Forcing people to play your way

buahaha…u really think that blizz had done changes because ur having L2P issues :laughing:

Have you seen WoW, or Diablo 3?
Heck, have you seen D2, and how they added respecs.

You kinda miss the point.

A game needs an active community. Games with a playerbase of over a million can afford a very split up community or playerbase. Whatever you wanna call it.
A game with a low playerbase cannot do that.

How it can have low playerbase? The millions of people play only this game for over 20 years now.

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Ah… so again, it was all about personal loot. It has been a few minutes, might wanna create a new thread about personal loot.

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In that case, it should not be a problem for D2R to afford player splits.
Which it already has; Classic, LoD, SC, HC, NL, Ladder, solo online, offline, mods.
On the flipside, a bunch of regional splits are being removed in D2R.
Plenty of room for more splits.

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We didn’t talk numbers?

We covered this already. You have already said that you have never played with any of the advocates for an optional loot system. Therefore, your claim of L2P has no foundation and just is an ad hominem attack of no merit. In my mind, if your argument had an even a smidgen of merit, this type of argument would never be made.

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So how many can it handle before the game starts bleeding out? “Plenty of room for more splits”. How many?

But we did, you mentioned a game with million playerbase.

Since closed PC battlent for D2/D2:LoD has 32 splits. I think we can say 32 splits are fine. Of course, this number ignores all mods so the reality is much, much higher.

If Blizzard is getting rid of 4 regional splits in D2R, then at least room for 4 splits.
Likely way more since the playerbase is about to increase a lot.

However, we only need 1 more split.

Let me ask you this. If they added a loot option toggle in a month, would you quit playing the game?

Not only quit playing the game, but burn PC that it was installed on, cause it would be desecrated.

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No, if they added it without increasing total drops and as optional, then i wouldn’t quit. But if total drops gets increased, then yes, i would no longer have fun in the game and play something else.

And if drop rates doesn’t get increased, there would be no point in playing public ploot games, it would be very inefficient compared to solo play. So all this ploot pushing would be for nothing.

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nothing to do with D2R

added token was not solution for L2P issues…

if L2P issues would not exist there would be noone asking ploot deal with it

What a fun, drop rates changes so he quits the game lololol.
It will be the same like in the old days when Blizz was updating the game, they saw the patch notes and there was no end to complaining for no reason.

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Most people who have played the game to this day have played it for the rare loot and the economy. If rates are increased longevity would significantly decrease and the economy would be less relevant, or non existent.

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You do know that total drops being the same means that current FFA multiplayer games are inefficient in comparison to solo player. I bet there will be a ton of FFA fans also clamoring to increase drop rates after D2R launch.

Either way, on average for players of average skill both FFA and personal loot games result in about 1/8 of good items being collected for each player in an 8 player game. Your worry about people asking for increased drop rates already exists for those that support FFA only as illustrated by this and several other forums.


LOL. Most people that play today are on mods or on cheat mods like PlugY. No one plays this game without mods or cheats. Rare drop rates, sure. There is no end to that trolling. Totally hilarious.

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