So, basically no…
After all my testing it ending with out GoD6 more changes, FB wizard etc I feel it needed to be extended with another patch. PTR wise all I have to say is YIKES!
is there no new season theme for s23?
Any early hints you can give us if there will be another theme for S23?
There is no theme, it’s follower revamp, and nerfs. Which needed more testing. If you are searching for a theme your theme is your follower system.
please give our followers immortality for S23
Nice. Please consider carrying the limitations to GoD6 only if you meant to nerf that set, overall nerf to Hungering Arrow using builds look weird. Also I see that Firebird gets a nice push from Mirror Image if player is creative, any chance that it would synergize with thorns for Demon’s Hide crafted Set in the future?
And… can we please see more utility affix synergies in the future at active-offense skills for more power growth space instead of min-maxing Set bonuses each season? This becomes tiring after a while.
If the number of pierces for GoD was reduced because of Dampening, how about you get rid of Dampening instead? The Elite Affix is the bane of any ranged attacker, and even screws up gusts of wind produced by Barbarians. I think people would be happy to see that Elite Affix go, especially if it means that GoD doesn’t get nerfed.
Thank you… for the love of god I hope this completely un-necessary nerf (2nd in a row) to the WD is being reconsidered. The hate on this class has gone on for waaay too long. Please tell me they are at least considering reversing this nerf…
TBH, if anything it needs a BUFF…
Thank you
DHs feel your pair Laithan. Most of our sets are in the same boat, especially Marauders.
Also the fact that DHs rarely are considered in the group meta for 3 or 4 person groups.
You know, I like the elegance of this one. It’s pretty simple, it emphasizes the Season of the Follower theme, and it’d give us a reason to use the other two trinkets for a change, which would only further highlight the new/changed skills. It’s pretty minor, but it’d be throwing the players at least a little something more.
It’s also probably pretty easy to patch in last minute, and also probably doesn’t have any real unforseen consequences that would require further testing.
Stupid question, I’ve put in over 100 hours on this PTR, and would like to give my general impressions, but am not sure this is the place to put it. Where should I post? Perhaps feedback that addresses specifically what devs have asked for have a place or link that can be added to the PTR patch notes? Please move the following to wherever it should go, if possible.
- I played alot of DH. I love GoD for ease, t16 bounties and NRs, and to quickly level up gems to 90-100. Never liked fishing for dampening to push, so good riddance to that. For my purposes, the initial nerf felt pretty bad, but the update patch felt just fine. Also made bolas useful for the same purposes.
- Messed around with Firebird pre and post update. Very fun (great rework!), but I think the skills portion is dwarfed by the weapon damage multiplier portion of the set bonus. Skills (only 4K now) should be increased, and multiplier decreased…by a LOT. Since they are both on the 6-piece now, that would allow peeps who like to build up skills to have a chance to shine and encourage diversity.
- Followers UI needs to have more information. There are things that have an effect, but are not shown. Type of elemental damage done, etc.
- Followers have some bugs, where they sit at portals instead of following you around, cannot be rehired after others leave a game. These can be fixed by starting a new game, but that can be pretty tiresome.
Noticed you also quickly acted on feedback relating to the (imo hasty) closure of the PTR forums. Seen and greatly appreciated.
To reduce the difference between group play and solo play next season, two sets can be made: 1 set level 70 for the follower with 6 pieces to have + 400% damage + 2% magic find + 2% experince for every 1,000 str or dex or int the follower will have, with a maximum of + 10,000% damage + 50% magic find + 50% experience and 1 set level 20 with 6 pieces to have + 2% damage + 2% magic find + 2% experince for each 50 str or dex or int the follower will have, with a maximum of + 200% damage + 20% magic find + 20% experience.
Ah, Noob Saibot in MK3 and MK3 Ultimate. I kicked his butt every time with … well … check out my name!
Agreed. I like the game where you can choose to dps or support in ARPG. Having all classes can only be pure dps is so boring.
At this point be thankful that they didn’t touch monks and barbs. Yet… Next season we are going to see something like WW Wrath of Wastes gets nerfed cause it is overperfoming compared to other barb sets and Tempest rush gets nerfed too for the same reasons, mark my words. I have very little hope that they won’t destroy other classes too at this rate. It’s already bothering the devs that barbs and monks both have a build that is actually amazing. Any chance that they threaten necro sales, we will see what happens.
I honestly wouldn’t mind if all sets got nerfed to the level of the weakest one. I’m not mad because I can’t do a GR 150 with 1k paragons, I’m just disinterested in the game as a whole because they balance the game around the high end of what’s achievable and that’s completely out of reach for most builds. It’s one thing for specific legendary or skill variations to be niche or suboptimal, it’s another thing entirely for it to be perfectly normal for sets to be 15-20x more powerful than other sets in the same class.
Wanting to play _ in duo with my friend, for example, but one is super holding the other back because it struggles in content the other is falling asleep in, or just jogging along behind them completely ineffectually.
Doesn’t really matter who gets buffed or nerfed to me, so long as the end result isn’t an “acceptable” gap of 100% or far, far more between builds.
Also, necro hate is uninformed. The class is strong is some activities because of certain skills but overall it’s not in a great place and hasn’t even been “the top” consistently in forever. Most of its sets are a mess and the latest rework is only making it worse.
As the newest class it simple had the most unrefined/unbalanced tools in its kit. That pattern has pretty consistently repeated itself with major additions and reworks to other classes.
Now you know how wizards felt for the past year when all our builds got nerfed and we were replaced by Mundu and Bone Spear.
Wizards didn’t feel a thing since they are just 01s in a game.
I really don’t get the tribal class wars
Nerf everyone!