I don’t think anyone really wants to hear about how hard wizards have it anyway tbh. They’re a solid pick in the “why is it always you three” meme.
We knew how you felt for about 18 out of 22 seasons, actually.
you’ve got me absolutely right!
While we are talking about names, is yours’ because of this guy? https://derpibooru.org/images/935042
that damm word is following us in this game forever lol.
Thanks at least for saying that some changes will be include before season 23 starts, still hope I guess!
Mortal Kombat / Tekken sounds kind of an issue for monks, we have two builds that are pure melee and are way underperforming. The typical generator (with r6 or r2i6 and shenlong) and the ltk (lon / lod / swk or inna). Why not getting this in the right spot?
The suspens is unbearable !
Bone Spirit as a missile is only barely OK on LOD Scythe / Pestilence (as a replacement of Bone Spear).
Rathma is expected to be a pure pet set :
Also Bone Spirit could be completely reworked as a buff skill to avoid having another (useless) missile skill.
Last suggestion, the shadow clone pylon could be integrated as a core mechanic, in the main game, like any other pylon. Just need an icon on the map & translations for the name of pylon.
buff GoD 6P or increase pierce cap on offhand) that community is mostly speaking about on the PTR forum. It needs it so bad. Even with all my testing as well. Please don’t leave it as is. ty!
DH has no solo push build, WD needs help too, hope you really review these. ATM, not cool.
Not so sure about it …
Class Rank 1 Rank 1000 Avg-GR Avg-Paragon Barb 146 126 130 5012 Crus 150 127 132 5025 DH 150 131 136 5411 Monk 145 120 126 3834 Necro 150 120 127 4756 WD 150 130 134 5067 Wiz 147 120 124 4248
If you look at this Table, prov. by Tallaron, you can see how DH+WD are overperforming, while Monk is underperforming.
At least if you keep in Mind, that the Maingoal / Balancegoal is, that the Class should do a GR 130 at around Paragon 5000, based on a Bluepost.
The table is based on what?
Season, non-season?
If season, which season?
If non-season, which era?
Its Non-Season, coz they mostly Balance after this Numbers
And here are a couple things we specifically avoid when considering overall class balance:
Seasonal buffs and their impact on overall power
We want to design fun, engaging Seasonal buffs without worrying about how they might impact class balance
Data from non-Seasonal players is especially helpful here
Some buffs may be better or worse for different classes, but since Season effects are temporary, we’re okay with thisDirect 1:1 class comparison
While we want each class to perform similarly, it is still important that classes retain their unique class fantasy
Each class should be able to accomplish similar goals, just in different waysWhen balancing, we need a point of reference to work around. The “ideal” class set performance for Diablo III is approximately Greater Rift 130, solo, and assumes the character has 5000 Paragon levels. That might sound high to some of you and low to others. If so, that’s good—it means we’ve landed in a middle ground that’s beneficial to the most players!
What?!? I am sorry no offense intended but this information is garbage… and is all over the place. WDs are NOT overperforming at all… Anyone that plays one would know this first hand. We are tied for the worst/weakest class as shown by leaderboards.
Here are stats from leaderboards:
I hope others take the time to stop by and leave their opinions as I know there is literally an ARMY of WD players that will feel the same way.
This is an excellent post that shows facts to back up the thoughts shared… Well done! I think I may follow suit with the America’s stats for comparison.
EDIT: Back with the numbers for the American realm… they speak for themselves…
These are the same stats for American realm:
barb - 120
crusader - 121
dh - 127
monk - 116
necro - 136
wd - 117
wizard - 124
number of GR150 clears
wd: 0 none
necro: 129
I asked because I play WD only (my other’s characters are here for dungeons and achievements), and the numbers from the table are, for me, not really representative (There has already been a nerf on the Mundu set).
Why not look for yourself
That the lowest Entry on US is 6 Ranks lower, just means, that either in the US there are fewer WD-Player …
Or that they are just not as good as most of the EU-Players …
This rank is based before the (first?) nerf, so, no representative for me today
That’s why I really want a reset of leaderboards.
This data is not accurate as it represents several different patches that have been in this era. If you look at the leaderboards on the live servers (where you can see the clear date) the WD 150 clears all came from the previous patch with 0 150s in the current patch.
It is a bit worrying if the 2.7.0 WD nerf is based on clears made before the previous nerf. The era was not reset after nerf despite many, many people demanded it.
Also I agree that Mundunugu build was not currently overperforming. Its performance was pretty much exactly where it should be.
And I´m pretty sure, that Blizz can also Sort theyr own Data by Patch, wich is why they have some more accurat Data.
So if there are still some concerns about the Power of the WD, there might be something, you can´t see, right ?