You must have some mental issues to spend so much time playing game that is garbage and that you obviously hate. In this case all your barking around here can be ignored.
Well you finally acknowledge there are other players that have suggested different versions of ploot. It took you long enough to admit that fact. That is making progress, maybe we can truly have a decent discussion without the extreme hyperboles that I use.
Wondering if there is a fallacy out there that is like Godwin’s Law that states if a discussion goes on long enough someone will eventually make a wrongful comparison to Hitler. Where it is for people being called trolls. Where if a conversation goes on long enough one of the ones in the conversation will call that one a troll.
Besides I was talking about was that I don’t care which one out of the group is the most asked for. What I do care about is the fact that it is not needed.
You can do that the way D2R is designed. Just get together with a group of friends that you know will be playing D2R or make friends through forums or discord. Then when you are able to play the game chill out with them in private games where you can agree to share the loot. It still won’t be as efficient as solo mf runs but still a viable option.
Oh so even with ploot someone can come along and take the loot that you just got in drops. Mind telling me how that will be done in D2R without PvP with looting enabled.
Now if you really call them that similar then forget about ploot because you already have it in public games called FFA loot.
You have brought up and interesting point. Even though you might have around 10+ different ploot suggestions. Which one are they likely to use. Or are they gonna go with their own. Which would be everyone gets the same amount of items. That would be the easiest to do. If they did that then multiplayer and trading would be vastly superior to mf runs in getting loot. I am sure that you could find a group of 8 players that are well coordinated in getting a job done.
Now a player would have the power of 8xs the drops at their disposal instead of only one. The groups that agree to help each other would really get the HR faster than what a solo mf player could do.
That is why I agree that this ploot hype train has to be derailed now.
So I have to care about the most suggested version to care about not wanting ploot in D2R. I know whichever version would be added and I think the most likely will be the one that VV would go for if they did add it is boss drops loot everyone gets the same number of items from the boss. That means 8xs the drops is the most likely outcome because it is the easiest to do.
You have been ignoring what others have said as to why it bothers them. All because it doesn’t bother you. When it would bother you then you will listen to how to bothers others. Nothing can break through a strong confirmation bias.
I do say that D2R will still be designed where solo mf runs will still be the fastest and most efficient way to get the loot you need to get the gear that you want. Where multiplayer will still be the fastest way to get good experience to get to level 99 in the shortest time possible.
Was Blizz done with D3 when it launched back in 2012? Of course not because we got RoS and the necro pack.
Of course VV is releasing a remaster. Then since they are not wanting to make too many changes to it where it destroys the authenticity of the original D2 experience. They need to be careful of what they do change.
You just don’t like making agreements with others to share. That is what it is all about something that is for you and you alone. Kind of like Daffy Duck in that one cartoon where he was greedy saying; “Its mine, mine, mine”.
You just want it where the games gives loot to you and you alone. Not by agreement or solo. It is still personal loot nonetheless. It is just not the type that you want.
Why isn’t multiplayer better at finding loot. Because you have FFA where it is a duel to see who the fastest clicker is or which click script wins the duel. With voice chat programs and other ways of communicating in a game. I wouldn’t doubt you could get some really well coordinated teams of players. Now add ploot in the version that is the most logical one to add which would also be the easiest. That is where when a boss drops five items everyone in the group gets five items. Trying anything else won’t be as easy as you think. Now that is 8xs the loot drops right there.
That effects the economy and allows multiplayer to be vastly superior to mf runs when you have the power of 8 players. With 8 players that are well coordinated with 8 times the drops with ploot. That will vastly outstrip solo mf runs. Then that would mean that multiplayer with trading would be the fastest way to get the loot you want.
So playing in a private multiplayer group making agreements as to who gets what isn’t socializing huh. Wonder why those that say trading is a way of socializing.
Take a computer calculator and divide 1 by 8 and you get 0.125. Times that by 100 and that is 12.5% that is how you figure out percentages.
If the real Mona Lisa is in the display further in the museum you have to pass by the other ones to get to it. What are your eyes gonna be blind to the others ones that are there.
That is not what Shadout is talking about and I am sure you know it.
