Blizz will have already set out expectations for D2R. They’ll track many data, but the 2 biggies are sales (obviously) and player retention (mean hours per week/account, etc.).
They’ll have also set goals for these numbers. Many companies (including those I’ve worked at) use something along a 5 tiered scale: greatly exceeds (goal), exceeds, meets, underperforms, greatly underperforms.
The amount of money they invest in supporting D2R will depend entirely where the data point on this scale. If it meets the goals Blizz has set, we can expect modest patching (fixing bugs that cause crashes, and a few more bugs that aren’t so severe. Might be a few minor “adjustments” of the low-hanging fruit variety).
If these data underperform, expect only crash bugs to patch. And if they seriously underperform, we’ll learn to live with D2R as is, just as we do with D2 1.14.
Our great hope is that the title both exceeds expectations in primarily sales, but player retention is critical if we want improvements after baseline (launch) version. If the game sales well, but players wander off, Blizz won’t spend much money maintaining the game. They’ll see it as a waste of money.
So, getting D2R patched beyond the launch version will necessarily require us to retain as many players as possible. We all need to do what we can to support this. To encourage players to stay by creating the most-supportive community we can. Think Guilds, etc., to involve and even engage players for as long as possible.
We’ll only see new content and other serious enhancements if the sales/retention numbers greatly exceed Blizz expectations.
In the end, For Blizz the bottom line is the bottom line. Due to all the pending litigation, they’re most likely in a “defensive” budget outlook, which means they’ll be less-inclined to take on risk right now. Remember, all O&M support (like patching, updating, etc.) comes off the top.
So, the picture for D2R might be a bit bleaker than it would normally - unless it blows the doors out on sales and retention. And this is why we need every single potential player we can possible get to both buy, and stay awhile and play.