D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Personal LOOT is a must.
Now, we know game will already be splitted into Classic with small stash and LOD with shared bigger stash.
Lets put personal Loot for LOD, if someone want classic way of gaming put it into classic version.

We could also see this a case in Hardcore mode - having personal loot.


It ruined the item economy, end of discussion. And quit pretending the D3 players asking for this will ever accept anything less than what they have in D3. Your bad faith arguments are transparent as hell

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How specifically does it ruin the item economy if there is no net change in total item drops?

If you want to discuss the economy, you need to start thinking about raising the drop rates of rare items as botting and exploits should be decreased? Or are you advocating to keep the economy the same, Blizzard should allow these cheats. I am against cheaters.


Because thatā€™s not what people actually want, only what they are willing to ask for right now to see how far they push the boundary. This discussion wonā€™t end until you people have your same personal loot system from d3

Neutral characters can play in the same areas, but they will not share experience, gold, spell effects, or be able to directly affect each other in any way.

What if I open auto gold loot and start sweeping every piece of gold before you can click? Oh and consider Iā€™m not joining your party. Would you ā€œfeelā€ the same?

Why are you acting like dupes didnā€™t hurt the economy already? Monetary value of items would get hard crashes regardless of dupers or not. More trash in circulation wonā€™t do anything extra just incentivize players to group up more without drawbacks just to barter later.

Nope. You donā€™t have any specific data and I know dupes still exist in the game.


That is what you want and others who share your opinion. It is not what others want who share my opinion. I bet if Blizzard accurately sampled D2 diehard fans a significant subset would want personal loot.

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Gold is shared already. These bad faith arguments are sad. Go away.

Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m not sure if you read it well. I asked you another question.

Neutral characters can play in the same areas, but they will not share experience, gold, spell effects, or be able to directly affect each other in any way.

Taken from Diablo wiki. My memory was right.

So does yours about individual loot causing leechers.


Dupes are not a gameplay system design. Playing on a private server means you donā€™t have any dupe or bot issues and the core D2 trade system works flawlessly

I have heard tbe D2 trade system be called many things. This is the first time that I have head someone say it worked ā€œflawlesslyā€.


Why donā€™t you go to the pd2, pod, or diablo 2 forum and ask them yourself? You would get laughed off of the internet

You stil can NOT count them out of equation. Iā€™d like to see how D2:R fixes it before considering how things shall work. If it fails to patch up exploits, then keep the shared loot as no one really care after that point but if it can patch up exploits thereā€™s a choice between two.
Which is better will be decided by developers but I get the glimpses of individual loot just my opinion of course. If not, then I guess modders can get to it as game doesnā€™t prevent anyone from modding anything at all.

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No one is demanding anything outside of the resident D3 troll. Everything has been suggestions based in VV asking for them.

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So then you are just a troll.

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No my argument is based in reality and experience from XP leechers in Diablo 2. I wonder if you ever even played the game.

Remove them from your party then. Why are you complaining about this?


My reality is based on item leechers and hackers/autoclickers.

My reality is based on playing a ranged class.


You want another exploitable system introduced into the game and your solution is make the player deal with it? :neutral_face:

Exploitable? I just want duping be gone and everyone enjoy the loot they find on their own and barter with each other in the party afterwards. If dupe exploits are not fixed or have to slowly catch the abusers then keep the shared loot as it is.

I see why you would want to keep shared loot as it would create scarcity but game is quite exploitable and I donā€™t know if economy would benefit any from removal of exploits at all. I rather just leave this to the developers.
I defended for individual loot because auto gold pickup sounded abit too much for me, yet if they plan on keeping the feel and determined to patch every glitch, then it inevitably comes with shared loot like old times.

Iā€™m not sure if I failed to get the concept but you are the one who wants to deal with it if you keep a leecher in the party.


In a personal loot system, the maximum loot a leecher/cheat player can get in 8 player game is 1/8 of the total loot.

In a global drop system, tbe same leecher can get 50% or even more of the loot.

The global loot system is FAR more exploitable than the personal loot system.

I prefer personal loot because I dislike cheaters and want integrity to be rewarded.