D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

All the d3 fanboys wanting personal loot funny
Question for those who know D2
If they get personal loot where they going to store it in there inventory
I still play D2 and with carrying charms tome of town portal and identify
And mana and heath potions I have just enough room to pick one item to identify if it no good I drop it
Wait untill they playing it it will be ". Devs we need a bigger inventory or charm inventory ect :grin:’

Since I played D2 1000s of hours I will answer your question.

D2R is coming with shared stash and bigger character inventory (if I am not mistaken), so I will store my personal loot in my inventory/stash. Personal loot is the way to go.


I just played Diablo 2 again for a while and it always ends up being the same picture.

The act boss tilts and the grabbing is already embarrassing somehow.
You stand there remains calm, but if you do not participate in it, you go to 100% always empty out.

I think, since I have just experienced this several times how humiliating that is, like such a greed neck there to have to participate and to experience it also with the others, is a separate loot instance is definitely the more beneficial and satisfying way to distribute loot.

Whether it is now purely on the Itemsdrops the better method, is probably not a controversial issue.
Maybe there is a compromise between, bosses instanced and free play and other mobs open loot system?
So a little get people to learn more of a fair and especially also for the players and their class specific distribution of loot would be a blessing.
But I’m afraid the greed is constantly greater than the strength to bring themselves under control and distribute the loot sensibly, instead of just immediately grab away everything that the colors of the “big win” promises …

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Did they mention bigger inventory ?
I saw shared stash to stop mules on deep dive info but not bigger inventory

Yes. (20 characters)

Why ramp up graphics if the game is perfect? Thats a very silly question. What does the graphics have to do with fundamentally changing the way the game is played? Also its resolution and framerate as well… Not sure if you were even serious or just being facetious. I’ll answer it though since I understand there are D3 players who don’t understand the difference between making a game more playable on modern monitors and changing gameplay and fundamental mechanics of a game. A remake vs a remaster.

It isnt the fault of the game that it was made for 4:3 CRT monitors with 800 x 600 resolution. Its 21 years old. If the game is being made more playable on modern PCs it doesnt mean entitled D3 players should get the fundamental changes to the core gameplay of D2 they got in D3. Then it would be entirely different. More of a remake.

This is a remaster because they are only remastering the game to run smoother on modern PCs with higher res and framerates. It will be nice to be able to play such a masterpiece using modern monitors.

Real D2 players do not want personal loot. The players that do, always have D3.

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The inventory size: Blizzard considered changing this as a modern quality of life update, but decided against it. “One of the things that’s really different in D2 compared to contemporary [action-RPGs] is you’re not pulling 70 weapons out of your backpack at any point in time,” Fergusson said. “You had a very limited inventory. We had lots of discussions about: Should we increase the inventory size? It’s one of the places where we felt that that was a bridge too far. It was part of the makeup of the game. The fact that you collect charms that make your character stronger but are eating up your inventory space, it gives you this tension of ‘do I want that +15% magic find at the cost of three slots in my inventory?’ Those were interesting and meaningful decisions while you’re playing. The idea of, ‘this will be great for quality of life’ became ‘no no, we’re actually breaking the game mechanics.’”
So I guess that’s a no to inventory size change

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No personal loot. Don’t destroy D2!!! Screw off with that garbage please.

You all have Diablo 3 and 4. D2 finally got a new game they can enjoy, don’t destroy it. Play D3 or D4 or accept what D2 is.

These crying pleas for things to make the game easier will destroy what D2 is. Thank god the zoom is gone at least and strategy is back.

The reason D2 is getting a new game is because it’s as popular as D3 is currently, and thank god. We need to blow the crap out of D4 for the pendelum to swing back to what D2 was and get more D2 like content. Instead of this new garbage Blizz has been creating. Or at least accommodate both sets of fans and start making new content for D2 fans again, cause D3 and D4 are not it - look at that zoomed camera and the way it play for starters.


So the resolution and framerate are not perfect… ok.

Also the game is just being made for “real” D2 players… I guess everyone else are just fake players and are not allowed to play the remaster. Cool.

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I said the game is. I didn’t say the framerate and resolution was. Feel free to go back and read :slight_smile:

Of course, how could I expect those to be part of the game :upside_down_face:

This would not destroy D2. You can make an argument that you do not like it but others want it. Live and let live. The best solution is to have a way to have games where personal loot can be selected OR global loot. You get what you want and others get what they want.

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No, actually it would. This isn’t Diablo 3, thank god. D2 is nothing like that and you obviously have no earthly idea of what you are talking about. Flat Earthers and children can play the games Blizz already made to accommodate you. You don’t need to take D2 away from D2 fans now. You already took the franchise away, at least keep D2 for the original fans.

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Gameplay is how a game is played. Resolution and framerate are just technical aspects on how the game displays. While the animations work on a 25 fps mechanic, the remaster is keeping the logic. The gameplay is still the same. Your comparison is nonsensical.

If you dont understand, google it and try to understand. If you are trolling, you can troll someone else.

Does D2 still exist after D2R is released?

If D2 is perfect as some people have claimed, no change introduced whatsoever in D2R affects D2. These are completely separate games. I spent thousands of hours playing D2. I bought both collector’s editions of D2 and LoD. I have kept them to this day through 20 ears of moves. I started playing the diablo series when the original diablo was released.

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Then why would you try to bring in D3 trash? Your argument doesn’t make any sense. They aren’t separate games, it’s a remaster. Do you know what that means? Go ruin your own games, you’ve already got D4. Don’t trash my D2.

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I am not suggesting any changes whatsoever to D2. I want D2R to be updated and improved.


Turning D2 into D3 is far from being an improvement. Keep your ideas to yourself and let the D2 community have the game Blizz is finally making for them. You can accept it and play it or stick with D3 until D4 comes.

Sounds like you need to be requesting a D3R if these are the mechanics you want.

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Still waiting for a valid argument about how PL will destroy D2.


I think it is safe to believe that only the loot hogs are upset.

You always have LoD Classic.