Crusader PTR Preview

2 second FoH is nothing, please think on this over the weekend.


Even 1 cast a second is nothing. Especially considering, this ‘proc’ may not get boosted by legendaries. You forget, you broke FoH with the last patch, it needs damage support!

Akkhan rework is a failure.

Phalanx has no damage modifiers. Akkhan can already run Phalanx, and its incapable of going beyond T10 maybe T13. LoD/LoN can roughly meet T13 with really good gear. There is no damage buff on the Akkhan rework.

You need to give us legendary support. 60+60 does not cut it, neither does 2000% (which is bugged btw)

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Agreed, there has to be a spearate damage multiplier on it.

We spam Fist of the Heavens for 1.5APS with Norvald’s setup. Within 6 seconds we’ll have cast 9 FotH attacks, this effect gives 3 additional FotH attacks for a total of 12. It’s a 33% buff on a pure Fists build, which is 2GRs at best since the placement is random.


Akkan is not some weird set “pet” sader set…who asked for this Blizz???

  1. The pet element is REQURED! which is BAD…it means if you play Akkan, well, you need your pets, otherwise you’ll die because the cooldown there before is gone.

  2. No supporting damage to pets??? Phalanx has been like the laugh stock…sooooo many random items, NONE provide a damage buff! OH and you have to wear like 4 of them.

  3. Making “Judgement” as a pre-req for
    “and also apply Condemn when attacking enemies that is affected by Judgment.”

So…condem the whole screen, then ride your pets in???

" * Eternal Union: Increases the duration of summoned Phalanx Bowmen and Bodyguard indefinitely."

-This ring has no damage modifiers…so Akkan is forced to use this ring? so the set can work???

Talk about killing a build that is literally dying, and just add some more stuff on top

Akkhan is a Condemn build NOT a Phalanx build, meaning Condemn does all the damage and phalanx doesn’t do any damage.

Akkhan - head, chest, glove, ammie, boots
Aughilds - shoulder, bracer
Crimson - belt, pants

Illusory boots in cube

COE, Eternal Union / RRoG in cube

Blade of Prophecy, Fryders Wrath / Unrelenting Phalanx in the cube

Justice - Sword of Justice (movement speed)
Iron Skin - Flash (movement speed)

Akarat - Prophet
Condemn - Vacuum (you need a pull to counteract the immobilize on Judgment)
Phalanx - Bowmen (8 bowmen with phalanx shield)

Heavenly Strength, Finery, Holy Cause
Righteousness (wrath gen) or something defensive

Gems = Stricken, Trapped, Esoteric

Play style will be the same. Move slowly, spam judgement to pull trash to the center. Pull elites from mob to mob and wear down their life.

Damage = Manual condemn + 8x condemn from bowmen

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This is exactly the problem. Give us Phalanx, and not a rebuild on Akkhan from 5 years ago.

Right,4p bounus need movement speed because of not enough skill bar to use steel charge and plz bring 50% RCR back to 2p bounus.

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im gonna cube that 2H flail that spawns phalanxes

So Eternal Union rolls with main stat and 4 random affixes

This is the same as Flavor of Time, and Manalds…

If this build work does work…im not looking forward to getting this ring unless they change it…

And if you tried to reforge a FoT…yea, no, not for this build unless its OP

Eternal Union is as random as Flavor of time…
Its completely random…I’ve never found one that is good, and never an Ancient that is good for 7 seasons.

eternal union could def. use some kind of damage modifier. OR defensive mod. Something besides perma pets. its too vanilla atm.

And I thought the problem was getting one-shotted by arrow reflects. I don’t think that was fixed.

Without Steed would suck…like a monk without dash.

I dont know why the Judgement Skill is tacked on there…guess wait and see

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Let’s talk about Phalanx Avatars today.

  • Unrelenting Phalanx doubles the spawns. 8 Unruned Avatars, 8 Bowmen, 6 Shield Charge, 6 Stampede Warhorses(technically not an avatar, may not proc condemn), 8 Shield Bearers (only attack once on the activation), or 4 Bodyguards.

  • Baleful Remnant gives you up to 8 Bodyguards. Don’t die at the Rift Guardian.

  • Warhelm of Kassar provides 60% CDR on Phalanx, only good if you’re trying to avoid Eternal Union, or want to reposition your manually cast Phalanx.

  • Falling Sword: Rise Brothers gives 3 extra Bodyguards, cannot grant more than 3.

More Comments About Phalanx

  • You cannot have more than 10 Bodyguards.
  • Shield Bearers looked promising because they overlapped, I was able to spawn 24 simultaneous Shield Bearers, but this rune isn’t viable due to the 8 simultaneous hits occurring only once on cast.
  • Unruned Avatars can be spammed. Each Avatar in this attack causes a separate damage value when colliding with an enemy. We do not know if Condemn will proc separately on each collision. If so, in huge density you can expect over 25-30 Condemns per attack, which is enormous, best of all you can actually AIM your attacks into deep density. There are more questions: How many times do we need to cast this ability to refresh Akarat’s Champion? In tight maps/corridors, or near trees, you may not get all Avatars per cast, so this is ideal for large maps. Furthermore, all Avatars may not strike a rift guardian with a small hit box.

What Are the Likely Combinations?

