GoD6 Buff Feedback after Patch 2

idk, they’ve been pretty good at keeping true to the original. I don’t feel like getting kicked in the pants in HD.

But they seem very competent. The Blizconline interviews with that team were very impressive.

Yes so they need to buff further Helltooth etc…patience…it can take several iterations to get it right.

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Wudijo seems to think it is ok.


lol why the f does he die at gr 105 at the boss :smiley:

They seem great but more like, not-screwing-up-a-good-thing great. I don’t really have a feel for how they are at actually fixing things and as just god-awful a journey as the patchnotes for 2.7.0 have been so far I prefer to see the “destroys everything they touch” as like, a recent and isolated development that just needs someone inhouse to stand on the brakes and assess what they’re doing.

  • The follower stuff is great. I’d definitely like to see more done with it later, but I view what’s been done so far as an absolute, unconditional win.
  • Firebird is what it is. I like where they’re head’s at with it, but there are some fire skills that don’t interact and it just kinda…keeps veering toward another channel build, and a somewhat broken one at that. If they can get it out the door without destroying it we’ll call it a draw. It was a nothingburger before the rework.
  • Rathma is a tire fire. They were pretty close to something, the set had generated some excitement. Bone Spirit was a weird choice but outside of pushes you could actually enjoy the new set without even having it on your bar. v2.1 fixed the issues with performance, uniqueness, and fun the build was having kinda like how you’d fix an angry cat. With a spork. It’s probably too late to fix it now.
  • GoD nerf is just fundamentally wrong. They stated a problem and then attacked the build itself. The remix kinda fixed some of it, but really they just need to put it back and fix the problem (MD) directly. They can tune from there if DH just isn’t allowed to have fun.
  • Bonus Round! WD is kicked in the pants to remind him who’s in charge.

Clearly more losses than wins, some really odd choices, but overall it was only probably the worst patch I can remember, which means there’s at least a decent chance it might not actually be the worst patch ever. I mean, someone thought the first version of Manajuma’s was a good idea.

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Another unconditional win: the updated leaderboard. This is probably the single best change in this patch…


Because he rushed content out on some farming runs, not tryhard pushes.

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No, it is NOT ok. This is a pure fanboy video…he missed the reality.


Of course he does he’s one the best players in the game. If you balance the game around Wayne Gretzky then nobody wins…

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I think he’s not far off the mark tbh, a bit :clown_face: to say it’s more fun when I can already tell with his passes in a 105 that it’s going to feel absolutely gross getting to RG compared to old GoD and the speed increase is going to vary by guardian. Overall though, it won’t be the massive loss it was shaping up to be.

But it doesn’t really matter because he isn’t going to play for you this season and whatever he has to tell himself to keep playing doesn’t really help everyone who’s unhappy with the completely unnecessary changes.

This is definitely one of the weirdest series of fixes to an unrelated and then self-inflicted problem I’ve seen in D3.


Just tested DH GoD GR120 PTR seems to be playable. Changed the fun of how it played considerable. Improved from the first nurf that destroyed the build. But lowered the game fun to me. This is a game for fun right? Selling games then lowering the fun to play them just has to be considered a liability.

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tbh the reality for him, a top-performing player who monetizes interest in the content, both needs to be and probably actually is different than for the thousands of other players for every one of him that exist.

Not saying his experienced, well-stated opinions don’t have value or are less important than anyone else’s, but it’d be a bit foolish of anyone to point at him and say “See, it’s fine! It’s even better now!” like a bug almost no one was encountering was worth this absolute roller coaster, or their experience was going to be similar to his.

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Is it not possible that instead how long a arrow stays on screen by length its measured in time?

This will reduce the times a arrow can piece in MD so can skip it if you want without destroying the set?


Could’ve just capped/turned off piercing inside MD and avoided all the drama, yeah.


Well, he said it could be buffed a little more (if we can call this a buff)…

I tested a little more. With around 2,5k paragons.

Gr 125 was a piece a cake before the nerf, now it’s doable but really painful, and it does not worth the effort anymore, I think.

Gr115 is a little slower than before, but maybe 1-2 minutes slower. And it is hard to be sure, because of the seasonal theme that was really strong.

Gr110 is pretty much the same than before, in non-seasonal. Slower than seasonal from 0,5-1 minute.

They should increase the number of pierces a little and increase the damage too.

Or, I repeat, erase the missile dampening elites from that game. They are pointless.

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6 peice God needs to go-to 20000 this would also help bolas at least do 100


Gears of Dreadlands’ power has been adjusted to compensate and also encourage other primary abilities


In all seriousness though, that adjustment is going to have to come from the other skills and their supporting legendaries, not by unilaterally increasing the set damage (which makes the top build variant stronger as well).

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@dmkt I finished making my NEW GoD DH rework ideas post last night. I gave a shout out to this thread. Please let me know what you think!