D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

What did I compare it to?

Also one can make an argument that playing on a mouse/keyboard vs. a gamepad are just technical aspects of the game. So by that logic, you could have the gamepad interface for mouse/keyboard, but that changes fundamentally the gameplay.

So it’s a very dangerous slippery slope. There needs to be a serious research by the devs to know what the community really wants, half a dozen people in a forum represent nothing.

The only solid argument that I have seen was economy inflation. With the current system, inflation does pose a complication.

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You always have Diablo 3, and 4, and Gauntlet.

This isn’t about D2 versus D3. Both games have strengths and weaknesses. One is not the best ever and one is not the worst ever. To me, both are enjoyable. I would suggest that we keep to the topic and do not bring game warfare and personally insult others as simply fanatics of the opposite game.

I also play the elder scroll games and a bunch of other games.

The simplest solution is to have games where the creator can define global loot or personal loot.

For all that want global loot, you can find games where that occurs. For all that want personal loot you can find games. It is a win-win.


You compared gameplay to updated resolution and framerate. This doesnt affect the gameplay.(other than being easier on the eyes)

As long as gamepad doesn’t change the way I am to play it with mouse and keyboard then it isnt changing the game. If it changes the game, I would be just as opposed to it. Thats something that can be addressed during alpha. But the devs said KB and mouse players will not have anything changed to accomodate controller players.

Again, why would you bring this up in comparison to fundamentally changing the loot system because the game is too hard for you to compete for loot?

You’re comparing apples to oranges.

What hurts about PL is the chat of the party. If a sweet drop falls, people get jealous or comment and someone gets elated while the other thinks “bummer”. This whole interaction is gone and it’s just quite thereafter. Like Diablo 3. Nobody even knows that sweet item dropped or that the rune dropped in D3 unless you tell your party.

Furthermore, global loot encourages active playstyles and risk taking. No longer can you leach and expect to get nice drops. Also, the competitiveness for acquiring the items is entertaining.

D2 fans have been playing globabl loot on D2 for 20 years, that is how D2 works. We aren’t into hand holding.


Your words not mine.
Like I said, if you meant just gameplay, that could be subjective. Something you consider core gameplay might but just a superfulous thing to another one.

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To add to what Strollin said, the loot hunt is supposed to be HARD. You shouldnt be able to join public baal runs and be able to get that GG item that drops 100% of the time it drops. Competing for it is part of the FUN.

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You’re quoting me out of context. The first quote is talking about remaster being only a coat of paint with minor QoL.

The second quote is referring to changing the way loot works because its a fundamental gameplay mechanic. You clearly dont have the level of knowledge to read properly so I’ll end it here. I said my piece. 100% DO NOT support personal loot for the reasons provided.

Can you imagine a world where different people have different concepts of “FUN”?


I consider they way affixes roll and work in the loot system a “fundamental gameplay mechanic”. On the other hand, I don’t consider loot being private or global a “fundamental gameplay mechanic”.

See what I’m getting at?


Baal runs are typically used for levelling. Have you ever done a Baal run? Half the party sits around and leaches xp. If people are getting drops from Baal for leaching Baal runs every game that is a MAJOR PROBLEM and game breaking.

To get the best drops, you need to mf yourself or with your own group of friends (or get lucky and click the item first). No leaching for diadems and coronas.

Yes, I do have a big problem with people running around in Baal games and getting personal drops. It’s a lazy way to play and it ruins magic finding. Game breaking.

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I agree that leeches are a real problem, not gamebreaking, IMO. But wouldn’t this issue be solved with MicroRNA’s or my solution?

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The only solution for a remaster is to remaster the game without fundamentally changing the game. Once you start doing this garbage it ceases to be Diablo 2.

D2 is a treasure; please no woke, everyone gets a gold star junk added to the remaster - I want to play the remaster and enjoy it.

It’s so simple, they just have to stay true to D2 and they will have the best arpg on the market.

Supposing there’s an option for private and global loot when creating a game and you will be able filter the games list for global loot only, how will it cease to be Diablo 2?

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I just described why this is game breaking, same reason. Private loot Baal runs would break the game, private loot would break the game. You wouldn’t want this unless you thought it was advantageous to your gameplay. We don’t need more things that make the game easier.

When you play the game with your friends, simply share. If you’re friends aren’t generous or don’t share, don’t run with them or be greedy yourself. Start new characters or play with them in lower stake environments intead of lvl 85 areas if they are loot hogs.

In your case you would only create games with global loot and only join games with global loot, so you would never see or play with people with private loot. You still think the game would be broken?

I really want to understand the logic here.

Yes dude, we’ve been plagued by severe botting problems for years. We don’t need Blizz to create systems that lead into the same exact problem for legit players.

i.e. why would I magic find when I can leach Baal runs all day is equivalent to why would I magic find when bots have inflated the market to where an ist is worth 3 pgems. You’re replacing one problem with another to create the same result.

Ahhh, so the issue goes back to an inflated economy right?
So if we had separate servers for global loot and private loot, where characters are attached to one or the other, then there is no problem, is there?

Botting is a problem with personal or global loot. Bots can react quicker than people. Therefore, global loot promotes botting/autoclicker hacks since bots will get a greater share of the loot versus personal loot.