  1. Baleful Remnant w/ Phalanx Bowmen + Falling Sword + Eternal Union: Up to 14 Phalanx (10 Bodyguards + 4 Bowmen)
  2. Unrelenting Phalanx w/ Phalanx Bowmen + Falling Sword + Eternal Union: Up to 11 Phalanx (8 Bowmen + 3 Bodyguards)
  3. Unrelenting Phalanx w/ Unruned Phalanx + Falling Sword: Up to 11 Phalanx (3 Part Time Bodyguards + 8 Piercing Phalanx)
  4. Akkhan’s Addendum (Rally) w/ Phalanx Bowmen + Falling Sword: 7 Phalanx (3 Bodyguards + 4 Bowmen)

Options #1 and #2 must be used with Eternal Union. Options #3 and #4 do not take Eternal Union, which opens a path to use F&R + CC3 + Aughild3

Now Let’s Talk About What to Expect

These builds are a little more fragile like pre-Captain Crimson Condemn, especially when you try to squeeze in all damage sources (F&R, Warhelm of Kassar, Taskers, CoE, Zei’s), etc.

Assuming it works, I’m guessing that #3, the Piercing Phalanx builds, might be an ideal for push. Here’s how you play it with F&R:

  1. Do not Spam Condemn, you will run out of Wrath VERY quickly. you may not even need Condemn on your Skill bar.
  2. Create Density, try to position an elite directly in the center of it.
  3. Quickly cast Judgement over your density. (2 circles if lots of density – do not overlap)
  4. Cast a Generator like Justice/Punish/Slash.
  5. Use Falling Sword near any Elites. (Falling Sword helps with AC uptime)
  6. Spam cast Phalanx Shield Bearers over the density, try to stutter step away keeping F&R up.
  7. Repeat steps #2-6 every 8 seconds.

I predict most builds will demolish GR140-143, but the rift guardian kill will take 8-10 minutes. Condemn’s single target problem is exacerbated by the removal of Furnace. In solo, there may be a point where having those 11-14 AI managed Avatars (Bodyguard/Bowmen) pulls ahead of Unruned avatars.

We’ll have to see how things play out on PTR.

I have no idea how this will play. I’m thinking it will be more like Inna where the pets do everything.

According to the wiki, Baleful Remnant can summon max of 30 avatars, normally its not possible because they vanish, but with the new Eternal Union, you can build the avatars up to the max of 30

Baleful Remnant: affix mech
The special affix spawned [Avatars] do not benefit from runes, but do benefit from [Eternal Union] and [Unrelenting Phalanx]. No more than 30 can be summoned at a time. Each of them deals 100% damage as [Physical] per attack.

If these unruned avatars can trigger condemn also, then it beats Unrelenting Phalanx by a mile
We’ll have to see

IMO, you won’t need a primary attack (COE+Eternal Union/RORG cube)

Left Click: Judgement (no cooldown, no cost) just judge everything :smiley:
Right Click: Condemn

Mandatory skills
-Phalanx (if baleful works…you might be able to remove it from the bar and change to steed)

The other skill can be Law, Iron Skin, Steed

Cube should be Tasker? More proc more Condemn

I tried Baleful Remnant them with Eternal Union, and physically counted the Avatars after demolishing stuff. It spawns 8. I’ve never counted more than 10 bodyguards ever, even with Fallen Sword and manually casted Bodyguards. Some despawn after summoning. Not even with Unrelenting Phalanx and Remnant together will it work.

The information on the Wiki is inaccurate.

Correct, you could still use Baleful Remnant with manually casted Unruned Phalanx, but it may be stronger to not sacrifice F&R. If you’re constantly demolishing trash, the duration of the Avatars might not even matter.

So much to discover tomorrow.

Right now I have it set to:

  • Phalanx Unruned
  • Justice (Run Speed)
  • Judgement
  • Falling Sword:Rise Brother
  • Akarat’s Champion:Prophet
  • Law of Valor: Unstoppable Force

If Falling Sword feels too clunky, and or the 3 avatars are just not worth it, I’d take Iron Skin:Flash instead.

The way i interpret the notes you spam judgements all over the map and your pets proc condemn in those areas.

So basically spec the condemn rune if you dont want the default one. Same with pet type.

Playstyle will be like lod or condemn vacuum.

I just hope that the PTR releases with a redo on the sader sanctified powers. Cos we easily have the worst powers, Angels aside - as this may be a very cool new build to try out.

The other 2 tho, I have no words.

The Phalanx are proccing Condemn, it’s very slow to trigger. it’s kinda annoying to be honest. You have to wait until it detonates. It inherits the selected rune, Unleashed instant explosion didn’t seem to work. Be back in a bit to share more. Have to head out.

Bug fix on the Akkhan damage% = 1500.
Not like Live.

With current iteration of Akkhan, you must play Guardians. Bowmen feels really bad, as they stand in place and fire at anything thats close.

You have to put Condemn on bar, so that takes the required skills to 4. You have to play with Unleashed, or you are forced into waiting for the explosion. Without a legendary to give Unleashed rune, you cannot play with the AOE rune.

The Warhelm is rather redundant with new Eternal Union power.

Also, these forums suck.

I have to keep editing my post, to post new info. Go figure.

It feels really bad… You have to babysit the avatars because they do no damage without Judgement. The leash point is not set, it feels like.


Waller kills the build.


Damage is terribad.


Baleful Remnant does not benefit from Akkhan. Condemns appear to proc, but deal no damage.


Rise Brothers, rune on Falling Sword doesn’t work at all with the set.

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