Help Us Fix Diablo 3

Big up for all the Work you all put in to make our beloved Diablo Franchise better! Much love goes out to you all. :heart:

CRs are greater rifts. So they by very definition are GR videos. Just to make it clear, I am not Mr Elite. I don’t make it on the leaderboards every season and I do try. The content creators make these videos so people can breeze through the CRs… because so many of them are POS builds that no one wants to figure out. You keep on complaining that they will all look the same, but ignore the shear number of proper builds that are available to the players. Dioxide is a good example of someone that does not run a build that copies the top leaderboard clears… unless his is the top of course. And most of the top players don’t even stream. I for one would like to get a better look at their builds by being able to actually play them. If you think challenging these clears will be easy, than think again. One CR in EU had Wudijo’s clear and it was a bit$$ to complete. And yet people did it. It was great insight on how to clear a GR. Not some frustrating run with constant running out of resources or just wondering what the hell the original player was even thinking. CRs were supposed to improve players skills and they are just not doing that as is. Just like set dungeons have little to do with the proper way to run certain builds. You keep on throwing out elite… well you do not have to be an elite to hate these CRs. They are garbage, the set dungeons are garbage, and they need to be fixed. Not once have you explained why they are valuable to the player base. So, why don’t you make a case for why we should keep them other than “They are not Elite builds”.

I’m not sure if anyone suggested this already or not. But anyway.

Back when they added Ramaladni’s Gift to the game Blizzard gave the motivation: “Everyone are playing with sockets in their weapons anyway…” (I’m paraphrasing)

And then some season(s) later they added legendary gems. You see what I mean, right?

Why can’t we use Ramaladni’s Gift on rings and amulets and get a tiny bit more diversity of stat rolls on jewellery?

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One more map to remove would be the Act V plague tunnels. It has a good chance to not have any or too few Pylon spawn points. If the only spawn point is at the beginning of the rift than there is no way to spawn a pylon. Better yet, revamp the Pylon spawn system so there are more spawn points on all maps.

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It was number 8 under wishlist in the OP.

May I humbly draw your attention to…


I’m not quite as good as DiEoxiDe, but we are in the same clan. If you give me his builds, I won’t be able to do the things he does. But, you wanted an example of why CR’s are okay as they are, so here you go.

With these “bad builds” which are obviously taken when characters are in the process of gearing up and don’t have the “good items” to equip or put in the cube yet, we see what players do when they haven’t got the top tier items to run a GRift in an effort to get geared. I’m sure when you’re gearing up, you don’t look at your build and say “This sucks!” You play it and cope until you get the things to make your build “good”.

Or if it not that, then it’s just slapped together to complete a challenge like The Thrill or what not. Point is, it’s kind of neat to re-experience someone else’s stuggles with gearing which may or may not mirror your early season woes.

But really, it’s not more challenging to run a “good build” in GRift 120+ or a “bad build” in a GRift 45-60. It’s just easier to play the way you always do instead of changing how you play to play someone else’s builds.

But back to your DiE example. You really expect all players to do what DiE does? Really? I’m not a bad player by any stretch. Top 20 on Akkahn Leaderboards this season. Usually somewhere in the top 100 when I try hard in seasons I play DH but me doing what DiE does everytime a CR comes along is a bit too much to ask.

And I’m thinking you won’t play CR’s whether they’re “improved” or not. So they can stay the same and it doesn’t effect you one bit.

Just sayin’.

Santa Claus letters never disappoint.

Overall, my opinion on D3 is that if we want it to be on par with modern aRPGs for the future years to come the game has to be redesigned completely with things like these dmkt mentions.

Going through 150 GRs is not fun. 50 is more than enough. Re-scale. Bounties are not fun. Scrap. Etc, etc, etc.

Needless to say, D3 won’t ever be redesigned until it isn’t released for modding or open sourced.

Regarding putting band-aid over band-aid in it the situation isn’t clear too. For which players are we doing it: for those that are to play for a short time due to taking a break from D2/D4 (we go in the more casual direction then) or for those that are to play D3 regularly (we put more stuff to grind for then)?

But since you asked for band-aids, here is mine:
Tier progression in Challenge Rifts

Don’t forget to send the complete list to 123 Elf Road, North Pole, 88888.

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Ty for the effort Raxx:

Few additional suggestions I didn’t saw on your list:

  • more Multipliers on Passives, Items and Active Skills should be turned from Additive Multipliers into Multiplicative Multipliers. Which Multipliers are Additive and which ones are already Multiplicative can easily be figured out on an Item/Build Planer from e.g. Maxroll.

  • more runes from Skills that are not ‘spend all your resource with one use of the Skill’ should be useful. E.g. other runes than Seismic Slam (Rumble), Skeletal Mage (Singularity), Meteor (Star Pact), etc should be made more useful / more powerful.