You are thinking about your idea of what a remaster would be. A game without any changes at all. What did they have ideas of not making any changes at all to D2 for D2R. I don’t remember seeing that in the videos that I watched.
What in D3 when loot drops for each member of the party it isn’t ploot. I would say yes it is because the game gave it to them and only them. In fact it is more personal because of BoA and the limited trading with the party.
That person is telling you what the most likely form of ploot that will be implemented.
Wait I see it all now. You want it where the game drops loot in multiplayer for you and you alone. Where no one gets any chance at all of getting anything in a group other than you.
Oh really so then devs always use the players suggestions with 100% accuracy. Where they never deviate from them. I do dare to disagree, the first version of paragon was vastly different than what the players were suggesting. And paragon 2.0 was the same vastly different than what it is now.
That person is stating a simple fact that VV/Blizz is likely to not exactly and faithfully reproduce the version of ploot that the majority wants. They are likely gonna go with ploot where everyone gets the same amount of drops. Boss drops five items all 8 players get five items.
Agreed, you have said what I knew all of the long. You are saying what VV/Blizz is most likely to do because it is not that hard at all to accomplish.
While I agree Blizz has a good track record of missing the mark, these VV guys seem quite capable, and Mr. Fergusson impresses me that he has a steady hand on the tiller. Perhaps they can help improve Blizz’ record.
We have no idea what they will or will not likely do on pLoot, if anything at all. The notion that they will expand drop rates is simply your opinion. I haven’t seen any pro-pLoot posters asking for this at all. Far from it, as almost all of them insist drop rates don’t increase at all.
Using this as a club to foo-foo the notion of pLoot is lame, and altogether unpersuasive. If you don’t like the pLoot arguments then stick to what they’re saying, not what you’re most afraid of.
He is no doubt counting the ones that talk about ploot. So their voices matter as well as the ones here on the forums or even other social media like Reddit. Counting each one matters whether you give that person credence or not doesn’t matter.
Take a look at D3’s brawling, didn’t that end up a lot different than the Arena Team Death Matches that Jay’s team talked about?
So out of all other games and remasters that have existed or will exist. D2R has to accomplish the impossible. It has to please everyone, yes I mean everyone where they want to play it. Trying to please everyone will mean you wind up pleasing no one as the saying goes.
Getting enough money is sales to cover the cost of making it. Along with possible enough cost to keep maintaining the servers is all that is needed.
I highly doubt that this is the type of game that is for the sheer purpose of players spending their entire game time playing D2R and only D2R for decades to come.
It is just a stop gap till hold us over along with D3 till Diablo Immortal and D4 launch. Then it will be used by players to take breaks from playing any other Diablo game.
Realm of Trials for D3, they just didn’t assume they possibly tried every iteration they could think of to make it work. Eventually they removed it, same for group mf for D3 that didn’t pan out.
There are some things that don’t need to be tried because they are a horrible idea from the start. There would be no iteration that could make it work.
The reason it is the most logical is because it is the easiest and the most fair type of ploot. But has the danger of making a well coordinated group of 8 to be more efficient at getting loot than a solo player could do.
Good points. Just a minor quibble: the sales have to cover developement, O&M costs (including servers, patching, etc.) and meet company targets for revenue AND profits - unless the company is making a “strategic investment” on the title, willing to lose money on it.
Given Blizz’ precarious future financial state, I can’t imagine any CEO/COO/CFO allowing a strategic investment right now. If anything, they’ll squeeze every penny of profit from D2R for war chests they’ll likely need when damages from many pending lawsuits are awarded.
To me, this means that D2R will likely receive much less support than it would otherwise enjoy, based on sales performance. They’ll rob Peter (D2R profits) to pay Paul (many, many lawyers and even a few victims).
This puts the need for even more D2R sales and retention. Every person who refunds or looks at these forums and refuses to purchase (as my son did) means even more bugs that won’t get fixed, updates won’t happen, new content won’t happen, etc.
No suit looks at this scope of time. Only thing that matters is next quarter (profits) and next year (revenue). But, they will look at player retention to determine if D2R is worth patching or not.
If the average “returning” player gets their nostalgic fix and drops out after 20 hours, they’ll see that as a heuristic and budget server load at those expectations.
