Diablo IV Announcement Discussion

What a great job. Well done D4 team!
I’m truly impressed by the potential of this game. It is so early in development and it already looks great from all the panels and streams I saw. I know that it will change a lot till release but the direction is so good.
This game will be so good, can’t wait.

Nevalistis, I was wondering if you would ask any of the D4 developers if they would want to play some Diablo 2 with me. I played D2 and it’s expansion for at least a decade, and I would be happy to show them some things they might overlook, or things they should take into consideration while developing D4. I have played many games throughout my life, but I’ve never played one as much as D2. I would really enjoy donating my spare time to help this game become a masterpiece!! Cheers!

I really hope its not a console port this time around

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Hey there , there is so many thread or comment i didin’t read them all so i am sorry if the questions has been asked before !

I am really concerned by the RP and Custumisation , like the male and female choice !? If i want to make a male sorcer but i can’t because there is only female sorcer as a choice.

I think too that in 2019 with should get more personalisation for our character , to be more immersed into the game and be able to custumise our character to make them look like us , to feeel that we are IN the game , because so far as a MMORPG player i don’t feel the RP in D4 its more like D2.

Well i hope a DEV will see my questions/suggestions and we could get more custumisation option in the future and feel that WE are playing IN the game.

Thanks have a great day.

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Blizzard, this trade idea for you consideration. Players provide problems they foresee and I present possible solutions throughout the thread. Please listen closely why players don’t want my idea and look at how they react to me when I present solutions. Players want free trade because they want RMT like in D2 LoD. My idea completely eliminates any foreseeable exploitation of the trading and eliminates RMT.

Please make d4 battle more dynamic
I am big fan of diablo series and i’m glad to hear release of d4. Past series, d1,d2 and d3 were easily get boring because of repeating same things.

  1. battle
    It was so monotonous in past series. The only thing to do was just stand, hit the skill button. There was no reason to evade because it can be overcome by equiping good items. I wish d4 players can not be overcome the adversity by equipping good items. Please consider making the overall game tempo much lower than past series so that players can guess what the boss’s next attack could be and give them choices to evade or attack. In short, make players think strategically. From this point of view, the world boss battle is cool to me. Please consider making world boss contents one of the core end game contents.
    I also wish high evil like duriel, andariel, diablo .etc could see at world boss raid contents.

Thanks alot , that is very nice to see !

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If a dev at blizz get a chance to read this, everyone is going to see the trailer for D4 and say: Looks dark, looks grim, looks… ‘Good so far.’ Expecting a D2 feel, that’s what everyone will say.

D2 had memorable soundtracks, story, and playthrough. But there was a unique difficulty. D3 introduced torments, which did work for me in the beginning, but became stale after your character became too strong. I know D2 won’t work today, everyone wants play-ability after they beat it and something different… but I just think the game should be hard. With crazy abilities and crisp mechanics now, if the enemies are going to be pretty simple, I think they should be really hard to beat. I remember the first few times I faced Andariel, Duriel, and Meph… They were really tough… and the unique side quests in between were too. So, my two cents is … the first play through is most unique. Players go back all the time for more play-throughs, and if the regular difficulty is hard, then it says “wow… this game is tough, I forgot how hard this game was.” Most players will have an idea what they’re doing, some will enjoy, some will try to ‘speed run’, so make it tough for all! What if gear was rather weak at first, so finding a gem of a weapon was amazing? D2 had that certain feeling… like you needed to really find an upgrade. Lots of greys/whites to sell, some rares, if you found a legendary it was like… gold mine! Always something decent. D3 missed that mark, lots of crappy legendaries. Have enemies hit back really hard too. I don’t know about the dodge mechanic… it will favor some players and some won’t like it… and ranged classes benefit more than melee … I just don’t know. But, if the enemies are dynamic, it shouldn’t be major. I would prefer it if the enemies had more abilities and mechanics, I want to feel like I’m really going through hell playing this game. For it’s time, D2 did accomplish that and D3 in the last 2 acts. Please consider city pvp and an online community server like there was for D2. That would engage a bigger audience, more sustainability.

I liked enemies in D2/D3 that had slow abilities that I had to avoid if I was on a tough difficulty. But if I could just farm them, it lost the lack luster, depending on if the game’s culture was in a mode of … farming or if I was just trying to enjoy the game itself.

I will add, to any haters of D3… go back and play act 4, act 5 … there’s a lot of depth, plenty of difficulty… I would look to act 4 and 5 of D3 for inspiration for D4, act 1 was memorable as well, except Leo’s mechanics were far too easy. Maybe add more phases and different abilities for the act bosses, fast abilities, so they’re harder to predict. A good difficulty is one where you lose to the last act boss, and it’s so damn tough that they laugh at you, you have to farm to go face him again, and maybe LOSE AGAIN! It differs for each player but that’s what I enjoy. Then when you grind the previous area for a new weapon or skill to beat him, it feels worth it… and adjust the next Act’s monsters to be really hard! like miniature bosses of the previous act. Act 2 was tough in D2! but in D3 it was a joke, and the game was easy until Acts 4/5.



