Necroing a 7 month old thread to post that? Pretty sad
Now you know why Socrates has that opinion. But currently, it is better than other methods.
And learn to ignore people, report them if you think they’re pushing it. You engaged in it, you called them names. What did you thought will happen? Is internet new to you? You’ll have plenty of those along your way. Just walk away. You should’ve ignored that person from the very beginning if you didn’t felt like explaining.
- Rise above it. A wolf need not concern itself with the yapping of puppies.
- Report the people attacking you and then stop responding to them.
- Rise to the bait, attack back, and get reported by multiple people.
See if you can work out which of these is the worst possible choice.
I got shadowbanned from this as well. I am not able to login and when I opened a ticket they just gave me the canned response “we will not be reversing this decision”. DO NOT REPLY OR RESPOND TO ANY PMS!!! “Please powerlevel me?” “sure” I get into the group and there’s 3 other people then they reported me. Now I am banned until August 23rd. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY PM!!!
EDIT: It doesn’t matter if you respond nicely or badly they WILL report and ban you from the game. ABSOLUTELY under NO circumstances respond to anything.
Sorry, I refuse to believe that a GM would issue an eight day silence penalty against you for saying nothing but “sure”. You absolutely have to have said something else.
Well, this is a trainwreck to wake up to.
- Necro from many months ago
- Discussing specific account disciplinary actions
- Politics
- False claims regarding mods
- Name calling and insulting people
Pretty easy to see why some people run into issues when they can’t follow the rules they agreed to.
With regard to duration of the Silence penalty - it starts at 24 hours* and doubles each time you get a Silence. The Silence system started in 2016 and applies to your Bnet account, not each game separately. So while you may have only recently been Silenced in D3, if you were Silenced in another Blizz game, that would increase your penalty.
Here is a handy penalty chart.
Number | Hours | Days | Years |
1 | 24 | 1 | |
2 | 48 | 2 | |
3 | 96 | 4 | |
4 | 192 | 8 | |
5 | 384 | 16 | |
6 | 768 | 32 | |
7 | 1536 | 64 | |
8 | 3072 | 128 | |
9 | 6144 | 256 | |
10 | 12288 | 512 | 1.4 |
11 | 24576 | 1024 | 2.8 |
12 | 49152 | 2048 | 5.6 |
13 | 98304 | 4096 | 11.2 |
14 | 196608 | 8192 | 22.4 |
15 | 393216 | 16384 | 44.9 |
16 | 786432 | 32768 | 89.8 |
I talk in General Chat all the time when I play and have never ever run into issues. The chat logs are attached to the report when it is made. If a GM hits the wrong button and accidentally penalizes someone, they can, and should, appeal. I have never had to though. I have never been silenced, suspended, banned, or otherwise actioned in any game or forum in my life.
There is currently a bug that prevents Silenced players from making a game in D3. It is covered in the Known Issues list on the Bug Report forum. Player List of Known Issues
When the Silence ends you can play again.
*Note: While a silence usually starts at 24 hours, Blizzard reserves the right to apply harsher penalties depending on the nature of the offense, up to, and including, permanently closing the account.
like i said, i like to challenge flawed logic. i do not see it as annoying me.
you read that into it. you are that way. not me.
and i was under the impression, i wasnt going to get penalized, for speaking my mind and having a bit of fun with it.
you do you, i’ll do me. how about that?
I can’t help but think we are being told only 1/2 the story here. I’m sure more was said than “You’re season, I’m not…” for the other guy to immediately come back with “why are you so angry?”
And judging by the tone of the original screed…
exactly. or just because they dont LIKE what the other person is saying.
and when did the mute button become obsolete?
IMO, threads should be locked automatically after X (4?) weeks after its last post. can’t see the reason why to bring a dead thread back.
I agree 98%. The 2% I don’t agree with are sticky threads players make with guides or Q&A type answers. Those are useful for as long as whatever they are about is relevant. Like my cosmetics thread.
Most threads though, yeah, I wish they would lock after X period of time. Esp on the Tech Support forums. Generic disconnect error? People bump threads from months ago that had a different underlying cause. No, Verizon is not having issues THIS WEEK, it is [this cause this week]. ARGH.
yes… i second to that. and have it pinned for good… the rest, have it locked or deleted.
I was surprised to see this thread having over 100 replies just today… when i open to read it, saw the date as 8 months ago
Pretty sure that there will be other threads that will be brought back to life soon… my gut feel tells me about that thread about taking care of the players health during pandemic (was quite a popular one few months back).
don’t you have forum powers to lock thread?
All MVPs get is green text and, with the new forums, manual TL 3 so we can link support articles and stuff without having to meet the read/like requirements for it every 100 days.
No mod power
No pay
No Tshirt
It is probably for the best though. People who are not Blizzard staff should not have the ability to remove content or to suspend/ban users. In my opinion anyway.
That was flame bait from the start…
If there is a disruptive pattern of behavior I can take it up with the Community Team, even if I can’t do anything myself. It has to be something above what the normal reporting system and Forum Moderation team handle though. Not everyday nonsense.
I’m lazy, I just say “Laugh”. Now I never do that unless I’m being sarcastic as in, “That’s soooo funny, laugh”
When it happens to you make sure you come here and post please. They are simply not caring and shadowbanning people for NO reason.
i do not see it as annoying me.
You rose to the bait of “You mad, bro?”. Did you never get teased at home by a sibling / cousin, or at school? How could you be this naive to rise to such weak bait? They poked the bear and you danced for them.
No Tshirt
Damn, I had no idea that was a requirement.
Doesn’t it get cold in winter?
“this public profile is hidden”
what a troll
Damn, I had no idea that was a requirement.
Doesn’t it get cold in winter?
Hah. I have plenty of clothes. I am showing my age a bit, but back in the 70s-80s there used to be a ton of tourist type Tshirts that said “My [relative title] went to [place] and all I got was this stinkin’ Tshirt!”
They were EVERYWHERE… It was based on the joke that even if you got no other presents, at least you got the Tshirt.
“this public profile is hidden”
So, you don’t know how to view a profile without the easy link? It is easy. Enabling the ability to hide post history is what disables the game profile, by the way. Not that you should need someone’s game profile to determine the validity of what they say - unless they are talking specifically about a build.
“this public profile is hidden”
Feel free to click any of these…
You might enjoy this post especially, where I document why someone might want to hide their profile, but also show how to view anyone’s armoury pages, using my very own profile as an example…
The reason some people make their profile private is because they don’t see why anyone else should be allowed to look at their Summary / Activity pages, not because they don’t want people seeing their Armoury pages but, because there’s no granularity as to what you can make public / private, it’s an all or nothing thing. However, it’s incredibly easy to see another player’s Armoury pages. Let’s use my Armoury Career pages as an example… EU -…
“this public profile is hidden”
FYI. Here is how to see anyone’s character profile and posts.
To view anyone’s character profile, all you need is their battletag (just hover over their avatar and their battle tag will be shown on the left bottom of the screen or quote their post that will also show the battletag in the popup message draft window):
To see my profile:
Also, you need to know the region. If I wanted to see your profile, I would change the “us” in the web address to “eu” with your battletag.
To view anyone’s post history on the forum, simply enter @Battletag in the forum search window. For me, use: @MicroRNA-1507