D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

This in no way addresses duping…

Getting rushed to Baal and standing around waiting for your free 1/8th loot is rewarding integrity?

No. If the system randomly rolls where each piece if loot goes, it is possible for 1 person to obtain every item. If you have a party of 8, and 4 items drop, each person has a 12.5% chance each item roll. I didn’t suggest it to make things even, it was suggested to make thing fair for those with slower reaction times or slow/laggy connections. You still have a chance to come a way empty handed.

It’s indirectly related, they made a promise on catching up to exploits and bots in the QnA. I think it was the lightning question round with Rod Ferguson, Luis Barriga, Wyatt Cheng and ofcourse Rob Gallerani. If they kept their promise I doubt individual loot would hurt anything, besides… feelings.

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However, it is far better than having the leecher swoop in to take the lion’s share of the loot. Thanks for demonstrating how awful global loot is to the game due to leechers.

I do not want any scofflaws, but if they exist, I want to.minimize their damage. In global loot, the scofflaws can do maximal damage.


You mean besides and total and complete overhaul of the entire loot system? OK sure.

Don’t expect D3 players to be familiar with basic market economics. They’d rather just hit the slot machine all day until their targeted loot drop kicks in

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If you have that feeling then I have the feeling of that it won’t hurt or change the game much in case exploits are patched forever. Actual data is held by developers about how it would affect the game and I get to trust their word and end work as always.

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This is a mathematical impossibility even if item drops were randomnly assigned to each player.

In D3 with personal loot, do you not get item drops during a game session? There may be subtle differences but it is not all or none. I would stick to legitimate examples.

So explain how if the total number of items dropped in game does not change, how that alters market economics? Thrre are the same number of SoJ, runes, etc…

You keep talking about economics but have not to my knowledge provided a single example of an effect.

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That’s not what you people want though so why would I waste my time explaining it?

So are you acknowldging now that game economics do not change.

Now, it is just personal opinion that some players do not want change and your argument is not based on any real economic theory.

Assuming that the % chance and # of items remains the same in instanced loot vs FFA loot then there is no reason to think the economy would be affected. I’m not sure why people are so strongly against instanced loot.


the problem here is how D2 loot system works, you can’t drop the same unique in the same game, and I’m almost certain you can’t make loot instance for each player.

but having options for loot would be great.

-Public games could only be free for all.

private games can be set to

-Short Allocation, after 8 seconds that loot becomes free for all

-Permanent Allocation could be 2 screen away that loot would be locked to you till you leave the game, move away too far or go into town.

-Free for all - Doesn’t allocate anything to anyone.

but hey I’m all in for QoL improvements.

No it’s not. I see it regularly in WoW dungeons. One person got all the drops. If the system does a /roll 8 for every item, and 8 wins for every item, then player 8 wins all the items.

I am it talking about D3s loot system. I am talking about a fair system for D2 to avoid the FFA fight to get loot in groups. Same number of drops, same MF factors, just the game decides who gets what. All loot drops, if you win you will see the item in color glowing. If not, you see the item dulled out in grey.

See, they already made changes, they can make more. It’s not like it’s impossible. And frankly public gsmes should default to the non FFA, private groups can decide on their own.

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yeah no doubts, its just hard to speculate atm, even with the original base engine running the pipeline. but non FFA in public imo won’t feel like the original D2

we will see

If you want a robust economy, personal loot is essential.

Personal Loot Promote Economy by the Numbers

Mathematically, we can interrogate how personal drops versus global drops affect a game economy where trading is permitted.

Loot Economy Simplified (and ignores the probability distribution and assumes average probability is maintained):

10% of all drops have personal value
10% of all drops do not have value to self but to another
80% drops have no value

Game with 8 players and 80 total drops.

A. Personal loot scenario

All players receive one item of personal value and 1 item of value to someone else. As such, everyone can partake in the economy if they choose as they have an item to offer someone else for another’s item in exchange. Therefore, all 8 players can participate in the trade economy if they choose.

B. Global loot scenario (that leads to unequal distribution of drops). For simplicity. I will assume one player gets 50 percent of drops called player 1.

Player 1 has 4 items of personal value and 4 items of value for someone else. The other 7 players will in total have 4 items of personal value and 4 items of value to others. As such, players 2-8 will have roughly half that have nothing of personal value while the other will only have something of value to someone else. In this case, only 4 (or 5) players of the initial 8 can partake in the economy (player 1, and half of player 2-8).

Overarching Conclusion
Therefore, personal loot promotes a robust economy in comparison to global drops.


A simple solution would just have separate servers for private and non-private loot. With heroes being attached to each server. You automatically separate both economies.

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Do you want to encourage group play at endgame though
Is that fun when one or more of your party members maxed their char and steamroll the content for the group???