  • more Legendaries and Sets in the vein of Captain Crimson or Aughilds with interesting effects like giving you a bonus based on other Affixes, e.g. an Cold-themed Sword that deals additional Cold Damage based on your Cold Resistance, etc, or something that converts 50% of your Maximum Arcane Power into XYZ.

Bonus Suggestion

  • Give the DH’s Skill Vengeance and the Monk’s Epiphany a new Visual Effect, and maybe even Wrath of the Berserker (which is also one that many people don’t like), or give an option that hides these particular visuals / or that replaces them with simply making your char larger and have a few particle effects around it without replacing your appearance.

What is this? Is this for real or just a joke maybe?
Don’t play with my hopes…please…Thank you!
And Blizz you got the last shot with D4…you mess this one up iam gone for good!

So, you think it is more important to play around with builds that are in the gearing stage, the first 1-5% of the season, than the end game builds. Really not winning me over on your idea there. Oh, and I did beat Wudijo’s time on the EU server, so if I, a middle of the pack at best player, can beat Wudi’s time, why can’t you beat Dioxides? Unlike the person that ran the GR in the first place, you have the chance to run it over and over to improve your times. Huge advantage, and further insight on how to play better on the end game… you know the part that composes 90+ percent of your play.

I didn’t see these ones which should be high priority:

1 - Change XP/loot/shards across all GRs levels. Doing the highest GR in the lowest time shouldn’t be meta. Game should make you focus on fighting monters instead of running a marathon. E.g. Doing a GR 130 in 6 minutes should give you more XP/loot/shards than doing three 115 GRs in 2 minutes.

2 - Add class/type/Desired GR level filter on Public GR mode

3 - Visuals: Akarat Champion and bone armor make your character look awfull.

4 - The support meta needs to end. One support per group, they provide too much value.

5 - GR lvl 1 should have the numbers of GR 20 and start the scalling from there. That would mean 20 more GRs of difficulty.

6 - The fat lady shouldn’t give you the exact attribute roll that you are trying to re-roll

7 - Auto-pick up of gems and mats

8 - Change Hard difficulty to have Torment 1 numbers and start the scalling from there. That would mean more challenge/rewards on T16

9 - Add an expensive option to buy an XP pool on GR mode, same as the +1 gem up. Gold sink and pool problems easily fixed.

I had a evry good day got a primal dead man quiver, very good stats, BUT I wish i could use a gift and add a socket to it, my lesser one had one and I of course put a emerald in it. I know they would never do it , but maybe allow us to put a Legenary gem in it, and any off hand for any class

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What I would love the most for Diablo 3 is to improve the Two player experience.
Best way I can think of is to allow the host to retain his follower and apply its items/skills to both players.

The buff to the singe player experience via the Follower rework was magnificent.
While the 4 man group meta is still stronger, faster and more effective. Being a single player doesn’t feel bad at all.

But what it did was to brutally dampen enjoyment from playing with just one other person.
Currently it feels like a punishment, because playing single provides better result in pretty much every scenario.

While this part is subjective, Duo is my favorite and most played way for all RPG (that allows multiplayer). I also know I’m not alone, as I’m aware of many other people who regularly play as duos.
But sadly other than the pure enjoyment of the fact that you’re playing with your friend/partner/etc? You know that if you both played on your own it would be more effective and it makes the experience worse.

Having the host follower to apply to both players would fix this issue completely.
And the reason why both players couldn’t just have their own follower is to prevent trying to stack up as much item combination as possible.
The whole point is to get 2m play on the level of solo play. Not make it even better.

I’m not sure what could be done for 3 player games, as allowing them to have follower would be little too much. Could in some scenarios prove stronger than 4 player groups which isn’t intended.
That being said I think 3 people is already a group play and isn’t that different from 4 player option.
Duos are very specific and the difference is bigger between 2 and 3 than between 3 and 4 by a lot.

If having a follower present and helping would be too much for two players group. Then follower could remain in town → no skills (cheat death), buffs, etc. and the two players would only benefit from items that Emanate from a Follower chosen by Host.

Fact is… 2 player experience currently needs improvement even more, than single player did back then.

Back to your DiE example then. DiE intentionally goes class cannon in most builds he uses. What I mean is, he intentionally uses items or skills in his set ups that are weaker than most others on the Leaderboards. He also is great at “stutter stepping” which enables him to do it.

I can’t “stutter step” worth a damn. So I intentionally build my characters to be a bit “tankier” when I’m pushing doing things like running Elusive Ring over CoE, or using Fortress Ballista over another damaging dealling legendary.

