Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

Why do you think the total pool would decrease by adding an extra option? Burger King introducing the impossible burger increased presumably the customer base or at least did not cause its customers to shrink. You can still order the whopper, but now vegetarians have an additional choice.

If you are arguing that it will split the playerbase (either of the same size or slightly larger by offering a second option) that is a valid concern. Let’s consider 3 scenarios where we only consider public multiplayer games (In solo, the loot system is irrelevant):

Scenario 1. Most players want public FFA-only multiplayer games. This means that FFA-only/purist crowd is largely unchanged and that the personal loot crowd is a niche community.

Scenario 2. The community is fairly evenly split. This demonstrates that many players exist on both sides and Blizzard made a smart decision to have 2 options.

Scenario 3. Most of the community plays personal loot public multiplayer games while the D2 purist/FFA-only still have their niche community. In this case, it clearly demonstrates why Blizzard should offer personal loot option as that is what most wanted.

I would really prefer it, if the player base isn’t split in 2 for every change people are asking for.

Imagine you are playing with private loot, then realize that a friend of you is playing D2:R as well, but he is playing with FFA loot. Now one of you will have to start from zero if you want to play together.

The only player base split that I could see coming would be one between the purist faction and the QoL/balance changes fraction. But personal loot doesn’t seem to fit in either of them.

You can already achieve this by running in an organized drop sharing party.
It even has the advantage that you can make up your own rules and tailor them around what your team is preferring.

I played in a selffound community with loot sharing for quite some time and we always had the rule that anything below the worth of ~Pul is FFA while everything else would get rolled for by everyone who wanted it.

That has proven to be the best compromise between runspeed and fairness.

But you could also go with something like one guy is getting all loot of one run and then nothing for the next 7.

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We still doing this Burger King analogy? It still does not apply, unless the vegetarians and the meat eaters are split into two separate dining areas.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that you can beat this game solo, normal-hell, in less than a day - in one sitting for some players.

There is no reason to play past that except to collect better loot, to kill things faster, to find better loot. If you increase the drop rates, then you reduce the incentive to keep playing.

In a ladder season, it takes about 2-3 weeks of serious play to farm up “end game” gear. Hopefully this time-span will be increased 2-3 fold with the removal of most of the bots, but we all know that won’t last long.


You can state your opinion. But after you told us that the only way to get loot is trough bots… well we just dont care your opinion.

Thats why we have auto gold pick up, shared stash. Personal loot not going to come. Devs also stated they try to stick to the main game so closly as possible.

“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”

Imagine if a boters opinion would matter… Pff sure


I’m sure that’s what some people act like, however I assure you… D2R will receive changes. It isn’t tailored to meet my sensibilities, but then again my sensibilities generally revolve around “FUN.” So, I’ll likely be pleased.

The salt will be enjoyable to eat.


These posts are so dramatic. This isn’t meant to be the next big, mainline game, that would be Diablo 4. Settle down. As others have said, just don’t play it, sounds like it’s not for some of you.

And there’s not going to be personal loot. Literally 0% chance. Let that sink in. You can talk about it until your blue in the face though. I’m not against some changes, but it’s pointless to talk about that specifically. Most people don’t want personal loot, either.


I don’t think you have any proof to show that there won’t be personal loot.

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I don’t think that Blizz ever stated that personal loot comes.

Blizzard has not explicitly commented one way or the other on the addition of personal loot as an option. They have said they want to preserve the original game experience AND are willing to make additional changes based on player feedback. Using auto-gold pickup as a guide, it is possible to both preserve the original D2 experience (clicking on gold) while providing another option (turning on auto-gold pickup).

Just member it doesn’t effect your life if we get a massive QOL ladder I know it’ll make you upset but this game is for everyone it the 10K purist we need as stated by many people

end game scaling hell mode with scaling items
Class balance
personal loot
charm Inventory
Merc inventory
Bigger inventory
Ability to reset areas so we’re not making a million games for our friends to chase
Higher drop rates

The bots are gone so all the loot the got is being replaced with personal loot and higher drop rates

The biggest lie ever told is personal loot ruins the game no purist it replaces all the candy loot from bots and dupes!!! Legit item finding is being dunked on by a bunch of people who have been running bots for 20+ years lol lol lol lol lol

I really do not understand the fetish people have for personal loot. Is there even a reason for this other than they want to get loot drops while doing nothing in groups?


Imagine not playing this game for the fun of actually playing and the journey of building characters and trying ridiculous builds.

Everyone that’s talking about how only bots get items seem to think you need to be able to have 12 enigmas, 57 Zod runes and 93.5 perfect light facets after 1000 runs.

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Farm hunting is a big part of Diablo 2. Implenting Personal Loot will remove a lot of the fun because everyone get the items. FFA, fight for loot is fun. Not all thinks it fun but It’s Diablo 2. It’s nothing wrong with challenging. Don’t make D2:R easy! Not everything is Quality of Life.

Don’t touch the loot system.
About bots and cheaters, I guess I will be less cheaters now cause of 2.0
You can also report cheaters in game, this is something you couldn’t do in the original game of Diablo 2.

Edit: Be quick and grab your gear. If you are slow to pick up then good luck next time. You have plenty of chances to get your item that falls on the ground.


Personal loot would ruin the game experience for me entirely.


Wrong, it’s only a dead game in your mind.

Tens of thousands people play D2 right now all over this world and love it.

Well what do you expect from noobs to a game?

12 year olds laugh at Rock 'n Roll videos from 1970.

If you don’t want to play a game, just walk away.

Don’t ruin it for the tens of thousands that do love it.

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bye Felicia!

rabble rabble rabble

If the game was dead, why make a remaster of Diablo2 then? You are terrible wrong, d2 has never been dead.


D2 is not a dead game nor will D2R be DOA on arrival without a personal loot option. Having said that, there will be less players who buy D2R or play the game longterm if an optional selection of personal loot is not provided in D2R.

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