Patch 2.6.7 (New PTR changes)

Yes I read a lot. I like what you have to say too. I assess people by how they treat me which is good I believe.
I am not fit to judge anyone . Please read nothing else into it. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I also do not automatically dislike someone that another does. I see a lot of people coming down on him but he has not annoyed me. He may well do, but until then, I reserve my opinions.

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Funny thing is.
Micro talks about honesty.
Talks about misinformation and false statements are terribly annoying.

He has been proven to give out misinformation on his one of 1000 tablets of numbers.
He has been proven wrong again and again.

He has stated he wants balance AND equality between the classes BUT at the same time write = If wizard, necro, wd so on can clear a 141, we could bring Barbarians up to 138.

A lot of the people on the Barbarian forum that has been here from day 1, knows all of it has discussed with this person.
Has flat out written :" don’t engage with this person, we have tried to explain things to him but he refuse to listen."

Quite funny to read this from a person spreading lies.

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So how is a person intelligent?
By posting false numbers?
By contradicting yourself?
By spreading lies and can’t defend your own statements?

Ok, you are intelligent (obviously), why do you not ignore him if you feel this way? I wish I could remember who posted some trick where someone’s posts become invisible on a thread. Sorry I did not write that down…
Maybe ask Miss cheetah? She may know.

The irony of this sentence coming from one of MicroRNA’s accounts…


I am sorry about your perception of my posts. If you feel that you should not engage with me or that anyone else should engage with me for that matter, maybe you should take your own advice. You can only control the actions of one person and that one person is oneself.

I find the patch changes refreshing. At least one build from necromancers and wizards that were outliers are being nerfed. I advocated to nerf outlier builds. Barbs are being buffed relative to live. Crusaders are being buffed (even though it would be nice if this was tested to make sure of its power).


The thread to ignore posters is

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Cause I dislike people flat out lying about their statements. Here:

He was proven wrong by his own tablet. 2 comments later writes:
“You bring up barb and monk to at least 138 but not past 141. All classes are within 3 GR”
That is not balance or equality.
Barbarian might be able to do a 138, but that is with 10k paragon points etc. That is not balance. For someone stating misinfo is terrible, he sure provides with a lot of it.

For content : I am not a Barbarian main. I have discussed largely with some of the Barbarian mains on their section on the old forum. I am not friends with anyone here.
Heck, me and Free went at it a bit.
But I cannot go against their knowledge and knowhow of this game. They take numbers directly from the game itself and implement it.
So their calculations and numbers are correct. They were never begging to become op, just on par so they are viable as dps together with the others.
Sure, monk is down there, but this is too much against the Barbarians, everytime they shine on par, not above, other classes, people cry for nerfs without knowing anything.
Back to Micro.
He has discussed against people knowing more than him, when he is proven wrong, he is no where to be found. He contradicts a lot of things he say.
He flat out spams numbers without understanding anything.

People on the Barbarian forum went on explaining everything to him. Game mechanics and so forth and he still argued against it.
While you are allowed to have your opinions, there are just some things you can’t argue against when it is facts from a game / numbers etc.
It’s people like him flooting this forum with the wrong info without taking into consideration whom actually pushed and so on. And now Barbarians are ( again ) below other classes.


I don’t judge you as a person. I judge you upon the posts you have made.
You say that all classes should be balanced, yet you want Barbarians to be 3 grift levels lower than other classes. As the link provided in my previous comment.
You have discussed with dedicated Barbarian players that know more than you do. You took some numbers and spammed a lot with them without knowing much about it.
You flat out lie.
You were explained everything, from the buffs Barbarians want to why Barbarians on the latest ptr should not have gotten the nerf.
It is still below other classes, now with the nerf.
If you really want balance, you would want classes around the same level, you wont achieve that by nerfing something a 10k paragon guy pushed with.
Should we ask him to go push with Dh and nerf them when he does?
Or Wd?
Or Necro?
Or Wizard?

I will go ahead and apologize for my outbursts.
But finally Barbarian was looking fun. Just like Wizard have been for several seasons. Also with Wd, Dh and Necro.
Finally we had something for the casual/average player and people like you showed Blizzard some numbers pulled from an impossible paragon leveled player… And ruins it.
While you advocate for buffs and balance, you lack to show it. You do the opposite.


If someone thinks misleading or wrong information has been posted, letting it stand unopposed isn’t a good tactic. That leads to others thinking that the information is true.

The best way to combat bad information is to provide better information.


If I liked/played monk more I’d be advocating for monk buffs too <3. Monk and barb need to be the damage meta for once lol. Make the wiz and necro support us.

I think you both have good things to add. I do not see all your posts or his obviously or I would have well over 1,000 posts.
I read in different sections because I like most facets of the game.

I won’t be blocking anyone. I suppose I just like to see people get on but that’s not the real world I suppose.

And now you’re missquoting, it was atleast to 138 but not higher than 141 and that was given that the other nerfs went into place, so all those builds would be more or less the same in power.

Thanks MB. I am a little old school gullible here I guess.
I take at face value. I figure that saying something that a person does not believe in or is not true, is a waste of everyone’s time. So I give benefit of doubt. Dangerous way to learn perhaps, but for my own personal integrity I cannot be any other way.

Micro, the Classic Games team for D3 is made up of 3 people. You are really overestimating what they’re doing. Like usual, not knowing facts and making up figures…


I agree.

If you are correct, then those 3 people made a decision that presumably they felt made sense to them based on their analyses (or potentially their supervisor).

What do these 3 people have to gain in making their decision? Do you think the 3 developers were thinking we hate barbs and we’ll show them?

That is nonsense in my mind. They analyzed the facts as they saw them and made a decision.


well the nerfed ww/rend and the nerfed chantodo will be 8-9 gr’s apart and wiz still dominating over barb
133 nerfed with 10k p Barb
141/142 with 10k p Wiz (wiz 145 clear on live)
there was no real balancing for barb this patch all new/altered items are still too weak to even compete with the other old stuff…that is a little behind as well -.-

Well I wasn’t expecting a 7 gr nerf, I was more for a 2-3 level one, much in line with bringing lamentation down to 100%, but did not expect this.

To be fair, no one expected this level of nerf.

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My point of that thread was to show him saying those things WHILE now saying = “Barbarians still got a buff”.
No where to be said “the nerf was unjustified”.

Allegedly as soon as you enter Archon the Deathwish and Etched Sigil buffs drop off.

If they took 50% or even 100% off the Lamentation rend and gave it a whole season, while I still stand as in the PTR that they should have given it at least a season as it was; the partial nerf most people I think would have lived with. But the WHOLE 200% nerf?
Nah, that’s just wrong.