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FFA = Free for All = Natural Selection = Nature

Nature always wins. FFA is natural. Not everyone deserves a trophy. You don’t deserve loot by just existing.

All you Ploot people learn to trade. A man traded a red paperclip for a house IRL by trading up. Life has been on easy mode for too long and people have become spoiled. This game is not easy which is what makes it good. I have literally traded up the entire time I played this game. Eth Ribcracker getting me 6 Hr. FFA promotes trading which promotes human interaction.

The only argument I have seen that ploot can muster is I didn’t get the items. Which means you are either slow, not paying attention, or can’t stand next to the mob you are killing or helping to kill.

Baal runs, grushing, etc all existed before bots, after ban waves of bots, etc. I have personally done them for years no bot needed. I have done just about everything there is to do in this game. Played D3 again last week still can’t stand it. I walk over everything there is no point to playing. My brain is not engaged. The gear is horrible, etc.

In all my years of playing. I found Tyreal’s Might once. Just once. That is how epic end game gear should be. I have however traded for it multiple times. Best part is compared to runewords it is really not that great. Didn’t stop me from dedicating 6 months of magic finding to find it though.


This, people need to learn that diablo is hard game and everything is there to kill you ore make you suffer. Survival of the fittest :slight_smile:

I dont like making game easier so everyone has guaranteed loot. It goes against Soul of game.

Quality of life change? Fine. But making loot change just because some individuals are complaining about not getting loot? No.


Ooookaaaay. We can see what kind of players want changes to the game. :rofl: Imagine this guy in Overwatch. I couldnt click fast so im using aimbot.


Shouldn’t you mind your trolling considering? =P

People love the game for how it is, not how it may have been. Your argument is silly at best, ignorant at worst.

You could apply this foolish argument to many iconic games. A quick google search shows that Silent Hill had fog because of hardware limitations, Space invaders moved slowly because of crappy processing power, and Mario wore a hat to avoid animating hair.

Stop arguing people can’t have a game they way they enjoyed it, and how it made it so iconic, because you don’t approve of the reasoning behind how it came about.

I’ve seen you mention this fact several times. Let. it. Go.

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There ia alot of back and forth on the merits of loot systems in this thread. At the end of the day, it really does not matter which loot system is better or worse as it is a matter of preference. Simply put, the loot system is quite contentious and there are compelling arguments on both sides.

Given this fact, the best solution is to have Blizzard provide both as options. You prefer FFA loot, you play in FFA loot games. You prefer instanced/personal loot you play in those games. More options are better. If given two loot options, you can imagine 3 simple scenarios.


One less purist with purist logic.

Just give us both options on game creation. I don’t expect it to be something at release, but something to come in the near future.

When a cheater accuse someone with trolling. Credibility is on steroids.

I played from the beginning and have gone back and forth over the years with personal loot V. FFA loot. Now I had never a problem with FFA loot you win some you lose some grabbing at stuff. My MAJOR problem starts and ends with picket. When you basically have zero chance at items unless you cheat it takes away from enjoying a game. If they actually work at eliminating hacks then I’m 100% behind FFA loot. If they do not actively deter hacks the game is already a cluster . As to expansions and or DLC I think it is a possibility just for the simple fact the game code is so basic and easy to work with. They do not have to add to D2R to add content they just have to add it to LOD and the new overlay engine brings it up to date.

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Giving a example of a exception, someone who has trained them self to overcome their disability, is just a bad faith argument. You know not everyone can overcome their said disability like that, unless your saying someone with Cerebral palsy can become a professional COD player. Sure they can get better and be able to be a competent gamer but asking for them to compete for loot on top of all the other things they need to keep track of in the game just to play online in public lobbies is cruel joke, especially if blizz could make a optional feature that help them and literally not hurt you or anyone else. Most professional gamers are between the ages 19-25, for good reason.

Just because you think my reasons are excuses, shows your personal bias is super ingrained. My arguments might not reach your closed ears but, I truly believe adding optional accessibility features to the game will only make the game more accessible.

It won’t make the game any easier, It won’t increase drop chances, instanced loot won’t make it any easier then the basic multiplayer feature already does.

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Sorry to hear about people with wrist problems.

Anyway, people with wrist problem is a bad excuse to change how loot drops etc, because you wasn’t fast enough to click. A good solution is to play alone or with your friends.

Another solution is to buy something that helps the wrist so it does not hurt when you click.


Big Dog go to your dog house and stay there.

You are a OffLine caveman that will never come out once the game is finished.

Glad you got your game!

So are we going to make major game changes because of very small percentage of gaming population? Where does this end? Because if someone has problem to click fast to pick up items, it will be same with a lot of other things in game. I dont want to make major changes because of idk 0,5% players when they can solve it by just playing with other they know and who have understanding for their problem so they will share items.

And if no one they know likes the game ? but they love it. I guess you’d rather not let them into multiplayer then, its not that big of a change to have it as a optional game creation feature. It doesn’t change the combat, it doesn’t change the loot chances anymore then running the game in private match solo, in fact it would have little less loot then solo runs if it followed loot tables as they are now. It doesn’t make the game any easier then multiplayer run of the game already is, I fail to see the issue. It wouldn’t even keep people from making FFA games for that classic style.

It does change loot chance for me in games with ploot as i will never be able to pick up as much i could before. Again, no i dont want to make major changes because very small percentage of player base.


If you are picking up more loot on average with FFA in comparison to personal loot games, it means that others get less. If those others who get less are doing the bulk of the killing, then the problem with FFA loot is self-evident.

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Yes thats exactly my point. I want chance to get more than others.

They are not.

Maybe not in your case, but in other cases they are which highlight the inherent inequity.

If you’re helping players much less capable than yourself in killing, then continue to do so in FFA games.

When 8 players are all relatively equally geared, play Ploot games.

Problem solved, everyone wins.

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Your version with ploot is even worse, leechers could get free items by not moving a finger and I will not even have chance to anyhow affect the loot i will get. Like shako can drop and I with my strong character stand next to baal, normaly I would pick up shako as leecher is not standing so close because he is afraid to not be killed. With ploot he can easly get shako because of dumb RNG and I cant do a damn thing even when I stand next to drop, do you realze how dumb system ploot is with this?