FFA is CORE to D2

Ionz22, Drium and JonesSwiggy the names you looking for.
Anti-plooter admited cheating? Who?

here’s one.

also, one of llama’s surveys had it where 20% of the respondents admitted they botted. bad boys every where.

On both the surveys I know of there was a decent %.
That’s just the people that admit it too.

Not saying everyone cheats all the time but I imagine most of the community has tried a program of some sorts on an occasion

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Unlike certain JSP users I dont keep lists :smiley: and not going to read through thousands of posts, again. Pretty sure naming people like that is not allowed on the forum,
so here is a thread where I found one:

Good catch.

Good. 2 more and we are equal.

Yep and we have seen very well that those who have filled out the survey were mostly change supporters. Thx for proving my point.

You ignored what I posted in that same thread a few comments earlier

If you are going for a gotcha moment, please quote things more fully.

What you quoted was when I was explicitly asked about how it would be implemented at game creation.

So you changing your view even between few comments? Wow. Sooo desperate.o

MicroRNA: It can be either at game creation or character creation/separate realms

Reply: How would it work if at game creation? What if someone switched loot drop type between Baal runs?

MicroRNA: If at game creation, it would work like D3 where the game creator sets the game type (e.g. bounties, rifts, key warden, etc…)

This is a simple, straightforward conversation to follow.

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I wonder how many lies you have for today?

No lies from me, especially in consideration that you dug up a post from March and did not quote it in context and I have to show what I actually said.

why quoting my post as the link for your discussion though ? :o
i guess it’s to avoid linking directly the MH users which is the 2nd post of the op of this topic , but i get a notification for it if it’s a link to my post.

The fact is you changing your opinion just as i have told. “This month i want this, other month i want that.” There was time you wanted game cretion option, there was time you preffered separate realm. Pathetic.

Apparently, I can not change your mind. I will just let my quotes in context speak for themselves.

Sorry :confused:
It was supposed to be a link to the thread

np , yea happen sometime when you copy paste the link from when you were in the middle of the topic it’ll directly link the post you were on at the time :stuck_out_tongue:

My quotes already proved my side.

How many days are between your posts? :rofl:

Just got a notification they did the same for me. lol. Oh nos maphack! Lock me up in video game prison! I think it’s overly dramatic to call it “cheating”, You know whats scary for real cheating numbers? Llama’s survey showing 20% of users admitting to using bots. Finding the path easier for MFing Meph is one thing, turning on a bot to 100% play the game for you, thats just silly.

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i never used either of those but i agree that using MH and botting are totally different things, botting is simply letting a bot play for you , it’s no more interesting than watching a streamer xD
and anyway it’s a past thing , you might have used it (MH) in og diablo 2 (like probably 60% of players , most of the people i knew seem to have used it) , but you learned the wonderful world of map patterns anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

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There’s no lack of understanding when I’m bored with a game because of loot and bind system.
I found the mechanics of Diablo 3 not bad at all.
Soulbound bothered me (no trading) and personal loot as well. Maybe you don’t even know that you are bored and you run after a system that subliminally wants to say that you are pissed off, but you do not recognize it.

In any case, u can’t say that I don’t understand something just because I don’t like it. Nonsense lvl 100000

Ya im honestly so glad i watched those videos. I only ever used MH because it became ridiculous sometimes spending 10 min just trying to find the entrance to Meph lvl 3 when i was just randomly guessing lol. No idea why i didn’t just look that up in the first place instead of DLing MH. Would’ve been easier. Teenage me made very dumb choices. :thinking:

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