Just passing by to say you all “THANK YOU” for your announcements this year and for listening to your devote community. Diablo IV just looks astonishing in this pre-alpha stage, looking forward for the updates next year (which, btw, is an amazing effort, thanks for the future updates!!!). You are following the good path Blizzard, thanks again :slight_smile:

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Hello! I’m really excited with this announcement, I had lost all hope for Diablo with Diablo 3 for a long time… and this Diablo 4 look really promising

Just please… please keep Lilith like in the trailer, red and scary, in the game! not the clothed version who look like a disney villain…


I would like to see Blizzard own up to their intentions of winning our hearts back by NOT retaining qualities from D3 most of us hated… PoE scooped up most of the Diablo fan base because Grinding Gear Games recognized and cultivated the qualities we loved about D2.

It seems the Diablo team is making good progress by steering the game back towards its more “dark” and “eerie” roots; and I commend those efforts; but there are two more elements they have to iron out to truly win back the fan base that went off to play Path of Exile after the release of D3.

  • Free trade (soulbound does not belong in Diablo!)

  • Rare UNIQUE items. Uniques should feel special to obtain, not drop like hotcakes like “legendaries” in D3.

These two elements are minimum requirements for many of us before even considering to buy D4.

Other things that would be nice to see but not deal breakers (at least not for me):

  • Bring the player cap back up to at least 8. Please stop hurting PC gamers to cater to console gamers. Console games are tied to their own servers anyways; so why not just have a different player cap for them then.

  • Make the last 5-10 levels much harder to achieve (like lvl 90-99 in D2); and have season races that are a function of level. The level race can run in parallel with completion times for the game. In PoE there are global announcements everytime someone is the first time to enter an area or complete something; which is really cool.

  • Don’t have random properties on unique items like what was done in D3. This ruins the “uniqueness” of items and can make them too similar to other uniques. Random values are fine, but random properties is just bad for itemization for uniques…leave that for rare items…thats their thing.

  • Custom game names with game lists + custom channels with channel lists = cultivates a sense of community


Eh. Only thing to show is something “not blizzard soon” in over 7 years? 3.5 of that scrapped, and 3.5 years in the current state? I’m over it already. Between blizzard’s sloth-like approach with total lack of urgency, and lack of communication and support for D3, I have zero faith in the products made by this once upon a time AAA developer. Now it’s pure amateur hour up in this place.


D4 is looking good so far.
The look & feel is just about right in every aspect.
Do keep improving every aspect of the game.
Do not settle for the current graphics at release.

Itemization suggestion
I would suggest a change to itemization for D4.

  • ancient items have one hidden power
  • mythic items have two hidden powers
  • the hidden power be random generated for each different drop of the same ancient or mythic item
  • players be able to turn on and off these hidden powers at an NPC in town, default: off
  • the hidden power be visible as ‘hidden power’ when highlighting an item, but not tell what the hidden power is
  • the powers be immediately recognizable from play

A hidden power on a projectile skill ancient legendary could be a curved trajectory instead of the standard straight trajectory with a small damage boost.

Adding hidden powers will mix up the gameplay in unexpected ways. Also whenever an ancient or mythic drops you’ve found before there’s a big chance it will have a different hidden power and as such offers a different way to play.


For mob AI instead of adding hit points and damage points too bad they don’t have hidden abilities with cooldowns as appropriate. Some of the same skills that players use. As difficulty progresses more abilities are added to the mobs.
I would like to play without seeing some mobs become trivial opponents. I would need to be careful in all fights at all levels of play. Somehow tighten the difference between the lowest and highest level of mobs vs bosses.


Blizzard! Diablo 4 on the Mac please!!!

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No, that is all. Gamers use PCs not MACs

I’m a poor Mac owner. Are you able to predict whether windows emulators are klikely to work and likely graphics requirements?

I imagine some of you have seen it already, but a new letter from our Game Director, Luis Barriga, is now available to read. Take a moment to read it if you have the time, and I’ll pop in again with our next update once David Kim’s blog publishes in the near future.


Should be an interesting read.

Even more so the reaction of the fans.

Barriga is correct when he says getting it right is the priority; D4 will be a flaming wreck if itemization is messed up. I wasn’t particularly blown away by what I saw at BlizzCon; the overall design and stats were too simplified for my liking.

This will be an ongoing discussion so the development should and must be flexible enough to accommodate big changes to make itemization meaningful.