D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

The game server will be global so the playerbase will not be split by server (e.g. US east vs west + international servers).

Thankfully, no one asked Diablo 3 fans for their opinion on Chess 

As it is an old game and very obsolete, they would suggest things like:

1 - The Pawn needs a mount, because his movement is slow, or they could remove his Stamina.

2 - The PVP / PK is not fair, it is unbalanced, a Pawn cannot fight with a Queen, Queen can only fight with Queen.

3 - If one of the opponents is fast and does not give the other time to think about a strategy, just add a cooldown on it.

4 - A cooldown should also be added if the opponent repeats moves. Just because I want to. I don’t see that as a strategy.

5 - The Horse must catch fire.

6 - The King paid his skill points wrong, should be entitled to a free respec.

7 - The board should have more space, we are in 2021.

8 - The board should have spaces to fit the pieces that are out of the game, it bothers me to have to find a space for them.

9 - The pieces do not move at 60 frames per second. But they should.

10 - The bishop needs to be balanced, the Queen has a lot of advantage over him in the endgame.

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hey look another nonsense arugment.

Seems like more and more people are in favor of PL and are providing good arguments. I have yet to see any real decent points from the purists. Is the “D3 is bad” vitriol all you guys got?


My arguments against PV (which will not happen, no matter how much they cry) were already exposed back there.

This one (as I clearly mentioned hahaha) is my opinion about the opinion of the Diablo 3 player. It has nothing to do with PL.

But as for PL and Chess I could add this:

11 - In a multiplayer chess game, after a player’s turn any captured piece must be repositioned on the board, as everyone must have the chance to capture the same piece.

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If Diablo really was a turn based roguelike from the start maybe your opinions would hold water but it’s nor that, neither a world renowned and loved table game with no competition. It’s a digital videogame, there’s no feeling to an almost standard feature. Blizzard have been working with expert economists for years, do you really think they’d allow economy to collapse or get in a bad shape.

Many other ARPGs and MMORPGs have split loot and a well fed economy. Only a few people are pretty disturbed by this to the point of constantly nagging and harassing people discussing ideas instead of coming up with arguments. There must be an ulterior motive or concealed purpose under all this.

Please watch the post mortem talk of David Brevik over Youtube and how he had a sight about game being turn based at the very start with first Diablo. Also Brevik, one of the forefathers’ of this game suggested that he’d allow individual the loot in a twitch stream if he were to make things different in Diablo 2 today.

I only remember someone talking about “the feeling” of the game and fails to give a grounded argument. If you have an argument please save us from the effort, because we failed to find or hear any so far.
If you can successfully dismiss one of the forefathers words who are in the industry for decades, I guess you’re “rightfully a fan” and rest of us are not.

I can’t be sure about what developers can or will decide finally. Perhaps they decide to go with shared loot in the party and neutral players get individual loot but don’t interact other party members with buffs. Who knows?

This exampling of yours is nothing but a time loss to engage and answer. It loops back on and on again. No one said that to apply at once, we even explained some players might come up empty handed if you were to skip everything to hit the boss.
Do you think same doesn’t apply in Diablo 2? Can’t two characters have same uniques or similar rare items?

Your entire response leads me to believe that you just keep repeating the same litany and that you have difficulty reading and understanding.

And a lot of anger too.

In any case, I respect the opposite opinion (either yours or that of the interview), but I don’t agree with a comma even in the points I mentioned back there and you don’t remember.

Except D2 still exist as is and can be played without any changes/updates whatsoever.

D2R is a remaster to tske advantage of technology to make well-justified improvements. D2R changes nithing anout D2. So in your example, the quesrion is not a change to chess but a revised game based on chess principles.

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Come up with a proper argument instead of “bad faith talk” and I’d like to discuss it with you.

I’d say that’s a self reflection of yours, you see in me. I want to get to see proper arguments, not compare a millenia old table game with video game.

All I remember is people talking about “the feeling” and we asked where’s the reasoning of yours?

No, these are the suggestions for D2: R made by Diablo 3 fans.

It looks so bad when we use Chess, right?

But on Diablo 2 it seems like they don’t care. hahahaha

As you are angry, I will leave you in a vacuum to make your anger even worse. haha ha

snort Let me open a popcorn bag.

Take that as a gift from me. In the end I respect what developers end up with, because my prediction that they finalized the game and auto gold pickup will lead to instanced loot as well.
However, this discussion will cease faster if you’re so sure it’s unneeded and come up with proper arguments instead of repeating “the feeling of the game”.

While i agree with the OP reasons and i don’t like the shared loot, that isn’t how the original D2 worked, and i think they should keep it as faithful to the original as posible no matter if i like it or not.

They could add an option to set the loot distribution, like they do in many mmos, but the original loot distribution should be available.

The funny thing is , that if they implement personal loot as an option

The majority of people will play with personal loot instead of shared loot.

Even the few purists who are against it , will play with personal loot instead. (unless they use pickit bots)


I played 1000s of hours of D2. It was my favorite game at the time. I am smart enough to recognize that D2:LoD still has room to improve. Why do you think there are so many D2 mods that people play? If the game was perfect as is, there would not be a modding community.


Also the majority of people play modded Diablo 2 instead of the botted one on bnet.


If you are too slow at picking up drops, you’ll get over it. Eventually. The game is not meant to be easy, in public games you should not have every single monster drop completely different sets of loot for 8 different players. Lets not change fundamental gameplay mechanics on a game that is perfect as is. No to personal loot. Keep it difficult, keep the fight for loot.

The alternative is single player or private BNET games.

D2R will use a global server. How do I correct for “slowness” related to my physical distance to the server?

This goes well beyond manual dexterity or reaction times. Personal loot solves this issue.

If the game is “perfect as is”, why do you want D2R?


Why? Because D2R isnt changing the game. Just ramping up graphics and framerate with VERY minor QoL changes.

Its literally a coat of paint running on top of the same game
 which is because it’s perfect as is and the developers working on it were well aware of this. Thats why I want it. You always have D3 for shared loot and all of those “Modern game mechanics” you want in a REMASTER of a 21 year old game.

As for slowness due to lag, thats few and far between. Im currently still playing D2 and its very rare that I lag and cant pick up a drop and we’re talking about very old BNET servers. D2R would handle this even better. You want to fundamentally change the game due to a rare occurrence of lag? No.

Try to login and play a multiplayer game in a distant server and get back to me. These issues still occur today using battlenet for D3 or if you are oversees the PTR server (located in the states) where our EU colleagues suffer hundreds of millisecond pings.

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But the question still stands, why ramp up the graphics and framerate if the game is perfect? Why remaster something perfect?

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