. So, “do not’” include examples…lets see if that way works.


Rotating freeze-potato will stun you and mario-laser will kill. That’s how ))


How about they have fallen holding grain buckets that cause your mounted horse to become obsessed with food suddenly, throwing you off while he/she slams on the breaks. Maybe that could cause hit recovery and you’d think twice before charging into / by a monster pack.

Exactly this slick gameplay is what makes D3 so weak compared to D2, and D4 also looks so emotionless in the fights, and has slightly to strongly exaggerated effects that are also inappropriate.

That won’t really get a grip again and then there are other problems as you can read here.

The topic starter really took a lot of trouble and wrote down a detailed guide for good gameplay with a suitable explanation.

If you read it, you realize already , as in the case of hitstuns, weapon sandbox etc just feels right.

When I look at D4 and the memory from D3 yes know, I see already what again for a problem rolls on us. And we’re only talking about general combat mechanics now, not even content issues or how the story feels, how the bosses are sold, and and and…
The devs should read this awesome post carefully and not let this go unnoticed.


I believe the devs just didnt “like” getting stuned by normal attacks, but thats exactly the reason why I believe D4 will flop if they want every player to be able to freely do as they please without tactical positioning/engage against enemies.
I always loved Hit Recovery, since Diablo 1.
The butcher wouldnt be so scary without Hit Recovery (and knockback) as an example.


I mean there is so much more that goes into “is combat good” i could write another 20 things.

The point of all this is 2 fold.
Hit recovery is a BIG deal. It is king for combat.
If there’s nothing threatening you for getting close besides enemies attacks, you don’t get put in check for getting close and tanking, or being bad at kiting. I mean curses, aoe effects, things like that are factors but w/o hit recovery you don’t really get slowed down to actually be threatened. Think of anti-kite? You’re a sorc kiting around, get tagged, but w/o hit recovery you’re like no biggie. I mean sorcs dominate now? They have range from the ‘other’ anti get close factors, hit recovery is how you beat sorcs lIke D2 lld pvp. Hit recovery is not in D4, so, sorcs win the game now? They dodge bc they’re ranged. There is no penalty for getting tagged as a kiter if hit recovery is “unworthy” for D4.

Talking to just Llama (great guy) on the DL about this is shady. And not the world, forwardly. Like “Hey sup llama here’s a GIANT dev opinion im slipping on you that we haven’t told anyone but you”.

This is totally NOT the change we asked for / they promised in 2019.


Yes I know and I understand you too.

I feel it is actually essential to have a hitstun in order to build up a reasonable gameplay in combat, in which the enemies also have an effect and you have to behave more tactically as in the past.

But you’re right… There are a lot more things that should be considered.
We point out, Blizz should be receptive and play through it times.
But it just results in a chain reaction suddenly. Because if you build in one thing, all the pieces of the puzzle shift in a certain direction and break up the whole system. Blizz knows that and I don’t know how Blizz really ticks and how far they are now willing to go back to it.
It would help the game, but it certainly also shifts the release back again, in the game mechanics again further forward to put + consequences that will inevitably arise.

Since I want to play a good game over a long time… certainly like you too…, we welcome that… but what Blizz does… well…

The bad thing is yes, if then D4 is there and again half-baked, then the cry is great and the next Diablo again at least 10 years away and we with bad luck already under the ground …

If they keep being stubborn about the way “they” want to play with “their” mechanics from D3 in D4, they will realize people will switch over to D2R.
We might as well wait for D5 for them to finnaly realize that more polished and less cartoonish graphics isnt the only reason why a big party of the community prefered D2 mechanics over D3/D4 mechanics.


I know D2R is like announced, and they basically just made D4 attack speed 20 times more op. You have no punish for getting tagged now. Lol like gearing just lost a huge competitor. Find damage, find ias, don’t worry about hit recovery anymore since monsters dont put you in hit recovery to begin with. This is bad guys. Real bad.

Did they have like St Patrick’s day party in Feb and Zoomed with Llama after hours or something? Lol like what happened there Blizz…minus well remove mana from the game or something else as extreme…

Who cares about defense when you don’t care if you get hit because you won’t lose control over your char? Why even have armor now? lol like no joke. Why does dodge matter or block? We don’t lose control anymore with D4, that was the primary reason you did not want to get hit in D1/2. All this pushes ranged to dominate the game since they are the weakest to hit recovery…

I suppose i can stream both D4 and now my backup The Oregon Trail II Deluxe Edition for when nobody cares about D4 since its just this elemental fighting game full of sorcs and zons. A hammerin would just smoke the game if it can’t be put in faster hit. This is wack blizz fix it. Ask us. Talk. We know things, please value our opinion?

