D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

you will just make it rain items… dosent make sence in D2R

6 items drop from boss kil. 8 players to get 6 items… dont add up does it?


Personal loot - Baal drop example - 8 players - 5 items drop:

  1. For each item of loot generated by Baal, a hidden dice roll is conducted amongst players that were within a screens distance when he died. Ties are re-rolled until a single winner for that loot piece is decided.
  2. As loot is “won” it is dropped to the ground.
  3. Grounded loot is briefly “reserved” for the winner for a period of 5 to 10 seconds. While reserved it appears red to everyone else, gold to the winner.
  4. Any loot not claimed by the winner reverts to free for all loot, and is displayed normally for all players.

Simple. Easy. Visible.




I remember clicking items dropped in D2 from partied groups only to check my inventory many times and not have anything.

i agree on that . thats how players dont get loot from boss kill.

Which is exactly what can happen right now with shared loot. Nothing has changed in the end.

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What’s wrong with keeping the game intact as it were and accepting the fate that there is no hope for humanity? :wink:

Why would people that are opposed to FFA loot not simply gather all of the loot for themselves by themselves?

Because more, more, we want moooooore!!!

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Because D2/LOD is not perfect, it can be improved upon, and this is one simple way that can be done. :slight_smile:

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How so? I didn’t even give X a value.

Okay, so what if they simply made X = 1, so each player gets 1 item per boss kill? Not really a drastic drop increase, is it?

Besides, if you’re so worried about drops… isn’t 1 or 2 people out of 8 getting all 6 items an even worse scenario? Especially if they’re able to do that consistently?

Have the modders made these changes happen yet?

I’m just curious.

I’m on the fence as to whether I will play the remaster or not.

its a huge drop increase. think of all the extra loot. it will ruin the whole game.

No, I don’t believe the current D2/LOD could be modded to facilitate this sort of persona loot. Hopefully D2R will have this option though.

Doesn’t quite strike me as a simple solution then.

I don’t see how. The drop rate of actual good items is still too low for that.

if you think more drops is good, then you can play diablo 3. if you think drop chance is to low. you can play d3 or any of the d2 mods.

D2R is a legacy title. No mistake, see here:

Lead the ongoing support of legacy Diablo titles Diablo, Diablo II, Diablo II: Resurrected, and Diablo III.

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shared loot is the dumbest idea ever it is what made d2 a fail game. i played pod for fun this week and i found a ber in a baal game and someone j@ckass picked it up and it wasnt fair to all the players. Everyone in the game shudve gotten something, so d2 is a fail plz fix d2r no share loot WE WANT PERSONAL LOOT

and u can go back and play pod and pd2 old nerd

What about all the times that you clicked on items dropped and they were in your inventory? Do you have to win the loot every time?

It’s funny how people asking for personal loot never remember the time when they were fastest to pick up a Windforce, or a Shako, or a Vex rune. They always seem to remember when they didn’t get to something in time. But what is with the need to always get something? Talk about avarice…

Personal loot wouldn’t result in winning loot every time.

Hell the person you’re quoting is replying to somebody specifically complaining they might get nothing with the way people are saying personal loot should work in Diablo 2.

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To be honest, I don’t think they experienced anything of the sort.

Prime example:

All they know is D3.

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