Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

Ah, comedy gold, did you open for Leno quite a few years back???

Or leave it early… :wink:

Seriously, the more success Blizz has against bots, the more players need to adjust their expectations lower about how much trading for good gear will be harder to find, and much more expensive that we remember.

I’m not saying Blizz should not stop bots. Heck no! I’m saying, we all need to be prepared to face an economy that hasn’t been well-lubricated (i.e. corrupted) by botting.

Personally, I’m looking forward to that!

Keep holding on to that.
In D3 they promised team pvp, and then said after launch.
Been waiting for 9 years for that one still.

so we did see plotter with l2P issue so what? u should try already go learn true meaning of ninja looting…can’t happen at all in D2/D2R in free for all u cannot ninja loot anything :man_facepalming: if u cannot fix L2P issues or can’t handle how game is. DO NOT PLAY THIS! could not be more simple

Getting a brake from paragon grinding in d3?

how’s refund going on?


I never said anything about refunding.

It’s funny watching you guys argue still. Must really want ploot. That’s why I suggested separate realms in another post. Then everybody can be happy.

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mayby not but thats something u should do…

Actually, you got me there! No arguments at all on that one.

My only counterfactual on this is these VV chaps seems to be much more capable than the (expletive deleted) devs for D3, Thank you, Mr. Wilson…

Adding mounts lol. They did scrap D4. Is this just gonna become D4?

u wanna have fun in changes server with dude who want’s bound items/and mounts… u see now why we defend the game…some ppl just asking train wreck…i’d rather stay 1.14 with changes there is already done and NO more is needed.

Nah, it will be the best version of the game with D3 style loot and unicorns among other mounts. It will be so damn good.

Ah you beat me with your arguments. Please introduce ploot so I can stop being so ignorant. :laughing:

Really? It’s like 33% of your post base.

Yes that’s true, and I’d personally love it. The economy of a single player game. Perfect!


Me, too. I just hope everyone else realizes this and isn’t hoping to pop into a trade game with an Ist looking for a Shako. They may take a lot longer to find either!

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soo? wher did i change my mind that it in the tweet 4 is not ploot? because thats what you saying,

Okay then it would be the same if you were at your workplace and your boss said he promises you will get $50 more money is identical to getting fined $50 in court. Mind telling me how not getting money you never had is the same as money you already had is taken away from you. There is a big difference between the two.

That is why I said that solo mf runs and trading is faster than multiplayer and trading in getting gear. But plooters are wanting solo players to feel forced to play multiplayer to get the loot they want. Where solo mf runs would be kicked to the curb. That is unless they are saying they want loot for themselves and only themselves. Where a group of 8 with you in it would have your account flagged where you are the sole one that gets any loot ever that would be truly personal loot. But it wouldn’t be fair, but then again you might not be that type of person that cares about fairness.

I am saying what would happen in time unless VV/Blizz implements ploot where everyone gets the same amount of drops from monsters. Boss drops five items everyone in the party gets five items. That is both fair and probably the easiest way to implement personal loot.

Add the ploot system that is probably the easiest and the most fair, even though you are not wanting it to a well coordinated group. Now you have 8 players that have 8xs the loot drops of solo players. If they agree to share their drops then forget about it. Solo players will be kicked to the curb as far as being the most efficient way to get the loot you want.

if you are competitive and want to reach level 99 the fastest then you will no doubt need seven other players on your team to help you get there. Similar to how the strength in numbers buff gives a boost to paragon farming.

It is not about being capable, it is what is the most logical and fair version of ploot. I say it is the version where boss drops five items everyone in the group gets five items. Sure they would be different items but it is both fair and easy to do.

No one is asking for this. It’s a misdirection to even bring it up. Most of the pLoot posts I’ve seen they state they specifically do NOT want this. If you’re going to challenge them, do it with what they’re saying, and don’t resort to distortion or even lies to do so. It doesn’t help your argument.