GoD6 Buff Feedback after Patch 2

So I’m guessing MD interaction was slowed projectiles infini-piercing mobs they pass through within the field?

If that’s the case, then I agree the first step is to put GoD back as it was.

Rather than breaking the set, or the supporting legendary, or the skill, put the cap on pierces on the missile dampening effect. Problem solved, no?


That’s great but that means the current WD nerf is totally uncalled for and the entire rest of the class needs a serious buff.

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RIP Hungering Arrow Demon Hunter. It was fun while it lasted.
I don’t see why they can’t set a max pierce count, reset the pierce count when the arrow changes direction, and set a maximum number of times the arrow can change direction.

Bolas will still be fun with the GoD set though.

That’s exactly what it means, yes.

You need to reread my sentence…

all the other over performing sets for all classes do need more work.

The point stands that balance is indeed required across all sets and classes but you must realize they can’t do it in one go…this is GoD DH’s turn to nerf in line with Blizzards design philosophy.

To me what is worse is leaving it for two seasons then nerfing it…as when it never got nerfed after one season we thought it was here to stay.


WD nerf takes the set down to GR130’ish at 5k paragon according to the players who tested it on PTR so a tier or two increase is indeed needed but I think Blizzard are aiming for GR135 and 1/2 above/below that they seem fine with.

I’d be surprised it is revisited.

OMG even current patch 2.0 Rathma is better than GOD 2.0 lol theres a 140 Rathma 8500 para but even with 11000 para GOD can’t hit 140 lol

I’m not sure what all the 11th-hour nerfing of overperforming builds is doing for the many, many builds that just don’t.

Firebirds will be getting the hammer its at 145 - 150 all day long lol

Please nerf bone spear!!!

Wait I got it lets cap bone spear at 3 pierces, shazam what a fix

The highest Witch Doctor on the PTR under 5k paragon is a 123 at 4475 (non season) so I would say a little more then a few GR’s.

Sets that are “under performing” and need a buff to reach 135 @5k Paragon (based on the PTR seasonal and non seasonal ladders):

Witch Doctor
Mundunugu’s Regalia
Zunimassa’s Haunt
Raiment of the Jade Harvester
Helltooth Harness
Spirit of Arachyr

Grace of Inarius
Pestilence Master’s Shroud
Trag’Oul’s Avatar
Masquerade of the Burning Carnival (needs about 4)

Immortal King’s Call
Might of the Earth
The Legacy of Raekor
Horde of the Ninety Savages

Delsere’s Magnum Opus
The Typhons Veil
Vyr’s Amazing Arcana

Thorns of the Invoker
Roland’s legacy
Seeker of the Light

Demon Hunter
Embodiment of the Marauder
The Shadows Mantle
Unhallowed Essence
Natalya’s Vengeance

Raiment of a Thousand Storms
Monkey Kings Garb
Uliana’s Stratagem
Inna’s Mantra

This list doesn’t include “Combo Sets” because it’s impossible to figure out all of the combinations, but if Blizzard truly wishes to keep to the notion that all sets should achieve 135 at 5k paragon they have a hell of a lot of work to do.

TLDR: 7 out of 35 sets are performing as expected or over performing by the supposed Blizzard balancing rule. The rest all need to be seriously buffed.


So basically just about every build for every class doesn’t even meet this supposed goal by varying degrees of a mile.

Any reasonable person would expect their focus to be under the line, then, not over it, if they really held that as a goal.


Yup and that is what they have been doing the last few patches? 7 down…many to go! Limited dev resource will mean this is a long journey until D4 lands.

Hence Seasonal themes offering temporary power helps pacify the community.

No. They recently “buffed” Helltooth and Arachyr’s and they both fell nowhere even close to this standard. Typhon and Horde of Ninety Savages are both NEW and do not keep up either. And they just Nerfed Mundunugu’s this ptr which wasn’t overperforming in the first place (it was just the best of the worst class).

developers got butthurt because the three changes done to WD (helltoth, arachyr, chicken) were not appreciated at all (they were useless from the beginning, but that’s another story) which is why mundunugu got the nerf hammer.

for me this only means that I can now delete two WD chars and create new necro and sader chars

Sader seems like the ONLY safe choice here.

There’s still time for that to be nerfed and not even tested.

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Just speechless…really…when do you really want to balance this game?? In 2045?


I think when the V V team are done with D2:R they should come fix Diablo 3 :grinning: