GoD nerf must be reworked

OP is 100% correct. The nerf doesn’t address the stated concern of missile dampening + ninth cirri satchel. And it does send the GoD set to the trash heap. I use my DH for solo speed GRs 80~100. This nerf is over doubling my clear times.


Best solution I think is to change Missile dampener to max 2 hungering pierces when GOD hits, not nerf the whole set. That is apply the max 2 hungering pierces only inside missile dampeners, so change the Elite not the whole set.

WIth my proposal missile dampeners would become an avoid for DH’s instead of a blessing. Buff the missile dampeners instead nerfing the set!

I can live with Missile dampeners getting the GOD nerf, max 2 pierces, but not the whole set overall.

Like a comment above said, this nerf was given very short thought time and not thought trough very well.


I’m a Monk player, I never play DH but I feel for DH’s. They have been out of the meta for a long time then get GoD and can do a fair amount of things with zdps and dps.

Blizz allow it for not the first season it was introduced but kept it as is for a second season.

Then they have nerfed it into the ground.

All the interviews they have done in the past have said you cannot give people power then take it away…which is what they have done.

If they did it for server performance then they need to rework it to give the power back without the server performance issues.

But either way what they have done is pretty bad…and that is from a non DH player.



Got a perfect theme for s23: Season of Nerf

I’ve been a DH main on two accounts, one since vanilla. I’ve happily played through DH’s ups and downs, being ok with it never usually being top dog. I think my favorite build feel is UE, but I had long tried to make a viable strafe build. I eventually found I could make a very fast LoN Strafe build to farm mats and cosmetics - i loved the build. When GoD came out i was ecstatic, a powerful strafe build! I poured many hours and much love into the build.

I remember blizzard devs saying something akin to they: “never wanted someone to log in and have their character feel less powerful.” This feels like a slap in the face. Those hours spent grinding were for naught - my build feels like I don’t have a single augment, or worse.

I don’t care if DH is the most powerful build or not, but it’s hard to log back onto DH after such a heavy handed approach has been taken to this build. I sincerely hope devs walk back some of this approach - it is genuinely saddening for DH’s.


I just made a list of possible reworks, please check it out and post suggestions there if you have an idea that isn’t close to one of those listed. I’m trying to consolidate the ideas so the developers can quickly see all the ideas with pros/cons in one place:


Man, seeing this kind of feedback is disappointing. If the intention as stated in the Patch Notes, is to “address concerns” about how the piercing arrows interacting with missile dampening, then why does it also affect arrows outside of missile dampening? It’s just head scratching.


This is a good suggestion imo. Buffing missile dampening this way would def achieve desired result and wouldn’t nerf a fun set to oblivion.

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The real fix is no fix at all. It is a rare mob type and should just be treated as a bonus for this build. Let’s face it, it was probably just an excuse for the devs to nerf demon hunters back into the ground where they apparently want us. Apparently they have their favorite and least favorite builds too. RIP DH, not just GoD.


a missile dampener can give you up to 5 levels. now imagine having two or three in one GR

I really really hope they fix this mechanic going forward rather then killing the set to the ground that’s a new set. If its nerf is intended for MD then fix MD not ruin the whole set from the pierces.
The set is a amazing set and so fun to play and active. Please fix the mechanic not nerf the GoD set to unplayable.
DH has no ground with this way it is on PTR.
A guy with 14,000 Paragon was able to just do a 140 at near 14min mark. That’s bad really bad.


And he did it with shatter shot, not devouring arrow.

Shatter shot is bugged, with the side arrows not having a pierce cap, thus still taking advantage of missile dampening. I’m pretty sure this will be fixed.

No one has done above a 130 so far with devouring arrow on GoD6.


This nerf really hits hard. I’m sure its a valid reason to reduce the number of pierces.

I don’t care if they reduce the number of pierces, but please do compensate that -for example by higher damage output and / or shooting much more projectiles.

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It seems to be in every walk of life that instead of decreasing or increasing in small increments, it’s almost an all or nothing mentality. Something always suffers with that implementation. To find balance, radical choices rarely if ever achieve that.
There is too much Deja Vu in this game and not the good kind.


Why are you comparing season with non-season? S22 had shadow clones and a 4th cube slot to help out. Go play some live non-season and PTR non-season and get back to us.

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Among other things, the equipment I used to clear that rift is not on my live non-season character. Getting a precise number is not really the point, and it’s not like I’d get the same rift on PTR and live anyways.

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So the 10-15 tier nerf mention is more for dramatic effect then, rather than a truer apples-to-apples comparison?

After playing S22 and then playing non-season, GoD’s capabilities are already going to feel nerfed in comparison, even before accounting for the PTR 2.7.0 nerf. Let’s not lump that together and blame it solely on the PTR nerf.

Unless, that is indeed the reason the devs applied the nerf.

There’s a reason why I specified a broad range. I think 10 tiers is a conservative number - in an earlier rift where I tried 130 on PTR I could not stay anywhere near even on transformers, a mob type I was usually able to build a small lead on in 146. Yes, the 146 had mantle of channeling, but a 25% damage boost is pretty minor in terms of GR tiers (about 1.5) and the shadow clones don’t really do anything useful at that level. Some of that is given back because non-add bosses are not impacted as much by the piercing nerf so killing the boss is (relatively) faster at the build’s new level.

The point of this post wasn’t to arrive at a precise number, but I at least put some thought into saying 10-15 tiers. It might even be more - my current-season setup could clear 150 if you throw enough missile dampeners at it (the 146 was in 12:22). But without a missile dampener it can clear well into the 140s and in the PTR it can maybe reach low 130s.

The point being, I’ve played A LOT of GoD over the last two seasons. I pushed 141 in season 21 and 146 in season 22. That is THOUSANDS of keys, I know how the build feels and plays better than most. The pierce limitation has an EXTREME impact on the performance of the build, and claiming that it’s because of the lack of a season theme is simply false.


I’m not solely putting it on the lack of season them either, merely reminding to eliminate that variable to make the comparison. How far did you get in non-season after S21?

Also try Buriza-Do Kyanon in PTR to see if it increases the maximum.

You don’t need to eliminate every variable if the difference is large enough, which it clearly is. You’re just arguing for the sake of it.