Don't respond to pm asking for carry: People are abusing the report feature

I few years ago I was out having drinks with some friends and one of them brought a girl along. She actually said lol when something was funny. There first time I was a bit confused but when she continued with it I just finished my drink and moved to a different table.

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No, I’m arguing that using the acronym “LFG” for “Looking For Group”, in a community channel whose very existence is to find groups, is entirely valid because every single member of that community knows what it means.

It’s for similar reasons that use of SNAFU and FUBAR would be perfectly fine amongst military personnel, because they all know what it means.

Acronyms are fine if the community they’re used in all know what they mean. Are you seriously trying to suggest that members of a community dedicated to players wanting to group up for GR100 and above wouldn’t know what “LFG” means?

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This made me laugh.

I used to be a server admin on a Teamspeak channel, and actually kicked and banned a guy for saying “LOL” :joy::joy::joy:

Absolutely, while there may be some confusion about the who’s lazy part, you did say You have poor reading comprehention
So why did you find it necessary to be abusive?

That’s not abusive…

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It is in my book and if the one reporting him believes the same that is all that is needed
Just because you don’t think it is abusive doesn’t mean it isn’t abusive to the person it was directed to

The OP was calling themselves lazy. The other chat participant read that and assumed that the OP was calling them lazy. So, telling them that their reading comprehension was poor, isn’t an insult, it’s a statement of fact because the understanding the other participant came to was the complete opposite of the actual meaning.

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So, whether an offence has been committed depends on the completely subjective nature of how upset the person reading the “insult” gets about it. Can you not see how that’s a bad system versus an objective standard of what’s acceptable or not?


The root issue lies within the fact that an external source of government (in this case, Blizz) is the sole arbiter on what is, or is not, “offensive.” Taking a subjective and attempting to apply objective salve to it - even worse, from a third-party perspective - just takes agency away from the individual(s) involved and creates needless bureaucracy.

It is, in essence, saying the person cannot handle responsiblity for their own interactions, and must therefore delegate that task to another. That concept - the idea of an individual necessarily requiring someone else to do their thinking for them - is what I find offensive.

Basically what I’m trying to say is that if either party of this dispute had simply ignored the other and moved on, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Regardless of who poked first, or who poked harder, etc., someone eventually came to the conclusion that big daddy blizz needed to step in and mediate the situation. The moment one does that, one concedes all authority to the judge, and whether the judge is human or robotic in nature is irrelevant at that point.

If you can’t handle the fire, don’t light the match.

How do you make it through everyday life?


What makes you legit think that blizzard just silenced this guy for arguing? You think what OP posted is the whole story? I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Dont be so gullible.

Did you miss the part where he appealed the mute and had it overturned by a GM, i.e. Blizzard confirmed he’d committed no offence and removed the punishment. Here you go…

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I bet there are indeed REAL PEOPLE actually reviewing chats. But I bet also that AI (or algorithm) using predefined rules doing the initial screening and penalties with actual humans doing the review when appealed.

now, the boosting will be build into the game;
farming, trading, buying.
pushing players into leveling clans.
pushing players to form specialized 4-man powerleveling teams.
maybe taking away a fully fledged solo mode.

lotsa hipocrisy involved here.

U wut mate??

20 char

I’d say contact a GM, but D3 is so low on staff that you’ll probably never get the ticket answered in time. :frowning:

The Customer Support Staff is completely separate from the individual games. They are mostly at the Austin, Texas office for the Americas and cover all Blizz games and services. The OP did contact them via an appeal ticket and the appeal was granted.


Yeah sadly the silences are automatically done now by the system. Nothing you can do about it =\

People just love to abuse the report system just to get others muted so they can’t play (due to the S19 Join Game while Muted bug)

Trust me, I’m fully aware of players abusing the report system as majority of them just love to report anything and everything they see.

In reality it should be the ones who are truly abusing the report system to be muted/silenced.


Appeal to overturn a silence is pretty rare nowadays… I stated before I’ve only ever had 1 overturned about 2yrs ago or so and none have been overturned due to lack of evidence/whatever since.

I truly believe people just like to get others muted for fun :cry:

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So, let me get this straight, you couldn’t resist such weak troll bait akin to “You mad, bro?”, went off on someone and got punished? All you had to do to “win” was not take the bait.


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