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If you don’t like D4, you’ll have a beautiful D2: Remaster to play for the next 20 years.


Yea D2R is alright, its not new though, nothing is new about it, that’s a bigger problem that it seems. D2R would be a whole new experience for item hunters, the core of the game, not the quest line, if they’d dev an item balance patch for D2R. Could do it in a weekend. Its not “the same experience” but it is just with totally new builds allowed. A number swap around for items only brining the OP ones like spirit shield sword out, the bad ones up, not a skill changer or anything that extreme.

That patch would bring a solid 5 years out of the game for everyone.
W/o the patch its not new, worth checking out, but you’re just going w the same spirit shield casting meta, spell caster meta, like the game desperately needs an item affix lookover move things around to bring underpowered builds up. Fire druid f/e can’t compete w hammerdin. Nobody can compete with light sorc. Like, the game is so solved, its ravenous for an item shakeup and only that. Well, a block on leeching exp on baal’s minions would help. So would 20x harder bosses in groups, and a flat nerf to static field. Lol make static field cost 1k mana, wouldn’t that be funny? Someone in the group gears for boss killer and their ONLY job is to cast two zaps to bring it down 50 percent and then stand there…sweet game right?

O, get ebug out the game, so merc’s cant be eternal holding infinity for spellcaster builds to push everything out of the meta. That would be a change.

See when they dont do any of this, the game is exactly what we already got tired of in group play. Solo play, having infinite merc is also bad. They can tank baal hell for you and take him down. Like, ebug itself is a huge reason D2 lost longevity. Its cool for a day or year, then you see how limiting it is, if you dont ebug you aren’t good, so that pushes lots of ideas out the door.

Make no mistake tho, D2’s an awesome game, and it’s worst flaw by far is spirit runeword. nothing is more devastating to the game than that thing, even over enigma. You cant build a build w/o losing to those from your competitors in groups. You cant compare a different item to their power bc all lose to them (enigma not as badly). Their obscene power shrinks the game down, on the deckbuilding level (build level). Sweet look at this wand i found but it sucks vs Spirit 25 which is really easy to make and an endgame item. I mean even Barbs are better off wearing spirit for the skills. Its that OP and u can get it in about an hour into the game and look it up online if you don’t know what it is in 3 seconds from anywhere with a 5g phone lol. So in basically an hour and 5 minutes you can beat diablo 2 once downloaded.

Log in, make char, alt tab spirit, find those runes and base, make it win, game’s done. Like seriously. I love D2, and spirit is the dagger sticking in it’s skull. Some 2001 or something runeword barfed on a whole game of awesome at least nerf spirit come on devs just change the rune combo to 45 Jahs instead of like Tir or w/e spirit costs now.

Removinig hit recovery is a disaster. No deep combat, no severe thinking at all about positioning, less customization options, less mobs differenciation and, last but not least, without it every class will feel the same.

Come on guys, push and be vocal to restore it…
it’s such an important feature in a good arpg :frowning: (and d3 and poe fail miserably in that regard)


Thank you!

It is so great to see people agree for once on something on here.
This is so wack what they are doing! Blizzard this is crazy i can’t believe it when Llama said that first of all i spit up my red bull all over my sh i mean keyboard.
Then im like, WHAT did he just say?

Then i listened to it like 5x, saw his shocked reaction, saw him like ‘carry on’ like no biggie. Came to the forums, im like this is post worthy i dont even care if it’s not edited perfectly or worded the best.

This has to get out there, it has to.
The game is like not going to be any fun if its just battling elite affixes and on death effects and such like D3. We are NOT going down THAT route with D4 like that was/is D3’s biggest mistake (outside of lack of a loot situation or a questing path).

Like ive been saying this for years D3’s combat is NOT good, it’s NOT “smooth” bc it doesnt have anti-run into mob mechanics like hit recovery. I mean corpse fetch and penalties for dying are all tied to this, whats dying if it doesnt matter? Like that’s what i explained above it’s all a chain or spiderweb however you want to look at it.

And seriously faster hit is the core of it, its like the central figure that makes the whole game come together. Its HOW you die. Like, that’s why its the core.

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This is why we need more interesting item affixes and abilities. Ditch % damage to elites and % damage to non-elites and other odd affixes like that, and institute hit recovery, dodge, and other interesting affixes that feed into more complex combat, while still having mobility skills, dodge button, and other things be involved to keep it action oriented. By no means am I saying keep this like Diablo 1, but we need more than what is there now.