If the average “new” player drop out after 10, they’ll add that into the mix as well.
These number will drive how much discretionary dollars (and face it, almost all O&M dollars are discretionary, straight off the top) Blizz will “waste” on D2R.
So, everyone, please play nice, and try to find ways to bring more players into the game, and help keep them here.
If they add a ploot that gives everyone the same number of drops, then that would not be what most ploot people want.
I’ve honestly not seen anyone here asking for an increase in drop rates. I don’t scour the internet looking for bad ways to implement ploot nor will I comment on bad forms of ploot not mentioned on these boards.
We can only hope this is true.
I think people are looking at this in the wrong way. They can add changes that you can opt out of and still preserve the essence of D2.
I don’t play D2 with anyone else. I have no friends that play this game. Me not liking it isn’t the problem. The problem isn’t about what I like. It’s that a FFA with a verbal agreement isn’t ploot. You are comparing two things that simply aren’t the same.
I don’t even know what this argument is supposed to mean. I was just showing how silly your initial argument was. The reality is, you don’t know what I want or how I will play. You are basing an argument on assumptions that have no relevance in anything.
Are you now saying the multiplayer is good for farming loot if it’s FFA? Because that would be the exact opposite of every argument to this point.
There are different aspects to socialization. Playing is one, trading is another. Some people like to play with others. You are telling them that, in your opinion, they either bring friends or play under a loot system that may not work for them for no reason other than you don’t feel they should get an option of a different loot system.
Uh, divide 100 by 8 and you get 12.5. If you /roll 100 you get a number. That number is who gets the loot in 12.5% increments.
You’d have to copy the quote. I’ve never seen him advocate anything other than a simple allocation on a short timer before becoming FFA.
I am not. I am going off the actual definition of software remastering and I’m going off the fact that they are making changes.
I didn’t read past this because this isn’t D3. Nobody here is asking to make this D3 loot.
When they constantly say they want to preserve D2, yes. Every gameplay change thus far are on toggles.
Ah how I love poorly veiled insults - quality of both insult and veil give sort of testimony by themselves.
If you read carefully you will find that I never said that ploot players are less efficient, as a matter of fact I stated that everyone will be forced to play with ploot because it will be more efficient.
Scenario A doesnt exclude scenario B, let me explain - early game group of less experienced poorly geared players will take their time to sort through drops than. as they wont be sure what is good and pretty much everything can be an actual upgrade to their gear. In late game group of experienced players fully geared will be after the same items - therefore there wont be point in waiting till drop will get FFA because if someone didnt pick it then you wont want to pick it too.
Sorry if my explanation is somewhat lacking - I always have difficulties explaining obvious things.
You literally quoted my explanation why I dont have choice, and stated that I do.
This itself is a fact - whatever you, or I state wont change it.
And how does: “and if you don’t like it, don’t play ploot games and your problems are solved” goes with the title of the very thread you created??
I never said you want it for yourself. And you literally did exact thing I mentioned in the quoted part. You stated you want change and that this change will be good for the game.
This is the very issue - I gave argument against your statement your only answer was that it is for plooters so I shouldnt care. After I called you out you stating that argument is baseless.
This are not the valid reasons though are they?, they can do what everyone without premade group was doing for lst 20 years: exp in 8p game, and mf in solo game.
Maybe you anti-plooters should consolidate your arguments before riding off into opposite horizons with your arguments.
So you are saying ploot is good or bad in this case? Sounds more like an anecdote than a point.
So what are you trying to say? Is it good for ploot or bad for ploot? Again you are just stating something without any relevance of what is being discussed here.
Lol dunno why you guys are so desperate for ploot. You’ll probably play one season, fail to get geared and move on to one of blizzards dumbed down games again.
Was debunked looooong ago.
Mutual agreement to share items is not handing out anything. You are just grasping at straws. The shortest and thinnest ones that are lying around on the ground to be honest.
You are basically like a slow looter in a FFA game. All the good straws are already ninja-picked. You only get the sigons belt straw. Not even griswolds edge straw. Let alone a topaz. Just sigons belt.
Maybe spell it out instead of just writing vague statements. If you want your point to be brough across, walk the walk.