D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Agreed. Basically everyone in this thread who advocates for personal loot is not asking for increase in drop rate. Some even has different view/version of how personal loot should work. I don’t agree with them, but seems like your view/version is same as mine.

And as you said, I don’t think even if there was a small increase, impact on the economy will be so miniscule to the point of irrelevant. In fact, if the new battlenet system or Blizz’s other effort stops duping or other method of cheating, I would say it will make items more rarer (deliberate double use of comparative grammar) than how it is in D2 now.

Not at all.

I think it would be a drastically improved system. I might even enjoy playing with random strangers more.

Well, glad to hear you’re in favour of personal loot. :slight_smile:

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD if ya want snivel about an unreleased game stop filling D3 forums with tears and buy the damn game so you can post in the proper forum!!

We have a new season coming and a lot of us don’t wanna hear your cheap buttcomplain in our forums because you cant afford the game you want to post about.

I’m rather neutral, for both methods, especially given the optional methodology.

I haven’t committed to playing yet.

I can afford to buy 100 copies of the game if I want to. It’s not the point. I shouldn’t have to buy the game in order to be able to comment on the game, it is absurd. I don’t like buying things before I actually know what it is I’m paying for (especially when it comes to post-D3 Blizzard products), it’s the principle of it that matters, not my means of affording it.


I was solo when i got loot. I don’t remember ever getting loot from groups and obviously no one shared loot. I remember an aquaintance that used a program to get loot. In town we tried it even though i was next to the item and he had to travel he still got it. It didn’t take me long to start soloing.


You can’t do it with lite modding. The files that can be easily modded simply specify what drops where, not who gets it.

If they add personal loot there’s also the question how they are to apply the magic find (MF) mechanic. Right now with FFA loot the MF of the player making the killing blow is counted, but they may change this if they add personal loot.

I’d say it would be more anti-leeching practical to first apply the loot roll (who gets the item) and then only the MF of the player making the killing blow to be taken in consideration for his personal loot only. This would be a very slight penalty to personal loot in comparison to FFA loot, but will reduce the leeching effect.

See I was never sure how MF worked. It never gave a real good description other than “increases magic find”

What? Quantity of item? Quality of item? I absolutely hated “MF” builds and never enjoyed running with them, even if I thought I could notice an increase in drops when some of my items had MF on them.

It seems a lot more complicated than what meets the eye, adding this and then having to adjust that and then next to you know, you’re diving into complete revamps which granted, is going to have to happen anyway given the increased resolution altering radius of skills and aggression range of mobs.

It remains to be seen but I do highly doubt that they implement such changes to such a core feature.

I’d like to know what the MF increase is for 8 player games as opposed to solo play. I didn’t know that the person that gets the last hit is what determines the MF modifier.

Wouldn’t you want to run MF builds solo to ensure that you got the last hit? On top of getting all the drops for yourself.


MF is huge in D2. It’s the most important stat at Season’s start when you want to accumulate wealth as fast as possible in the lvl85 areas. My advice is to aim 100~200 MF (increase gradually not over compromising your kill speed), and farm some of these areas until you have enough wealth to push your next build you are after.

Regarding loot in D2 you have to know these 3 basic, but super important things:

  • MF increases the chance an item you find to be magic, rare, set or unique
  • Multiplayer (or /players[1-8] command) increases the item quantity (total number of items dropping)
  • You can’t find all items at every place in the game (see lvl85 article above)
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@Skelos: you are both correct and wrong. MF is ultra important if you are after charms and uniques. But if you are farming lvl85 areas for say, runes and bases for runewords, MF can actually be detrimental. (you don’t WANT that thresher to drop as magical, you want an eth 4 sock)

as far as personal loot goes, I’m conditionally for it and conditionally against it.

I’m against it if: they fix the ability to use third party plugins such as auto pick. I don’t want the loot to become trivial like it is in d3. because trading exists, you want the loot to be as rare are feasibly possible while still being attainable. Finding a BIS pair of unique gloves doesn’t mean beans if it’s for a build you aren’t playing and the market is so flooded with them that you can’t trade them for an item you’d like.

I’m all for personal loot if the game is going to be the same 3rd party hack fest that it is on bnet. but not full personal loot. IE: don’t make it 8x’s the drops. Make the loot assigned by a random number generator. each person has a .125 chance at any given item. (8 players, .125 each) I would also make your personal MF contribute to your chance to be awarded an item. IE: each point of MF increases your chances by .001. so 100 MF=10% chance. so if you had 100 MF, you’d have a .225 chance to get the item. If you strike the killing blow, you have an additional 10%. so if you have 100 MF AND strike the killing blow, you’d have a 32.5% chance to obtain any given item. the remaining players would have a .0964 chance, or 9.64% chance at any given item from that drop. (67.5 divided by the remaining 7 players)

9.64% may seem low, but it’s a damn sight better than you 0% you have now with the auto grabbers. Obviously if all players are running some MF, the numbers would get ultra complicated. But that’s why we have computers, so that my hair doesn’t start on fire trying to figure it out.

If a barbarian horks a corpse, that loot should be his and his alone. The sorc doesn’t have horking capabilities, why should she get anything?

any item that is assigned to you that hasn’t been picked up within 30 seconds is assigned as “free for all” and subject to the old system. Just because my lvl 90 barb doesn’t need or want a magical wand, doesn’t mean that nobody should get it.

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MF has no relation to runes’ drop chances.

If you are after white items of course you want to be with 0 MF.

I remember how the things was back in diablo 2 LOD, the game was infested by BOTS, PIckIT cheats, and map hacks, and dont forget the infamous d2JSP where people used to do RMT.

i dont want any of this EVER AGAIN, so please blizzard at D2R we NEED personal loot. Anyone who played diablo 2 at that epoque remembers


I don’t want any of this too, but personal loot by itself isn’t helping much. There are many other steps that need to be done in order to get rid of the shady practices.

The funny thing is the D2R fans don’t care much.

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it helps quite a lot, i also remember the amount of peop0le begging for items on general chat because they could never grab a single dime from baal runs, due to light speed bots grabing the items. For me it shouldn’t even be in discussion, personal loot is mandatory.

How does it help a lot?

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will ensure everyone recieve a reward by killing a boss for example, so less people will seek for rmt or beg in general chat for items, the game must be fun for everyone, not just for a small few who uses a cheat to grb the stuff as fast as possible, there is no argument you give me to change my mind. Every single action rpg evolved into personal loot because of the same reasons, and thank god devs are opend for improvements on the remaster.

You mean if we give everyone a free item editor they won’t use RMT and botting. I agree, but you also have players that want to grind. And when you partially give rewards (from a boss kill for example) that isn’t helping much.

I am not against personal loot, just to clarify so you don’t assume something wrong like many on these forums.

Yet they won’t hit on botting and RMT, which would not grant them my money for the game. I’d simply vote against this. Sadly, I am one of the very few.

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I find that hard to believe. Grinding is usually a result of necessity - not actual desire. Being left with grinding just because is the numero uno paradigm shift that needs to occur on the developer side of ideologies.

In theory it keeps people playing - unless they actually are sick of doing it - but will continue to do it for lack of anything else to do.


The less an aRPG can offer, the more grinding it has to have. D2 can offer very little, so…

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