Forcing people to play your way

Honestly, i would expect d2r to have a better way of browsing games to avoid exactly that.

I would expect to have a more efficient way to find only trading games. Only duel games. Only baal run games.

And i would have imagined ploot and ffa toggle to work just the same. To omit the undesired mode.

While the game list of d2 allowed certain freedom, it also was very tricky to work with.
Limited gamename length. Refreshes in the wrong second. Not finding what you were searching for.
I think they will come up with a convenient solution for this.

The console lobby was already a good indication on what we might get. Ofc, i expect something more versatile on pc. But the different “game types” were already very much the right direction for such filters.

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Why there is still no way to just reset map instance, like all this new game creation and the game lasts like few minutes, its silly that we can’t just teleport to fresh map. All those like 5 minutes farming games, its total madness.

Oh look, another “My ploot doesn’t affect you” thread.

When are they going to get a containment thread for this? It’s the same 5 people all day.

Your ploot options does affect the game, and does affect gameplay for others whether you want it to or not. The inevitable flawed compartmentalization plooters engage in never ceases to amaze me.

It’s not happening, let it go. Just let it go.

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There needs to be a filtered toggle that gets automatically applied to threads like these.

You know what? Make that SEVERAL filtered toggles.

d3 es un ejemplo de lo que no deben hacer y debido a este resultado, d2rec será el mas completo y mejor. (blizzard será la que decida hacer con el juego te guste o no y se aplica a todos los jugadores)

english ?
20 characters

nice dream not going to happen :laughing: but keep believing if it makes u feel better!

D2R = D2 with ffa only if u don’t like it thats ur personal problem no forces to play this game and there’s no option so u cannot say ur being forced :man_facepalming:

sorry but the ones leaving are tourists/next generation gamers that cannot handle the game as it is now! so stop talking rubbish already.

cuz ppl are immature simple as that. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have spent many, many hours reading the pro and anti-ploot loot threads.
There has not been 1 comment/theory/assertion/argument to change my mind.

I am of the opinion that Ploot should be an “opt in” at game creation which is what the devs indicated will happen IF introduced.

I have not seen 1 compelling argument how having the option adversely affects the anti-ploot crowd.

just my 2 cents.


They might have 16 hours, but it won’t be for playing, they
would rather have thousands of posts, and pretend to play.

Another ploot topic like there isn’t enough of them on the forums already. :face_vomiting:

Also, noone is forcing you to play.


“Barking up the wrong tree” comes to mind, sadly.

Everyone should be free to play the game the way they want :slight_smile:


They can, and they always could. But that doesn’t mean they should change the game for their liking. They eighter like the game as it is or they cancel their pre-order and move on.


Not necessarily no. It does mean that it could change for their liking.

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meant to say that people should find ways to enjoy the game, but imo, there can be some changes that would benefit the whole community.

Like wsg for pvp at least :stuck_out_tongue:

It could, but it should’nt. The game is a remaster, and it should stay that way. There are plenty of modern titles that people can play that prefer more modern options.

  • Path of Exile
  • Diablo 3
  • Torch Light
  • Torch Light 2
  • Torch Light 3
  • Grim Dawn

and soon…

  • Diablo 4
  • Diablo Immortal
  • Path of Exile 2

Leave Diablo 2 alone.


THIS! I am against ploot, in Diablo II. I don’t think it’s a good fit. That said, it is surprising to me how many people have it in their head that personal loot means everyone gets a Windforce if it drops. In an 8 player game, x items drop, with personal loot, those exact same items drop, just only certain people will see certain items. Because it would NOT change the drop rate, I would probably be OK if it became an option at game creation, similar to level ranges or passwords.


I thought the “R” in D2R was “Resurrected?” Ya know, where the game gets modified to live a new life?

They’ve already made some sweeping changes. Most everyone seems OK with the scope of changes so far, or else they’d have stayed with OG.

The only disputes now is how far the scope of future changes should be. Fair minded people can disagree on the breadth of those changes, but please don’t say nothing more can change, it’s only a remaster!

That is, unless you’ll swear to never use the expanded/shared stash tabs, gold pick up, etc.?


Eh, it really should though.

Of the games you mentioned, only 1 have Timed Allocation loot. And none of them are D2.
So not actual alternatives here.

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