Forcing people to play your way

So you are looking for a game that has specifically “Timed loot allocation”? :crazy_face:

And no, it shouldn’t. It should be a visual and audible enhanced Diablo 2 experience, as advertised.

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It is what D2R should have, hence what is being discussed around here.

D2R has been advertised as much more than that, and already is more (and less) than that.


So set the allocation timer short. Like 8 seconds. People will wait for 8 seconds after a boss kill. Or make only uniques, runes and set items allocated. I am annoyed that I end up defending ploot, because I don’t like it, but everyone’s anti-ploot arguments are so terrible.


It would help if you explained what options we are talking about here.
Right now, your post doesn’t make much sense.

Is it about the option to play hardcore or softcore? It’s available. Ladder or non-ladder? Available. Original or new graphics? Available.

So what is it you are talking about? Is it about tons of options that would split the community in half even more? If this is the case, it’s understandable why people react with “If you don’t like it, play something else”.
You can only split a community so much untill you have a dead game.

That is what Rod indicated if there was an optional loot system it would be at game creation and require opt in.

Image link for bigger


It seems to me that telling potential players to go away is the most efficient way of splitting the community… :tired_face:


Are there any games where people didn’t told others to go play something else? Don’t think so. Did this ever resulted in a dead or split up community? Not really.

The only thing that really splits a community are split up game modes, not disagreements or trolls on forums.

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Rod already said that optional personal loot would not be in a split game mode. You can freely go back and forth. It presumably would be similar to how PoE handles 3 optional loot systems.


Let’s try this since you seem to lack the ability to see the hypocritical duality of your opinion.

You think having the option for ploot will effect your game experience because the only multiplayer games available when you want to play may be ploot games and making your own FFA multiplayer game is not an acceptable alternative.

You then tell people who want ploot to go play something else which only result in no multiplayer games since they are playing something else. This would mean the only alternative is to make your own multiplayer game.

So again, how is giving people an option any different than the people wanting the option simply leaving in terms of it having an effect on your gaming experience? They are either here playing D2R and contributing to the economy, but not playing with you, or they are playing another game because you told them to leave, not contributing to the economy and still not playing with you.

In other words, it will not effect your game play at all. How are you not getting this?

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If you dont like split game modes, or changes, you can just go play something else as well.
Of course we can tell each other that, it just isn’t very useful.

Anyway, the “split community” thing is a non-issue tbh. It wont actually matter for anyone.
Heck, the entire concept of a “gaming community” is a bit silly.

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could we also have a toggle to transform all monsters as unicorns and bosses as teddybears? would not affect anyone’s gameplay at all… :laughing:

It will have D3 loot system soon enough.

wanna cream it with account bound aswell?

If it was in a toggable function where this transformation just showed up on that player’s screen it would not affect anyone else gameplay except those that turned the transformation on.

That is the beauty of options. Live and let live.

so ur saying u would also be fine with this?

Why not, at least no item could be sold for money.

This is the only topic I made regarding this subject. I mode a post explaining auto allocate loot (ploot) which quickly turned into FFA nuts having a tantrum. Do you post on all the FFA crazies posts telling other people how to play the game over and over… or does your frustration for redundant topics begin and end with topics like this?

Not one legitimate reason. Assumptions, hypotheticals, bad math… zero legitimate reasons against the option

If the people that want ploot leave, as they are constantly told to do if they don’t like it, then how will the number of games differ from them playing but using the ploot toggle?

See?.. bad math and hypotheticals.


diipadaaba we cannot handle as the way game is…we need to change it we need ploot…simple NO. noone is going to change the game because ppl have L2p issues

I think some are missing several fundamental points

  1. Regions have been removed. We will have global play. Therefore, the argument that at some off-hour that there would only be a handful of games ignores this fact. An off hour in the US could be prime time for games in EU or Asia.

  2. There will be very few public multiplayer games going on worldwide at any time. If this is the case, D2R has much bigger issues. If true, D2R was a miserable failure and could not retain players.

  3. The fear that the vast majority of the playerbase would choose personal loot games over FFA games. This fear actually shows why this option should exist if the vast majority of the playerbase prefers this option.

  4. So on and so forth


Because that has never happened in the history of gaming? :thinking: Or just Blizzards history.