Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

Core changes to the original game will only delay the game. It is not like you can make some of these changes by flipping a switch. It takes Dev time and money and a lot of it. Blizzard has announced the game will be released in 2021. The more changes they have to make, the more unlikely that goal becomes. I do not think they want to miss their target nor do I think they want to invest anymore time, money and energy into D2R than they have to. They are already working on a Diablo game that makes those type of large changes to what has come before. That game is Diablo 4. Therefore, I would not get my hopes up for huge changes to the loot system or anything else in D2R. They are modernizing the looks of a 20 year old game and that is exactly what the majority of Diablo 2 fans seem to have been asking for for the last 10 or so years.

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No one really cares about the ones who will pass on this due to FFA loot. This game does not haver to cater to noobs, it has its core fanbase/niche and it can stands on its own.

Blizzard does. Blizzard absolutely cares how many players pass and for what reason.

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Except Blizzard recently sent out a D2R survey where they sought player’s interest in having personal loot at D2R launch. Blizzard has been very clear in that want to keep in D2R an experience that is authentic to the original D2 as well as have optional changes for new/modern players.

Since Blizzard asked the question in their survey with at D2R launch explicitly stated, I suspect it means that the coding is done, ongoing, or estimated to be completed in a relatively short time frame so D2R launch will occur on time.

You realize many of its core is asking for some of these Qol’s also

I see this constantly, you think you’re the only ones who held the game up, you are def not


which is exactly the reason why i can legitimately say i have found 3 hrs in 10 years of playing XD.

i dont have 40 hours a week to play jesus christ people

and i mostly certainly dont do 2 minute runs i play for FUN

i dont play to be “most efficient” unless I’m trying quickly level up a new char

that mast u descibed is 358 hours half of people wont have a zod after 358 HOURS of doing boring runs in the most efficient way possible… aka “botting”

for an “normal player” who is playing for fun.
yeah drop rates for hr most certainly need to be increased.

If that is the case, and they have already invested the time and money to do it, then why would they then ask players if they want it?

If they have already made the change or added the feature then they game will ship with it. If not then it would be unwise for them to delay the game to add it, IMO.

I disagree so hard that drop rates need to be improved, but you and I have already had that discussion.

Let’s make this more constructive-

Which runes?
By how much?
Countess drops?
How often should a Ber rune drop when A5Good Runes17 is rolled?

Diablo 2 have survived 21 years with FFA, why do you think the game will be dead sooner If D2:R does not implement Personal Loot? FFA on D2:R means 21 more years to live.
Don’t like FFA, play a game without challenging. More fun? It will be dead sooner than you think.


Since they are concerned about the fallout of W3R and have publicly stated that they are interested in making additional changes if the players want them in D2R.

I have not said the game will be dead without personal loot or will die sooner. I have said less people will buy it and many players will play it less long if it was not an optional choice. You want FFA since it has been that way for 20 years, you choose FFA only games. Others who prefer personal loot can select that option for themselves.

An additional option does not remove the original.

Survival is not the same as being more vigorous.

After watching a lot of the controller gameplay footage, and that controller support will be fully integrated into PC version (as opposed to the emulate mouse as originally theorized) as well as console (with console version having a different UI for the menus portion it seems), personal loot may not be a far cry from realistic ambitions of D2R.

With them trying to keep inventory tetris as a thing, controllers will be very clunky in terms of inventory management and not very “fun” in multiplayer. I wouldn’t be surprised if that survey plays a role and they add charm inventory, stacking runes/gems, and personal loot to smooth out the gameplay to make it less clunky for controllers. And if they are making it less clunky for controllers, they may smooth out the mouse and keyboard controllers too, since “PC First.” I don’t think however, that using personal loot will be an option vs FFA loot if they implement it, and it won’t be the same as current global loot standards for drops.

This is a remaster, what you want there is a new game. And no this game won’t be dead if they don’t do this or that, this game has survived in his current state for more than 20 years.


Why should the confirm something which is obviously not gonna happens as it was promised that they will not be changing game that much?


Sometimes things have to change in order to fit an overall scope of a project. Diablo 2 was not made with a console in mind, nor was it made with cross progression in mind either. However, these are two scopes that the devs are working with. They try to stay within the confines of “1.14d” but as progression is made in development, and the project is unveiled to the public, you may find the original scope not realistic anymore. Controllers don’t do inventory tetris very well, and in a multiplayer game where the action can get fast paced, you have to do some alteration. You make alteration 1 to have more inventory space (charm specific inventory). Suddenly, players have more room to carry stuff and now they are picking up more so current loot rate not effective in 8 player games, on top of controller needing to walk over loot to pick up as opposed to being able to mouse click and auto walk to it. Change 2, personal loot to meet these needs.

You also have to consider the overall potential playerbase. Will older fans come back, will new players pick up, will current players upgrade? Why did the older playerbase quit, etc. I’m not saying it will change, but I have a high suspicion that the game will not be 1.14d “vanilla” for long, unless they expect long term health of the game to just be the devout current pc players that don’t already play mostly mods.

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Are you roleplaying a Blizzard Exec to justify Personal Loot?

Never mind that D2 is a 20 year old established game, let’s ruin its identity by putting in x and y to modernize it for noobs?

How about this, I like riding dinosaurs in games, maybe Blizzard should cater to me too, perhaps I may not want to play this anymore because it doesn’t have a dinosaur-riding feature that I am fond of.


If FFA loot technicaly doesnt work on consoles, they might change it just for consoles then. It has nothing to do with pc players.

If they add one button which will pick up items very close to you, FFA loot can still work btw.

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Just because Blizzard said that they are keeping an authentic D2 experience that does not mean that they can not have both an authentic experience and selectable options that make it adapted for modern players. Blizzard will still be true to their word by providing both FFA and personal loot as selectable options.

Adding an option does not remove the original. Iti is not either or it can be both.

They would then have to remove cross progression. And if controller support proved very popular, the change would then come to PCs, and then put back in cross progression. If the end result is the same, may be changed without having to remove and plug back in. It has nothing to do with “console” and everything to do with controllers.

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Honestly this we just want an updated game as the og game is becoming harder and harder to play on modern pc do to resolution and just the way os handle things now as apposed to then. D2 is fine as is, it just needed honestly to just be updated to support newer operating systems they didn’t even have to remaster the visuals they looked fine already.