D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

You admittedly used pickit which I had never heard of although I knew it existed.

You should dismiss yourself from the discussion, cheater.


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Nice ad hominem and no actual talking points =P

At this point I think you’re dealing with straight up trolling. You’ve been intellectually honest on your side but certain others refuse to acknowledge that D2R is keeping Shared loot (FFA) - they’re not losing it. PLoot will not replace FFA. At most, PLoot will be a game creation option. The simple fact they are getting exactly what they want - the ability to play with FFA - and yet they simply want to deny others the option of having PLoot is quite bizarre.

It’s been technically shown that an optional PLoot solution can be done with zero impact to economy, MF, and so on. And yet they continue.

I’d be very interested in seeing your sources regarding this. Do you have them?

About the only way I’d advocate for a change to the loot structure of the game is if it eliminated duping while also “technically” technically being done with zero impact to economy, MF, and so on.

If you can’t beat em, join em right? Nah. Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.

Cheating ruins games. Look at Asheron’s Call. Magic was encrypted, designed to be stronger than other outlets. The encryption was cracked, now everyone (people who knew people) had access much sooner to spells that they otherwise would have had to spend a lot of resources and time in trial and error to acquire.

Aimbots in FPS.

Duping in aRPGs.

Maphacks in RTS.

Cheating speaks for itself.


Personal loot - Baal drop example - 8 players - 5 items drop:

  1. For each item of loot generated by Baal, a hidden dice roll is conducted amongst players that were within a screens distance when he died. Ties are re-rolled until a single winner for that loot piece is decided.
  2. As loot is “won” it is dropped to the ground.
  3. Grounded loot is briefly “reserved” for the winner for a period of 5 to 10 seconds. While reserved it appears red to everyone else, gold to the winner.
  4. Any loot not claimed by the winner reverts to free for all loot, and is displayed normally for all players.

Simple. Easy. Visible.




I’m interested in the source code everyone seems to have at their disposal to make these claims.

If the modders haven’t done it already, can it be done without tapping into the source code?

This is a theoretical conceptualization.

Show me the data that actually determines the drop rates that aren’t data mined estimates.

What of multi-boxing scenarios? Poor lost soul just cannon fodder for the overachieving go-getters?

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and if the developer refuses to do even basic enforcing against third party problems, it’s their fault when their game is full of people using those third party programs.

I know they can’t get 100% of them, but back in the day Blizzard didn’t even try to do anything about map hacks, pickit, botting, etc. in Diablo 2.

and then people start feeling like the only way to actually get anywhere is to use the same hacks, because they’re so severely disadvantaged when up against the people using them and nothing is ever being done about it so it becomes such a large percentage of the playerbase that is using them.

So yeah, if you can’t beat em join em. I’ll stand for something that actually matters, not a few pixels in a video game I’m playing to have fun in my spare time.

If you’re only having fun while:

Then you aren’t really enjoying the experience unless you’re outperforming somebody else or at the very least on a comparable performance level with them?

Abstaining from contributing to the problem as opposed to being partially a solution doesn’t matter to you? This is a sad situation.

Verily I say unto thee, begone!

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They would not have put Personal Loot on their official survey if wasn’t vetted. It would not make sense to ask about something they know isn’t realistic. For all we know they’ve already got the code ready to go - they’ve astroturf’d the entire game with modern 3D rendering engine, 4k 60fps support, etc - they’ve most likely refactored the entire itemization system to future-proof it and port to consoles - this kind of loot change is so easy for them compared to other much more difficult areas.

PLoot doesn’t have to change core item drop tables - if the analogy helps, think of it as just auto-assigning the current system’s pile of loot to people. Whereas before it was an FFA clickfest.

And again, FFA is still there - that’s the mind-boggling part - if you want FFA you have it. PLoot is just an option you don’t have to use.

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I never said anything about performance.

Loot progression is however part of the fun of an aRPG, and your loot progression is shot to crap in public games if you weren’t using these programs.

Also in PvP yes I do want not suffer disadvantages for the same reason you wouldn’t want to play with somebody using a map hack in a RTS.

You’re gonna have to try much harder than this to get rid of me.

Here’s the thing. PLoot is already an option as well? Doing the run yourself. Only playing with friends in a private game. Running a different area that is still full of 8 players. Hell, even the simple /player 8 integrated into online play would be a MUCH simpler solution than the supposed “has already been done, hence the official survey” indication.

Have you already forgotten about the Thanos Snap ?

You can cease to exist should I deem it so.


Whatever delusions help you sleep at night, man.

It’s a parable. But call it what you will.

With you I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought you could actually Thanos snap somebody out of existence.

Is that right?


Then don’t play in public games if doing so requires you to sacrifice your dignity or should I say “fun” by cheating or using a third party program.

Dude, Blizzard is not about to go spilling it’s source code out to you and the whole wide world, so if you need to see the source to see how massively easy it would be to implement Personal Loot into D2R, then you’re gonna be waiting a hell of a long time.

Whether you want to accept it or not, personal loot can be made to work easily, visibly and without the slightest, merest hint of a distortion to the economy or drop rates.

And it can be entirely optional too.

So what would be your basis for opposing it?

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Well you haven’t adhered to the topic of personal vs shared loot whatsoever. You came in here telling me I shouldn’t get an opinion, I assume because you’re holding a grudge about the other thread.

I’ll have counter-points when you have a point to begin with.

Seems to me that the effect on the game as a whole is functionally the same: Public matches are just full of people using pickit.

and teenage me couldn’t really muster the energy to care much back in 2001.

Without the source code there is no guarantee that:

is true?

While it may seem to be the case -

What is the basis that anyone has for determining that modifying even 1 part of the source code won’t have a chain reaction on so many other parts?

It’s really old code.

I don’t think “more drops” is always good, but I don’t think a small increase from a change to personal loot - if it even would be an increase - would destroy the game, either. Especially since trading exists, and trading messes with the gearing pace far more than this supposed drop increase would.

A silly argument. Just because I think D2 might overall have slightly too low drop rates doesn’t mean I like D3 where the drop rates are beyond excessive. There is far more middle ground possible than that.


So the fact that Blizzard specifically canvassed personal loot as an option themselves isn’t enough for you to know that it’s technically feasible?