D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Well, you just as clearly make incorrect assumptions about people at the drop of a hat, as I’ve played D2 since it came out, and still do (PD2 with Pluggy). I played it for literally years on end, from it’s release to the 2nd closed beta of Wow which I moved over to, and I’ve played it consistently since then as well.

You reckon D2:R will be free from hacks and bots - great, if you’re right, I’ll be the first in line cheering, but I’d bet dollars for dimes it’ll be just as infected with both, this time round as last, and every bit as much as D3 has been.

What’s even better about it is that D2R is almost certainly going to have a higher player base than D4 by far lol.

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This addition will only piss people who used pickit-hack bots back in the day. And some people here are coming out as we see… lul

Botters are afraid of this addition, it will ruin them ! hahaha

It’s the most fair loot system ever created and some people don’t want others to have fun because they have that toxic elitist attitude.


The only toxic elitists here are the D3 crybabies demanding Diablo 2 be turned into a completely different game again for the second time in less than ten years


It would lead to even more leechers, doing absolutely nothing in the game. Not only will they hide and leech XP and $ but now they get free loot too. Gee how fun. These are inevitably the same people who say how easy and boring Diablo 2 was. :roll_eyes:

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Diablo 3 fans shouldn’t tell what should be in Diablo 2, and how things are done.
You have already a game, go play Diablo 3 and let the true D2 fans play D2 Resurrected If you don’t like it. It’s not a D3 clone.

You should also not demand to change things.


If only it was that easy. It’s becoming clear that a lot of D3 fanboys can’t handle the fact that D2 is genuinely enjoyed by it’s currently growing playerbase because that would mean D3 isn’t the perfect game they envision it as. Some people on this board see absolutely zero issue in the fact that a diablo 2 sequel was killed off for diablo 3, and now they are trying to kill off the remaster to diablo 2. The fact diablo 2 exists in the first place drives them crazy

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I just wish It was easy for them to shut up and let VV handle how D2 is being made for true D2 fans.
D3 fans are just jealous becacuse D2 is a better game in many ways.
And there are also many kids playing D3 today.
All they do is demand and demand. Simple thing is: They don’t have to play D2.

Oh wait, so people with suggestions are just supposed to shut up when they enjoy D3. But you guys can offer suggestions for D2R, D3, and D4. How convenient. You know they asked for feedback.


I just say:
D2 Resurrected is a Remaster of our beloved D2, not a completely whole new game.

So they can’t demand what to do. Add stuff etc, from another game.
Game is alive because of the D2 community, that’s why they decided to make a Remaster.

The game is supposed to be much as original as possible, no true D2 fan want a childhood game they wont recognize.

This is why we get a Remaster. Be thankful and do not try to ruin the game with silly ideas.

No you are entitled to your opinion even if it sucks. And I’m entitled to tell you how bad it is.

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You can’t do that in the current D2? One can hang around close to monsters with high defenses and pickup loot when you’re late to act.

Then remove them from your party.

Personalized loot can come with measures to be in the major damage dealing party. You’re narrow sighted or like to come up with excuses. What’s the main reason you’re so against split loot?

When I look at the game I fail to see a major reason to keep individual loot from the game. You’re talking like dupers didn’t hurt the economy already back then and allowing splits would be the end of it regardless of those exploits would be fixed now. There’s no smart loot in D2 and if monsters still drop the same amount of items just individual for everyone, nobody gets hurt.


Umm as far as I’m concerned you can have D3 and D4 all to yourselves lmao

As I have already stated elsewhere in this and other threads, a major rework of the loot system destroys the feel of Diablo 2, not to mention requires a whole new system to be implemented to handle it which then has to be rebalanced. It changes the game way too much.

D2 is a take no prisoners kind of game that doesn’t care about your feels. PVP is the same way. I’m honestly more shocked that everyone is crying about shared loot more then involuntary PVP.

It’s just “the feel” then? If you come up with a real argument about gameplay elements, I believe developers can justify that themselves as well. Maybe they think it’ll cause a bigger devaluation and keep shared loot after fixing dupe exploits.
They’ve been working with experts at their field to run simulations and gameplay tests before making such grand changes. If there’s a reason, it’ll be kept regardless but now I enjoy the discussion and people’s reasoning on everything.

The funny thing is I prefer personal loot to discourage leechers. In yoyr exame, the leecher does nothing. That leecher can still swoop in and get a ton of loot while the players wdo dudbthe work get disproportionately little. If you want to discourage leechers and autoclick hackers, personal loot us critical. In conclusuon, personal loot is critical to discourage leechers and cheats.


The “feel of the game” is literally the biggest decision the devs have been using to make ever single decision when working on D2:R. Maybe you should have watched some Q&A videos.

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Then I’m sorry but auto loot gold and bigger stash already crashed the feeling and you’re complaining about a dream that is lost.


No. They really don’t.

For those that don’t know, gold is already split to each party member when one member picks it up. So auto loot gold doesn’t effect how that feels.

This is a nonsense argument. Many of us invested 1000s of hours both in D2 and D3. It is ironic that you are taking an us versus them approach. I take a rationale approach where I realize both games have pros and cons. The idea that D2 gameplay is perfect in an untenable position to hold. The game is 20 years old. Many diehard D2 fans want changes and improvements. To claim that these are D3 fanboys is unjust.