Well yea this, AND what they did is remove one of those.
There is no faster hit recovery you guys.
Bc there is not being put in hit recovery bc they thought it “wasn’t the right fit” according to Llama’s rephrase.

I don’t know how i sniped that i wasn’t even paying attention heard hit recovery and like attention switched to the video. that’s how important it is.

Now when you look at an item it’s that much easier to value, pve or pvp.
Now when you play the game its that much easier to stay alive, pve or pvp.
Like that’s the ultimate summation of this.

Well, ranged wins too, since by nature they don’t like to get hit bc the would get put in “hit recovery” and lose their ability to be offensive, and are less equipped to handle damage than melee. Take away ranged’s biggest counter and why go melee? Melee benefits too but they aren’t superpowered with movement and some AoE skill or w/e think blizzsorc or lightsorc in D2 with no hit recovery…like nothing compares. i mean hammerdin i guess, he wouldnt mind not being put in check for teleing on monsters and casting hammers.

This is bad. Really bad. Like it should be all over youtube.

Ok im gonna go for a while i’ll check back later you guys.
Thanks so far who who’s contributed, i’ll edit my post down a bit sometime make it a bit easier to read.

My same reaction lol.
Already posted this in another topic, but this turned me off greatly for D4.
Makes me think of only getting D2R and thats it.
I dont know if its worth to get D4 only for graphics, lore and the open world.
Im pretty sure PVP will have 0 balance as well.


It is hard for me to say I wouldn’t get Diablo IV, and they know that haha, but the amount of time I spend on it and whether or not I get expansions and such definitely depends on how the game is when it releases. I never bought the Necromancer in Diablo 3, because I don’t care enough about the game and the classes don’t feel as unique as they did in Diablo 2.

I have hopes for D4, though some of the elements are looking far too much like D3 at this moment. We need more RPG/more strategy/more thought involved. Some aspects they are nailing, but some feel directly from D3.

With that in mind, I am really kind of hoping DIIR does well and they make another expansion for it. if the expansion is optional, I see no problem with that and personally would be excited to have new content for my favorite game ever created.


Yea, can’t help but agree.
Also another thing which I think helps immensely.
Did anyone notice if they have monster collision / body blocking yet?
I know it was a demo, but in 2019 we could be surrounded by mobs and just walk through them and escape. I’m talking without the dodge mechanic or a mobility skill.

Makes me sad that they just confessed to having a useless flinch animation. It’s just there for show.
Just imagine no collision + no hit recovery… you could just run past the mobs, it would be the ultimate joke. :frowning:


Real quick this is exactly not bais what they did to diablo 3.
They took hot FHR, so you battle elite affixes.

This is WHY you can zoom around literally right next to-monsters (one of the reasons in combination with non-tradeoff movement skills on a cooldown, not your own damage or defense via mana) and the game feels so shallow combat wise. This is exactly why for the last few years on here i’ve been saying hold up no d3’s combat is not superior to 2’s because its lacking major anti-run-through-the-game mechanics.

D3s “hit recovery” is “don’t get hit by a spawning elite affix that also kills you or damages you so the next one will” its not the same as having you lose control over your char. We had all those ppl complain about waller, when waller also isn’t fasater hit. Waller lasted like 5 seconds or 7 or something, faster hit lasted like 1/2 a second or so, but totally disabled you. This critical difference matters. Along with how fast you run, vs having a slow char with a movement skill, and so on.

Faster hit keep in mind also conflicted with the great (awful for the game) enigma. You cant tele when in hit recovery. Thats why Nihlathak and such was so dangerous. Hit recovery, imagine if boxing had no hit recovery…matches would be over in 30 seconds just constant offense into each other till one passes out. This is why attack speed is now beyond OP, you cant get stunned, so resistances, attack speed and damage that’s your priorities, no need to care about faster hit recovery OR defense bc who cares if you get hit when it does not stun you / put you in hit recovery. Its so bad, why even have armor!

Like I said in the other thread I’m all for having stats that don’t just boil down to “deal more damage” and “take less damage” but the stagger thing was never a particularly engaging mechanic.

The only saving grace for it in Diablo 2 is the fact that it is so easily ignored, especially given that most characters should be stacking vitality anyway after meeting gear requirements for STR/DEX.

It is not the grand master tactical thinking of gearing options that some people want to pretend it is.

There are ways of making being in the middle of a pack of enemies dangerous that isn’t an annoying mechanic that takes away control from the player constantly.