D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

How you messed that quote up? Really.

In an utopic future where bots get punished right away like they promised, I guess things would work better. Also you don’t have to chase bots to come across auto pickup, I beleive.

rather have leechers than some pickit bot hoovering up everything like they have been doing for 18+ years. but that’s just me. heck, just had a game where i killed this monster and from three screens away, an enigma bot came outa nowhere and sucked up a ral that dropped. these things literally loot everything. it’s so lame. PL would give more power to an actual player than a bot imo.

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I cant even imagine how your brain would think not 1 single person would pay $20 1 hours worth of work for an end game item in D2R especially at launch.
look at pay2win mobile games, Look at mu online official and private servers people spend hundreds and thousands on games especially at launch bro hello?
Look at the sold items on D3.

Game age only matters to old or some players.
Bring out banjo kazooie remaster, Ocarina of time crash bandicoot etc and remastering old games also brings new people that never played or even heard of the games.

Gold gets distributed amongst your party when you pick it up. Personal loot not required because of that change.

This isn’t POE. This is Diablo 2. The Classic ARPG. Again, the system works with PoE and you like it, so play PoE. Lets not butcher D2 by fundamentally changing the way looting worms because “another game does it and it works, so it MUST work with D2”

No. Just no. Two completely separate games should remain completely separate games. That includes trying to add D3 elements to D2R.

I agree it works with PoE. I enjoyed PoE. That doesnt mean the same looting system or having loot filters so its easier to grab items you want should be added to D2. Again, the game is a masterpiece the way it is. If its 1.08, 1.09, or 1.10, or whatever, I dont care.

As long as we dont add these crazy modern ARPG changes to a classic ARPG, I’m content. Many of us have been dying for a D2 remaster for years to relive it in all its glory, not a butchered empty shell of what it used to be.


Gold distribution is not what we’re talking about here - loot distribution is, and the former has nothing to do with the latter.


You haven’t made an argument (yet) for retaining shared loot, beyond “it’s not D2”. As good as D2 is, it’s not perfect, it can be improved, and by ensuring that it’s not the PickIt users who win all the good loot, this could and would indeed improve it.

Your argument doesn’t stand well if it simply comes down to “it’s not D2 classic.” because if you do argue that, then why play the remaster anyway, if the original is so perfect?


I mean, clear and crisp 3D graphics aren’t D2 either. Should scrap that too. As someone who never went online I never even knew about looting bots.

This alone is a good enough reason to scrap loot competition. I think i now know why some are pretty adamant against removing shared drops.


Dude it’s still the 20 year old game. It sure can increase at ladder start and effective bans would help too, but 20$? I think we’re pushing it abit. Someone can give 5$ for a good rare item while they can get that by cents off from the web as well.

Someone neutral can sweep the whole scene by walking over it by activating auto pickup gold. No need third party programs. I hope you’re okay with PK’ing someone or asking your gold share at the end of run.

That’s fair. I defend that it wouldn’t impact but I have to see how they deal with bots and cheats just to be sure too. Before instanced or shared loot I wanna see dupe glitches patched.

Giving players the option to select shared or personal loot at game creation is the best way to handle this. It makes everyone happy (except those who like to snatch up all the loot) and it will have zero impact on the economy as you dont actually increase the drops you just assign what was dropped to players. Sometimes you will get no drop from a boss run which may not feel good but it sure feels better than seeing a drop and knowing someone else snatched it up.

Having the option will keep players playing the game longer as they will be joining more public games and interacting with others. If a majority of players get sick of shared loot and all go play solo they wont last long and the community will drop.

Everyone wins when you give players the option for shared or personal loot. More options is always a good thing. Let the community decide which is more enjoyable. If you are concerned about the majority of players wanting to play in personal loot games then I would say that concern on strengthens the point that we need personal loot. if 80% of the people want personal loot then it should 100% be added as an option


I really don’t think some people understand what ‘inflation’ is. Someone enlightened me. Won’t personal loot more likely cause deflation, not inflation? (assuming it’s full open trade, which I’d say it should on D2R. not on D4 though) Even then, it will still be minimal after adjusting the number of dropped items.

Again, in real world, deflation is still bad. Not equivalent in in-game where time is the only resource spent and product/items can be unlimited.

I think this may be why people who advocate for shared loot can’t give a proper answer about how the in-game economy will collapse with personal loot. They maybe confusing what ‘inflation’ is.

Yeah because the game has been open for 15-20 years you are speaking about current markets.
All these items wont be present at launch of D2R the first ladder jah could easily sell for $20

It wouldn’t create inflation nor deflation. I proposed the same amount would drop. Nothing changes other than the game rolls on who gets what. Nothing will change. But most people have ignored that and created the 8x the loot and inflation strawman.


Anyone can be worng. Even David Brevik

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I know. That’s why I said since early on (earlier part of this thread) it could be minimal when number of drops are adjusted in personal loot.


This is what I’m talking about. When this occurs, it is more likely that deflation will occur, not inflation. When talking about inflation or deflation, it’s not the number of products/items that is of the standard, it’s the price. More product on the table, demand still being the same, the price will drop. Generally speaking that is. It’s easier when talking using real money (I in no form condone real money - item transaction), but currency in D2 can change so (be it SoJ or runes).

Which is why I asked them, even in worse case, what’s so bad about items being more affordable? The only answers I can think of are, the thrill of getting certain item (as in, more about their feel over general increase in, eh, prosperity of overall playerbase), or being unable to sell certain item more expensive with real money.

Again, this is when talking about “worse” case, not when item drops are adjusted (there won’t be a scenario where items become more expensive with personal loot).

Charm inventory and Stackable gems/runes will also be cool.

Zomfg if typical D3 child will experience D2 loot system or hostile in his game he will just deinstall.

Newbies who didnt play D2 before will quit D2:R very fast ;(

I cannot wait to see them D3 stars in D2 game or in TvT lolol

/e topic: ofc loot system will be untouched, its core of diablo


Private loot would destroy diablo2 trading system. see what happened in Diablo 3 after private loot was added, there is no longer a proper trading system. With private booty comes items will be tied to accounts.

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The proof that if it looks stupid but works, it ain’t stupid. Nice comparison.

McHuh? Why does private loot require soulbound loot? Your statement makes no sense at all, one has nothing (necessarily) to do with the other.

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i totaly agree! they really should make it an option when you create a game what kind of loot option you want, shared or personal.

the multiplayer will thrive of having personal loot as an options, loads of more people will play in group

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