D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

I am not interested in contradicting this because whatever, it will not change.

The developers have already stated this,

But rhetorical fallacies catch my eye, using a false logical cause to arrive at a fallacy is something very ugly.

You should rethink this, it’s ridiculous.

So refute it, why don’t you? :thinking:. I even rephrase and specifically wrote it in question form for you to answer.

I should state this. I’m not suggesting nor advocating personal loot, or other ‘suggestion’ here, which you clearly seem to think I am (judging from your post from other thread).

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Personal loot woot! I don’t get the argument of free for all… go play with friends, position yourself better.

I think in a large part, the community helps keeps the game alive and promoting systems for multiplayer helps with that. With personal loot, people are more likely to group with randos and make NEW friends.

In terms of position, personal loot doesn’t punish range based players.

I just don’t get the mentality of free for all. Even with personal loot, you can still share a looting experience with your close friends since you can still share your own loot with everyone else.

In short, personal loot promotes multiplayer, which helps build a community to extend the longevity of the game.


I do not refute because this argument is only relevant in your head, it does not actually exist, as well as its conclusion.

In the other topic, you aggressively (as always) got into an argument and didn’t want to be challenged.

Typical of those who do not think with reason, but with anger and pride.

Your posts is irrelevant as you continuously fail to see what the main point is. Read what I said, not what you ‘think’ I said. There is a reason the other guy isn’t hopping all over me about that measly assessment of mine. He at least seems to know that’s not the main point.


You think you’re even capable of assuming someone’s reason for posting and not posting.

It’s incredible. haha

It seems that you don’t know how to interpret, since the reason why I challenged you is different from the reason why you challenged him.

You don’t seem to know as much as you think, after all.

My assessment you have a problem with derived from what the other guy stated. But you’re telling me you cut off all the context and simply focused on that one sentence? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Do you even know context matters? It’s not like I said ‘only people who advocate for open trade is people who sell items for real money’. If you want to argue how that measly assessment is bs to you, you have to go over how my ‘challenge’ to the other is wrong, false. That’s how it goes. You don’t seem to understand this.


Did it take you about 1 hour to understand that I spoke openly and strictly about only 1 topic in my post?

How smart you are, congratulations. :sweat_smile:

No, I simply assumed most people would understand that context matters. I didn’t thought some people would start a debate about logic by cutting it off (as in, putting words in other people’s mouth). I get the full picture now though, from here and the other thread.


Exactly and I’m a SOLO player in D3 RoS that only does bounties in “groups” (pubs).
I only did Diablo or Baal runs in D2 LoD for experience and pretty much never got ANY good uniques or runes out of them EVER (especially from Baal runs).
Free for All is a relic of the past and only alienates people and makes more people play SOLO, cause no one likes having all the loot grabbed from you just cause you’re a ranged class, full inventory, don’t have a speed build or have a low internet connection or PC…

Most of the time I played SOLO in D2 LoD on CBNET and only joined Diablo or Baal runs, ocasionally other bosses like Mephisto or Duriel…

Free for All is the reason I almost NEVER played with others in POE (literaly played maybe 3 times in 2-3 years of playtime) for example or other D3 like games…


personalized loot is an awful system, random allocated loot would be much more diablo 2

im quite tired of seeing david brevik posts… he usually flames d3 and blizzard as a whole while not really having made something of note himself in the last 20 years. its like that old grumpy dude yelling at the kids to get off his grass. a old negative nancy has been that couldnt keep with the times and now reverts to internet trollin. its lame.

Free for all loot is a terrible system, let’s be real. There’s a reason ARPGs don’t use it anymore. It is not user-friendly or fair in any way. At the very least, make it as an option you can toggle on/off during multiplayer lobby creation… we should have the choice. (even David Brevik said he would implement Instanced loot and remove stamina bar, if he would’ve made some QoL changes)

You want to encourage group play as much as possible. Unfortunately due to the loot system most people farmed alone.

Personal loot is a must nowadays… no more toxicity, no more auto-click bots and no more greedy trolls.

Do the right thing and implement this as an option or bnet will mostly be single player again… and it’s really discouraging because i would really love to try some non-toxic 8-player co-op runs…


They aren’t making this game for all the whiny D3 hardcore fanbois that want everything handed to them. They are making it to reintroduce to the world a real Diablo game. Suck it up buttercup. Learn to pick up loot or play solo and don’t worry about other people taking your drops. Life is competitive. Get over it.

If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, but don’t ruin the game because you want to change all this stuff that is completely NOT how it’s supposed to be played.

Next you’ll be calling to nerf PVP and trading too.


Shared loot won’t change anything in my opinion. For years D2 suffered from item dupes, what does it really change to have instanced loot when dupe problem finally gone?
They never mentioned or implied this to happen but if auto gold pickup is a thing then personalized loot must be a thing as well. Imagine yourself trying to pick up gold while other party members vacuum it. Not a pleasant sight.


Given the fact this is exactly what was going on before D3 released I would count on it lmao

The dupe problem is already gone if you play d2 private servers which thousands of people do every day. The fact is a group of 8 means 8x the loot gets pumped into the economy which will ruin item value fast. It does no good trying to make predictions based on using experience from broken d2 bnet

With rumors I heard I get that it still exists to a degree.

I’ve been thinking about that too however the money value of items after 20 damn years now near non-existent already and I don’t think item exchange rates would get affected that much from abundant loot. Because even if you amp up the loot, between 8 times the trash it will be hard to find good pieces again.
I wouldn’t say anything for sure although, auto gold pickup don’t make sense and if individual loot don’t apply, auto gold pickup must only be restricted to solo play or gold drops must have individual drops.

It’s just before I ask you guys, did you want a remake or a remaster? I can remember many fans wanted a remaster and not a remake. Changing different things from the game we loved when we all was a child will make the game not the masterpiece game Diablo 2 that we remember when we were little, a belovley childhood game. Best game ever made, don’t make changes! This is not a Diablo 3 clone.

Please make No Personal Loot

I’m ashamed of some of you who want to change things in dear Diablo 2.



Hope you’re proud to be ashamed.