My point is he does things I can’t do, which is where I’m coming from in knowing for certain that if his build is chosen, that running that CR would be an excercise in futility for me. So yeah, your example stinks. I know you chose him to counter the whole “everyone runs the same thing” argument but choosing someone that intentionally makes the game harder for your argument was pretty dumb.

On the other hand, running a build without multipliers or a build without a mobility skill or whatever “mistake” you see in a current CR is different than intentionally doing things to get yourself killed.

Point is, I will see you back here if DiE’s build is chosen begging for the CR to be changed just like folks do now with these “bad” builds.


Another example, before I GoD came out and after Cpt. Crimson’s was changed and Squirt’s was introduced, I used to run the Unhallowed Essence Set. DiEoxiDe came up with Gizzard build.

So I took it a step forward and ran that build but did it with less than 25,000 life, rolling off all Vitality for things like Armor, All Resist, or Life per Second to make the shield as strong as possible. It was different and I ran it up to GR 118 (which was good for that set back then.)

If that build was ever chosen, I know for certain there would be howls of “this guy has no idea what he’s doing”.

Here’s a link to DiE’s thread about the Gizzard build where I chronicled my progress with my set up.

All I ask for is an offline mode and controller support on PC.


Salvaging a Primal yields a Primal Essence, 5 Primal Essences plus a lot of materials will roll an item to a primal that can roll any way that primal can. Once this is rolled, it can only be salvaged for random stuff, you can’t resalvage this for another Primal Essence.

Have a Death’s Breath vendor. It can be a one to one ratio of purchasing other crafting materials whites / blues / yellows.


yah well the fact that most maxrollers literally use TurboHud is pretty hypocritical
also should include banning for Turbohud.

nerf paragon group farming for sure, people should be able to solo for the equal amount of exp, if people want to group then they can still enjoy it that way too.

improving the ui would be nice, but you ask for some of the worst things like showing elites on the map, you know this is an RPG, it should kind of play like one, if you want to fly airwolf with the bullet proof window shield down and the internal parameter guidance system up, okay, but you might as well just migrate to EVE online at this point and take your billion spreadsheets and just auto calculate and do math all day long in the dark. Some of us want the game to remain a role playing spooky devil game.

stacked loot is lazy and botterish. it’s petty to complain about.

improved pet AI is okay, but sometimes even you are a noob failure about it. I watched your clip of the bell monk and the clone you were complaining about was literally walled by a waller, you of all people should see these technicalities, but you didnt and you ranted for several minutes about it. Go back and watch the video you still have on youtube, you’re fighting a waller and the clone gets walled and when it’s not walled you are spamming attacks that it is cloning instead of catching up to you, so it’s literally you who is causing the issue, not the clone.

Now i want smarter AI, but i dont want command skeleton for all my pets, that’s not a pet build, that’s just literally a spell with pet shaped particles. I think the pet AI is pretty smart for todays standards. The little fetish guys have a lot of problems, but pathing itself is a nightmare to program and when you have 20 pets it can get messy nothing can be done outside of just teleporting them to spots on command, which goes back to the fact that pets become a casted spell instead of entities. Smol brains dont understand this pathing issue us programmers face, but it’s real simple, place 20 players in a corridor with doorways and tell them to race to the end and you’ll see that even the most advance AI is generally better than humans at pathing 20 mobiles to the end of the map.

improve boutines only if you handle botting first, otherwise no point.

same with crafting.

reduce lag? well i mean we dont pay a subscription and they have lots of other games coming online, so i dont see how unless we pay subs.

30 sec rift closure is only brutal when you can blast through the rift in 45 seconds, so if they remove that then they need to add T20 otherwise it needs to be there for random grouping issues which you obviously didnt think or care about.

account-wide followers could be done in the armory, we could gear the armory and select the setup for the follower we have active.

Cmon Oreks dream complaints? You expect the perfect rift every time? Oreks has been more or less, never bad. Do you really want to make Oreks dream fishing a thing? Cant rank up unless it’s Oreks. Close the rift if it aint Oreks every time. Man, i thought you were at least half decent hardcore gamer, but this just stinks of lazyness and bad ideas.

Buff Bad Mob Types? yah im done with this. What a huge waste of time these suggestions were. Buff Bad Mob Types? what even…

So you got nothing. Thought so…

I do not stutter step very well either, but I was able to beat Wudi’s time on his CR challenge. While SS is a superior way of playing, it is not the end all be all. If they remove the all or nothing aspect of the CRs, then I would never complain about what build is on the CR. There is no point in doing so if you can still get rewards for trying your best. So no, you will not see me crying if they make these changes and some truly challenging (read not artificially frustrating) builds are chosen. I will keep trying until I am satisfied with my results and have learned whatever there is to gleam from the run. And if I never have to run someone’s crappy build again, I will be truly happy about it.