It’s not fun to walk behind.
It’s very, very, very hard to get similarly geared folk together in pub games.
It’s basically impossible at high level.

Low level / starting out?
That’s where everyones on the same page much more than endgame.
Bc the chars aren’t expereinced and don’t have gg loot, unless you were one of those ppl in d2 that boosted a new level char per level range to feel op for a short duration and steam the content for everyone else.

Pub loot is way better than private loot when bots aren’t a factor because pub loot makes you think all the time “I NEED that item right now before someone else gets it” and that IS exciting whether ppl want to admit that in their heart or not. It took me 10 years to realize private loot is the opposite of a good thing, i used to be just like you “YES D3 has private loot yes best game ever” and then you see the lack of excitement when in pub game bc it’s private. Nobody cares, nobody sees, what you get dropped. You dont care if you drop an item on the floor for 8 hours in a pub game. Its really bad.

Like, a BIG part of D2’s fun level is when in a pub game you know items are up for grabs, not boss stand around that’s lame gaming, but in the world, you can be alone and a gg item drops and you know you want it before someone else.

That’s the fun / excitement with D2’s loot in pub games.
stealing from other around a boss is lame that’s why you dont do that just let everyone else have the bosses loot. YOu know if you grabbed some idk good item from a boss group stand around, you didnt earn it, your group’s best char killed baal or w/e carried and you just looted an item. thats lame, you dont have to click on the loot just back away and be like i find my own loot.

Pub loot is critical for Diablo 2 to be fun.
Private loot sounds amazing but its not it takes the whole urgency out of loot and ‘worry’ you might lose your stuff somehow, and that is exciting, and not afk/boring gameplay.

Again, you dont stand around a boss and collect unearned loot.
leveling if a good item drops you get it if its close or if you lose it so what its leveling it will be outgeared in a few minutes / an hour. Endgame group play in D2 is pretty wack, its a solo game, you dont want to push endgame grouping in D2 its trash play. LEVELING is where group is awesome when nobody’s overgeared and everyone’s in unison.

So no OP you dont want to encourage group play at all times, that’s what D3 did and look how that turned out “play meta or don’t log in”.

Do you want to follow behind a group and “win” or “win” by actively being a contributing member of the group (leveling) or solo play. Like the game isn’t about “winning anyway” it about “did i help win” and endgame grouping is not a platform where like-geared ppl can be on the same page it’s just not. if someone’s trying not meta they wont contribute nearly as much. if someone isn’t playing a youtube build they won’t contribute. is that fun to just walk behind and collect? NO. that’s what D3 did. Group play is leveling, or greater rifts in d3. but endagme loot hunting should not be a group thing, you aren’t happy with loot that dropped from some other person killing for you bc it’s not YOU who did that and just winning is not the priority.

Its like spike v johnny in card game talk.
What that mean is “HOW” you win matters to more experienced folk than “I just need to win” (for example by following a group).

Don’t get me wrong i LOVE group play over solo, its just only possible when everyone’s equal as possible, and that’s the first 1/2 the game, or leveling or so, NOT endgame years of grinding content. GR’s worked bc one person could not carry bc we had to specialize at the hardest level. Imagine if T13 or w/e was endgame? Um, you dont want groups of randos zooming the map like we all saw, and you follow behind. that is the lamest game ever. That’s why group play doesn’t work at the high level of the game unless it’s a GR and we specilize our builds to be a team. Do you really want hell diablo to be “go make zdps” so we can group where nobody carries? Nobody’s going to do that its going to be just like torments, run behind, and collect from someone, or race to touch monsters first. That’s NOT fun to get loot “anyway you can” when it’s not “YOU” doing it alone or in a team. but D2 wasn’t about metacomps. it was about logging in quick, finding a match, grouping when you level, and at high end group if you want to leech xp or leech gear, and when you play D2 for more than a few years, that’s lame, so you level group, then solo the rest of the game once hell’s done. or group with friends who are same geared.

Group play keep it to leveling (or GR’s if it has that)
Loot keep it public and let 0 bots in the game.
Tall orders, but that’s how it works best.

Now, most / all “private loot is best” people just want loot anyway they can get it, so in a group if someone hits up youtube plays meta clears a map hardcore for you, you collect what HE killed, you’d be satisfied bc the loot is private so its laying there for you? I’m of a different era where you want to be a part of why that loot is being worn by your char, and public loot is that. So long as you dont stand around a boss and click click. Bosses should only drop loot in solo games to be honest, that way they matter but you have to do the work to play the slot machine. Group bosses will always end up being 1 shotted, so why do they drop loot at all? It’s one of D2’s mistakes, but D3 went private loot which is also a mistake bc then nothing’s interesting there’s no urgency or risk.

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